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Winners in the prestigious California Triple Crown are the elite Long Distance Bicyclists in California since they have completed at least three Double Centuries in one calendar year. This site was created by Chuck Bramwell, the Executive Director of the California Triple Crown, to provide you with the latest information on these challenging events!! From the Ocean, to the Mountains, to the Deserts, the California Triple Crown rides provide a lot of awesome cycling adventures, challenges, beautiful scenery, great memories, and fun for each of us!! [ Schedule | Results | Products | Newsletter | Update Your Info | Volunteer | FAQs ] |
Year | California Triple Crown Doubles in Season |
California Triple Crown Winners |
2024 | ||
2023 | ||
2022 | ||
2021 with COVID-19 | ||
2020 with COVID-19 | ||
2019 | ||
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1990 |
In a word: the flatter the better!!
Riding 200 Miles in one day is no easy accomplishment. When you add some major climbing to it as well, you're adding some major challenge. For that reason, we highly recommend the following rides to start with: Solvang Double, Hemet D.C., Davis Double, and the Grand Tour Double. These rides have the least amount of climbing of the California Triple Crown rides. If you've never ridden a Double Century before, you may want to just try one Double during your first year -- to work all of the bugs out. Then come back the next year for your first California Triple Crown!!
Over the years, we have spoken to many cyclists who picked a tougher Double Century as their first. In many cases, they weren't able to complete it because of mechanical, biomechanical, or mental problems. We are convinced that these cyclists could have completed one of the flatter Doubles with a great sense of accomplishment. They could have found that riding Doubles is challenging but also fun!!
Not a single one of these rides is easy. Each will provide you with a "Personal Growth Experience". Don't make the mistake of moving into the tougher Doubles until you're ready - mechanically, biomechanically, and mentally!!
However, the California Triple Crown has something for everyone!! When you're ready to move up to the next most difficult rides, we recommend the Death Valley Double, Eastern Sierra Double, and the Knoxville Fall Classic Double.
Last but not least: when you've got some good climbing legs built up and are ready for the biggest one day cycling challenges in California, check out the Mulholland Double, Devil Mountain Double, Central Coast Double, Tour of Two Forests, and the Terrible Two.
From the Deserts, to the Mountains, to the Ocean, the California Triple Crown rides provide a lot of awesome cycling adventures, challenges, beautiful scenery, great memories, and fun for each of us!!
The California Triple Crown has something for everyone!!
Here's the process:
1. Sign up for and complete the Double Centuries you're going to ride for the year. (Gee, that sounds so easy!!)
2. For each Double Century that you complete, be sure you are on the Finisher's List for the ride. These are linked to on the Schedule page.
3. If you're not listed on the Finisher's List for the Double Century you completed, send an E-mail to the ride organizer giving them your Rider Number, Start Time, Finish Time, and other details of the ride.
4. Once you have completed all of the Doubles that you are going to for the year, register for the California Triple Crown below.
5. I'll process your Registration Information and be sure you get California Triple Crown credit for the rides you say you completed. This is all based on the spelling of your First and Last Name and your City of residence. Be sure you use the same First and Last Name and City on all your events when you register and that these are spelled the same way on all results.
Why do I need to Register with the California Triple Crown? Here are the Top Ten Reasons:
10. It's easy ... you don't even have to print anything out and you don't have to mail anything in!!
9. We need to make sure you get credit for all of the rides you did. It's all based on the correct spelling of your First and Last Name and City of Residence. Registering insures we get it right.
8. The Davis Double frequently has over 1300 Finishers. If you don't Register here, you may not get credit for completing the Davis Double.
7. Similarly, the Grand Tour has lots of Finishers. Registering here will insure that you get credit for the rides you did.
6. We need your Club affiliation for the Club Report Web Page. Registering here allows us to record which Club you're with.
5. We need your feedback on the rides so the organizers know where they can make improvements for next year. Your ratings and any comments you enter on the Registration Screen will be recapped for the ride organizers to receive feedback on their events. Please answer honestly as all responses will be anonymous and kept in the strictest confidence.
4. We need to know what rides you volunteered on and supported this year. This is important for us to recognize your help to insure that these rides will continue.
3. If you have an E-mail address, we like to know it so we can communicate easily with you about any problems with the rides you did, etc.
2. We need your current address in order to send you the California Triple Crown Winner's Letter. If we don't have your current address, your Winner's Letter may go into the U.S. Post Office's Twilight Zone never to be seen again.
1. Where else can you recap the great memories you have of your epic 200 Mile adventures?
Who should Register for the California Triple Crown?
Anyone who completed at least one Double Century this year and who wants California Triple Crown credit for it in future years. You have to complete at least 3 Double Centuries in one year in order to be a California Triple Crown Winner ... but the Total Number of Doubles report includes even those years where you may have only finished 1 or 2 Doubles so you may wish to register even if you only completed 1 or 2 Doubles for this year.
Also, if you supported at least one Double Century this year, you should register. These rides can only continue if volunteers (spelled Y-O-U) jump in and help. We will be tracking this on the Web Site. California Triple Crown Support means that you and/or a family member or friend volunteered to help with a Double Century. In order to be in the "Gold Thousand Mile Club", you will need to complete at least five Doubles and support at least one Double in the series. If you complete at least five Doubles but don't support one, you'll still be in the Thousand Mile Club but not the Gold Group. It's not enough to just ride the rides because if that's all everyone does, these major adventures will go the way of the dinosaurs!! It's not easy running Rest Stops 200+ Miles from nowhere so each of these rides need YOUR help. Besides that, it's fun to help out your fellow cyclists and get a chance to talk to some really great people.
I Am Done With All Of The Doubles For This Year and Am Ready To Register
This web site was created by Chuck Bramwell, the Executive Director of the California Triple Crown.
My goal is to make this web site a showcase for Long Distance Bicycling in California so please send me your Comments and Suggestions!!
Electronic mail address
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