2003 California Triple Crown
Support Volunteers

On the Registration Form, you can indicate which rides you have helped to support this year. These rides can only continue if volunteers (spelled Y-O-U) jump in and help. Support means that you and/or a family member or friend volunteered to help with a Double Century. It's not enough to just ride the rides because if that's all everyone does, these major adventures will go the way of the dinosaurs!! It's not easy running Rest Stops 200+ Miles from nowhere so each of these rides need YOUR help. Besides that, it's fun to help out your fellow cyclists and get a chance to talk to some really great people.

All you have to do is contact any of the Ride Organizers and ask what you can do to help with their event. When you're done, fill out a California Triple Crown Registration Form so I know which rides you completed and which ones you help to support.

Even though this list includes everyone who indicated that they supported one of the rides this year, I know that it's far from complete. There are many dedicated people who work long and hard to make these rides work. Please drop me a line and let me know which rides you worked on ... and I'll add you to this list!!

03BF Butterfield Double 2/15/03 Bramwell, Chuck
Caplan, Debbie
Cohn, Hannah
Cohn, Merrick
Derlighter, Dawn
Hjelmervik, Brian
Kostman, Chris
Moss, Debra
Nielson, Mark
Patterson, Doug
Perone, Laura
Silence, Michelle
Silence, Trevor
Smith, Sean
Williams, Pam
Wolf, Jim
and many Planet Ultra Volunteers
03DVS Spring Death Valley Double 3/01/03 Angelos, Mike
Caplan, Debbie
Clare, John T.
Finfrock, Reed
Fowler, Bill
Goodwin, Doug
Ishizawa, Caryl
Jones, Ryan
Kostman, Chris
Macomber, Roger
Mitchell, Lee
Patten, Mark
Sturgill, Mike
Willis, Beau
Wolff, Lonnie
and many Planet Ultra Volunteers
03SV Solvang Double 3/29/03 Angelos, Mike
Berge, Catharina
Bowling, Brian
Caplan, Debbie
Coury, Jann
Dick, Gerard
Elam, Richard
Kashima, Michelle
Kostman, Chris
Kostman, Shelby
Kostman, Wayne
Landauer, Jeff
McGrath, Carole
Merki, Esther
Mitchell, Lee
Moseley, Mike
Moseley, Rhonda
Parish, Mark
Parkes, Tom
Peake, Donna
Peake, Joe
Perone, Laura
Raymond, Wayne
Regan, Tom
Reid, Tony
Ries, Paul
Sorensen, Sharon
Stevenson, Jeff
Sutherland, Beth
Zimmerman, Jan
Zimmerman, Joseph
and many Planet Ultra Volunteers
03HM Hemet D.C. 4/12/03 Cook, Carol
Davis, Dwight
Harbach, Craig
Hutt, Terry
Lippman, Eleanor
Pettit, Jan
Messer, Aline
Tyre, Kathleen
Watrous, Jim
Wright, Jim
Wright, Pam
and many Watrous Cycling Volunteers
03MH Mulholland Double 4/12/03 Caplan, Debbie
Johns, Candis
Katano, Lynn
Kistinger, Ken
Kostman, Chris
Powell, Dave
Tamminga, Jeff
and many Planet Ultra Volunteers
03DM Devil Mountain Double 4/26/03 Connolly, Michael
Conte, Mary
Ganier, Kermit
Halversen, Scott
Houck, Timothy
Jones, Tim
Lider, Brett
Locke, Gerhard
Long, John A.
MacLeod, Rory
Pinney, George
Robertson, Craig
Schmidt, Rob
and many Quackcyclist Volunteers
03RR Ridge Route Double 5/03/03 Beam, John
Beam, Myra
Bowers, Doug
Caplan, Debbie
Chapman, Mike
Filie, Steven
Hennessy, Laurie
Huber, Kerin
Kostman, Chris
Marsh, Ken
O'Kane, Tom
Robinson, Stan
Warner, Steve
and many Planet Ultra Volunteers
03CC Central Coast Double 5/10/03 Curren, Mike
Katano, Lynn
Stark, Brian
and many Central Coast Volunteers
03DAV Davis Double 5/17/03 Dodge, Daryn
Guttenberg, Paul
Katano, Lynn
Neuman, Robin
Robertson, Craig
and many Davis Bike Club Members
03HB Heartbreak Double 5/24/03 Biron, Paul
Caplan, Debbie
Cohn, Merrick
Combs, Arthur
Derlighter, Dawn
Holt, Henry
Holt, Susan
Kostman, Chris
Moss, Debra
O'Kane, Tom
Phillips, Chuck
Pollock, Graham
Shankel, A.J.
Sutherland, Beth
and many Planet Ultra Volunteers
03ES Eastern Sierra Double 6/14/03 Angelos, Mike
Beam, Myra
Bowers, Doug
Bowman, Brenda
Boyer, Greta
Boyer, Jon
Burneson, Jackie
Burneson, Rick
Caplan, Debbie
Clark, Glen
Dahlberg, Kathy
Finch, Kino
Gross, Lorah
Hennessey, Laurie
Ishizawa, Caryl
Johnston, Deete
Jones, Ryan
Katano, Lynn
Kenyon, Emily
Kopit, Paul
Kostman, Chris
Landauer, Jeff
Lipsky, David
Marchant, Kari
Marchant, Phil
Mc Elwain, Brian
Mc Veay, Craig
Moseley, Rhonda
Neal, Frank
Parsons, Kelly
Penegar, Dave
Royer, Jackie
Satterlee, Kim
Smith, Eric
Steckley, Nancy
Warren, Jeff
Wildin, Rowena
Wolff, Lonnie
Wolff, Sara
Wood, Elizabeth
and many Planet Ultra Volunteers
03GT Grand Tour 6/21/03 Burton, Ralph
Conte, Mary
Derlighter, Dawn
Ganier, Kermit
Hughes, Bill
Katano, Lynn
Patterson, Doug
and many Los Angeles Wheelmen Members
03TT Terrible Two 6/28/03 Batt, David
Connolly, Michael
Ellis, Bill
Griffice, Andrew
Rathmann, Thomas
Robertson, Craig
Sanchez, Jessie
and many Santa Rosa Cycling Club Members
03KV Knoxville Fall Classic Double 9/20/03 Andersen, Steven
Ashabranner, Rick
Axtell, John
Berg, Bruce
Biddick, Margie
Bridges, Lester
Buntrock, Bob
Clare, John T.
Clemes, David
Connolly, Michael
Curren, Mike
Goodwin, Doug
Halversen, Scott
Hlebo, Jerry
Holmgren, Jack
Honda, Nicole
Houck, Timothy
Katano, Lynn
Long, John A.
MacLeod, Rory
Meyer, Peter
Pinney, George
Rosenblatt, G.M.
Stewart, Anna
Stewart, Rick
and many Quackcyclist Volunteers
03TF Tour of Two Forests Double 9/27/03 Aguirre, Julian
Alvidrez, Stan
Barnes, Ray
Bowers, Doug
Bowers, Tracy
Caplan, Debbie
Costin, Bobbi
Costin, Kent
Coury, Jann
Huber, Kerin
Jones, David
Katano, Lynn
Kostman, Chris
Macdonald, Elaine
Macdonald, Robert
Mitchell, Lee
Moseley, Rhonda
Pacini, Christine
Pacini, Ralph
Perone, Laura
Rapp, Brian
Rosenblatt, G.M.
Rosenblatt, Susan
Smith, Eric
Winfrey, Jim
and many Planet Ultra Volunteers
03DVF Fall Death Valley Double 10/18/03 Adamson, Jennifer
Angelos, Mike
Beck, Anny
Bejach, Mike
Belanger, Gary
Bennett, Anne
Biron, Paul
Bowers, Doug
Bowers, Tracy
Breed, Carol
Burneson, Jackie
Caplan, Debbie
Clare, John T.
Clare, Sandye
Crain, Dan
Divins, Tim
Finfrock, Reed
Gratton, Doug
Haddakin, Chris
Ishizawa, Caryl
Jensen, Franklin
Kistinger, Ken
Kostman, Chris
Landauer, Jeff
MacDonald, Robert
McVeay, Jennifer
Meyer, Eva
Meyer, Peter
Patten, Mark
Patterson, Doug
Sullivan, James
Thomas, Robert Limpkin
and many Planet Ultra Volunteers

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