What's New on this Web
June 12, 2006
- Thanks to Charlie Irwin for some beautiful software development, I've added a new page for the Preliminary 2006 California Triple Crown Stage Race Results. Results are in from the Devil Mountain Double held 4/29/06 and the Central Coast Double held 5/13/06. The report included shows the "Leader Board" of those riders who completed the first two of the three Stages of the Stage Race, ranked by Total Overall Time. The "Time Back" is computed from the leader back.
61 Riders have completed both of these BRUTALLY hard rides!! Congratulations to everyone who’s completed those first two Stages of the Stage Race.
Marc Moons is in 1st Place leading Robert Choi by just 10 minutes and Graham Pollock by 29 minutes. Philip Hornig and Wade Baker are right in the lead group as well.
Marc started riding Doubles last year according to his History Report. Everyone who has completed a California Triple Crown Double Century has a History Report which can be seen by clicking on the link of the rider's name on the Winners Reports.
In the Women’s Division, Catharina Berge is in 1st Place followed by Kitty Goursolle then Lyresa Pleskovitch. Watch out for Linda Bott who trails Lyresa by only 25 minutes!!
In the Tandem Division, Craig Robertson and Jennie Phillips are in 1st Place followed by Rick and Anna Stewart in 2nd Place who are tackling these extremely tandem unfriendly rides on their tandems!!
However, there is one Stage left in this Stage Race: The Terrible Two to be held this Saturday, June 17, 2006.
The Terrible Two has a reputation of being the most difficult Double Century around. Although the route has varied in small ways over the years, its defining features have always been its four big climbs (and the steep, twisting descents that follow): Trinity Grade, the Geysers, Skaggs Springs, and Fort Ross. Numerous smaller but pesky hills add to the overall challenge. Trinity, the Geysers, and Fort Ross are all double-summit climbs, while Skaggs Springs is a long series of climbs and descents. Few gradients on the course exceed 15%, but many climbs stay in the 8-12% range for long distances. The Terrible Two Web Site has an excellent Elevation Chart which graphically shows just how brutal this course with over 16,000 Feet of Climbing really is!!
Stay tuned for all of the results!!
If you are on the Stage Race Results, please sign on and update your information by clicking on the link "To update your information" at the top of the page.
Jeff Landauer wrote an excellent report about the 2005 California Triple Crown Stage Race on the Ultracycling Web Site HERE. Jeff wrote so well: "The CTCSR can be part of a progression from completing the Triple Crown (finishing three doubles in one season) to adding some steroids to it for an even greater challenge; the point is to get out there and push yourself no matter where you end up... it's not about the destination, it's about the journey!"
The California Triple Crown lays down this challenge: be among the select few who are able to finish the Stage Race!!
Stay tuned for all of the results!!
April 21, 2006
- Frank Neal has wasted no time posting the results of the Butterfield, Death Valley Spring, Solvang Spring, and Hemet Double Centuries to the new and vastly improved California Triple Crown Data Base. You can see the results of his good work HERE
There have been 575 Riders completing 797 Double Centuries already this year!! Wow, are we off to a great start or what?
Amazingly, 48 Riders have already completed their California Triple Crown this year by completing at least 3 Double Centuries in One Year!! You can see who these select riders HERE
As you may know, Mike Rose, a great cyclist, recently lost his long time battle with cancer. Ed Scanlan as well as John and Sue Robbins are organizing a "Celebration Of Life" for Mike Rose on April 28, 2006 from 5:00 P.M. to ??. Details are HERE
Ed wrote, "We will be putting together a "Memory" Photo Album for the family. Please bring any photos you may have of Mike for the album. Should anyone need more color copies or would like me to mail out this information, please provide the name and address and I will be happy to mail the invitation. Mike was a very special person. Please join us to celebrate his life.
Thank You Ed Scanlan"
Ed can be reached at escanman at comcast.net (replace the "at" with @).
One of Mike Rose's all time favorite Double Centuries was the Devil Mountain Double.
I've added Elevation Charts for the Mulholland and Devil Mountain Doubles on the Schedule Page HERE
Both of these things look like saw blades ... truly quite diabolical. :)
They are in pdf format so you can zoom in as well as print them easily.
Both of these Doubles feature climbs that the Pros were challenged with on the Tour of California. On the Mulholland Double, the pros were found tacking side to side up the Balcom Canyon climb which occurs on the Mulholland Double at mile 120. Further analysis shows the Balcom Canyon climb to be .71 miles long, climbing 432 Feet for an Average Gradient of 11.52% but the real icing on the cake are the pieces of 22-24%. We're talking some serious front wheel lift off here.
On the Devil Mountain Double, the pro peloton was split way apart by the Sierra Road climb which occurs on the Devil Mountain Double at mile 158. Further analysis shows the Sierra Road climb to be 3.75 miles long, climbing 1,841 Feet for an Average Gradient of 9.30% but the real icing on the cake are the pieces of 22-25%. Once again, some serious front wheel lift off here.
I tip my hat to all of those tackling these "Hors de Categorie" Doubles!! Remember to enjoy the scenery while you're out there climbing those mountains!!
Don't forget to send your Altimeter Data to Frank Neal, the California Triple Crown Altimeter Guy, at Cycleman at bigplanet.com (replace the "at" with @). This is all explained at the top of the Schedule Page HERE
When you're looking for incredible comeback stories, you don't have to look further than some amazing people who completed the 2004 California Triple Crown series!! I asked Frank Neal to tackle the big project of talking to so many California Triple Crown Winners who have made a major comeback in 2004 and Frank shared their stories with us in his Comeback Report HERE
We thank the Riders who shared their stories with us! If you are or know of a Comeback Story, please contact Frank Neal at Cycleman at bigplanet.com (replace the "at" with @). Thanks to Frank for all that he does to share these inspirational comebacks with us!!
December 9, 2005
- I have added a link to an entirely new system of "All New On-Line Reports with 2004 and 2005 Results" under the What's New Heading at www.CalTripleCrown.com
This new system includes:
A new Statistical Home Page that is dynamically updated and includes each year 1990 to 2005:
-- # Doubles
-- # Winners
-- Average Age
-- # Male Winners
-- # Female Winners
-- # Other Winners
-- # New Winners
-- # Winners since 1990
-- # Doubles Ridden by Winners in that Year
-- # Doubles Ridden / Winner
-- # Doubles Ridden by Winners since 1990 - Can you believe that there have been over 18.000 Doubles ridden by California Triple Crown Winners since 1990?
This new Statistical Home Page is at www.caltriplecrown.org and is the starting point of a whole new system of reports. The year number on this new Statistical Home Page is a link that will take you to a whole series of reports for that year.
The old California Triple Crown reports were static and were a snapshot of the California Triple Crown Data Base at that point in time. These new reports are dynamic and so any changes made by you to your record are reflected immediately throughout all of the reports. For instance, when you login and enter your Birth Date, your Age will appear on all of the reports.
A key improvement is that you sign on and update your own information!! A link to a new "California Triple Crown Rider Info Login & Update" is at the top of each year's reports and takes you to http://www.caltriplecrown.org/CTCLogin/CTCLogin.asp The sign-on process is the same as that for the California Triple Crown on-line order entry announced in September with the same "Last Name" and "Password" allowing entry. You can then register for the Doubles Completed and for the Doubles Volunteered To Help With which I will process later against the results of the California Triple Crown Doubles submitted by the Event Organizers. After that, you can update your own information:
-- Last Name
-- First Name
-- Address
-- City
-- State
-- Zip
-- Phone
-- E-Mail Address
-- Date of Birth which is used to compute the Age on all of the reports for the year of the report you're looking at!!
-- Gender
-- Primary Club which is selectable from a drop down list of all Clubs that I know of
One big breakthrough here is that those changes will then be immediately reflected throughout all of these new reports!!
Another huge improvement is the addition of a new report: "Top 300 Riders by Total Numbers of Doubles". This includes all of the years 1990 to 2005!! At the top of this report is Dave Evans who has completed an amazing 107 California Triple Crown Doubles!!
Each name on these new reports is a link taking you to an Individual Rider History Report. For instance, if you click on Dave Evans name it will bring up the Individual Rider History Report for Dave showing all of his 107 Doubles in detail at http://www.caltriplecrown.org/DoublesbyName/RiderHistoryReport.asp?RiderID=1548
A brand new report has been added: "Top 300 Winners by Total Number of Years" which shows the Number of Years each rider has been a California Triple Crown Winner. At the top of this report is Eric Norris who is the only person who was a California Triple Crown Winner each of the 16 years from 1990 to 2005!!
This new system is the result of HUNDREDS of hours of Software Development by Charlie Irwin since last summer. Charlie is now also known as the "California Triple Crown Software Guy". It's been a huge conversion from the old California Triple Crown Data Base to the new on-line Data Base. This has all required tons of programming by Charlie who has been teaching me some of the easier parts so I could help. Charlie and his company team send out all of the California Triple Crown products and build all of the Custom Products. Thanks Charlie for taking the California Triple Crown into the new Century!!
This announcement also includes the 2005 Results which has been entered by Frank Neal also known as the "California Triple Crown Data Guy" (in addition to "Comeback Guy" and "Altimeter Guy"). Thanks to Frank for his continual assistance as tester and advisor during this project!!
Please let me know of any problems or suggestions that you find with these new reports. There are many different options on them which may need to be fixed.
There are many, many enhancements included in this announcement ... too many to itemize here so I'll leave those to you to discover for now.
A HUGE THANKS to Charlie and Frank for making this all possible.
Happy Holidays to All,
Charlie Irwin
California Triple Crown Software Guy
Frank Neal
California Triple Crown Data Guy
Chuck Bramwell
California Triple Crown Guy
November 9, 2005
- The 2006 California Triple Crown Schedule has been announced consisting of:
02/18/06 - Butterfield Double Century
03/04/06 - Death Valley Spring Double
03/25/06 - Solvang Spring Double Century
04/08/06 - Hemet D.C.
04/15/06 - Mulholland Double Century
04/29/06 - Devil Mountain Double (Stage Race Double #1)
05/13/06 - Central Coast Double (Stage Race Double #2)
05/20/06 - Davis Double
05/27/06 - Heartbreak Double Century
06/03/06 - Eastern Sierra Double Century
06/17/06 - Terrible Two (Stage Race Double #3)
06/24/06 - Grand Tour
08/05/06 - Mt. Tam Double
09/16/06 - Knoxville Fall Classic Double
09/23/06 - Tour of Two Forests Double Century
10/14/06 - Bass Lake Powerhouse Double
10/21/06 - Solvang Autumn Double Century
10/28/06 - Death Valley Fall Double
On the 2006 Schedule Page, the Feet of Climbing has been updated with the latest Polar Elevation Gains for these Double Centuries based on the Detailed Analysis of Altimeter Readings study . Please send your readings including the Double Name, Date, Computer Manufacturer and Model, Elevation Gain, and Miles to Frank Neal, the California Triple Crown Altimeter Guy at Cycleman "at" bigplanet.com and he'll add them so we'll have even better Elevation Gain numbers next year!! A BIG Thanks to Frank for heading up this project.
A Printer Friendly One Page Version of the 2006 California Triple Crown Schedule is also available.
The 2006 California Triple Crown Doubles have also been Ranked by the Elevation Gain so you can easily see how they compare in terms of climbing. You will notice that the Mulholland Double has moved up in this ranking based on it's new route including Potrero, Grimes, and Balcom Canyon which accounts for it's new 15,900 Feet of Climbing.
- A new Double Century has been added to the 2006 Schedule ... the inaugural Solvang Autumn Double Century will be held October 21, 2006 and is sure to be a fabulous new treat for even the most seasoned Solvang rider!
Planet Ultra writes, "Riders will do a quick warm-up on the back roads of Solvang, Ballard and Santa Ynez before joining the traditional route on Happy Canyon and over to Foxen Canyon. After Sisquoc the scenery changes!
The first big climb of the day is Tepusquet Canyon. Up and over to Highway 166, bypassing Santa Maria and heading towards San Luis Obispo via Arroyo Grande. This part of the route will be familiar to veterans. Then, riders will loop back around on Tank Farm Road, and return south at the edge of San Luis Obispo, once again joining the original route through Pismo Beach, Shell Beach and Guadalupe.
The route will divert off Hwy 1 on the Lompoc-Casmalia Road, and follow this back to Hwy 1 near Vandenberg Village. We’ll return to Solvang on the beautiful Santa Rosa Road, and then through Buellton on Hwy 246.
The accumulated gain is not determined yet but will be posted to the Planet Ultra website shortly. We anticipate the total gain to be well under 10,000’."
Accept The Challenge: Be A 2006 California Triple Crown Winner!!
September 7, 2005
- The California Triple Crown has announced that you can now order the many VOLER Blue and Yellow Jerseys, Vests, and Windbreakers on-line!! In particular, if you want a California Triple Crown product manufactured by VOLER anytime this year or next, I need to have your order by Friday, September 9, 2005 so I can order it from VOLER for you.
Over the past few months, Charlie Irwin and I have been discussing and designing a entirely new on-line order entry system for the California Triple Crown. Charlie has been working long and hard at making this all happen and we are ready for you to use it. The system uses some tried and trusted "major pieces of software" that have been tested extremely well with the Orange County Wheelmen Amtrak Century, Ride Around the Bear Century and Paramount clothing sales.
The new system is available from any of the VOLER Jersey web pages -- just click on "Order It Now". It’s also available on the Order Form page.
Please sign on and order some products -- anything and everything that’s out there. When you select a product, it will display the current inventory we have in stock -- if we have them in stock, you’ll be able to "BUY NOW" -- otherwise, you’ll be able to "PREORDER" and your items will be delivered in November / December with the next VOLER Shipment. This is also a huge BREAKTHROUGH since before I had to track all of the preorders by hand.
If the items you ordered were in stock and you selected shipping they should ship within one week.
If the items you ordered were preorders and you selected shipping they should ship within one week after we receive the items from VOLER in November / December.
If the items you ordered were in stock and others were preorders, the order entry system will explain to you that we will ship the entire order after the preordered items arrive in November / December. If you want the in stock items now, you need to enter two separate orders: one for the in stock items which will ship now and one for the preorder items which will ship in November / December.
New this year:
-- Easy ordering of hard to find sizes from X Smalls all the way up to XXX Larges are now available for preordering
-- In addition to the Club Cut Sizing on the various Jerseys, Race Cut Sizing and Women’s Sizing is available for preordering on the Jerseys.
-- Blue Sleeveless Jerseys have been added to the Product Lineup!!
-- I have reduced the price of Water Bottles from $6 / Bottle, 2 for $11, 3 for $15, and 4 for $18 to just a flat reduced price of $4.50 / Bottle. I want to see more CTC Riders with those water bottles out there on your bikes!!
-- If the item is in stock, you can select how fast you want the item to be shipped with the various options on the "Shipping Instructions" screen
-- No printing out Order Forms: This new system is fast and easy to use
The credit card processing is on a Secure Server so there is a "LOCK" at the bottom of the browser when you enter your Credit Card info. Order with confidence that your credit card information is being encrypted and will remain secure. You will receive an e-mail receipt showing what you ordered. I will then verify that you did the Doubles that you said you did and then you will receive an e-mail confirmation of your order.
If you haven’t completed the required number of Double Centuries for the Jersey you want to order, go ahead and enter your Order anyway. I’ll make a list of those folks in this situation and if you don’t finish the Doubles you need, I’ll refund your money and we’ll both hope you can complete your goal next year.
You will notice that this Order Entry system does not currently include the Custom products. We’ll still offer those Custom Products but will process those orders via the current Long Version Order Form Charlie will work on allowing on-line entry of those items in the future as well but this is made difficult to the wide variety of options involved.
Please send your suggestions to me and I’ll help you anyway that I can.
Thanks to Charlie, this should be the breakthrough that the California Triple Crown has needed for a long, long time that will remove me from slowing down everyone’s orders.
If you would like a California Triple Crown product manufactured by VOLER any time before November 2006, NOW is the time to order it and this is the way to do it. We’ll ship everything out as soon as everything arrives from VOLER.
August 5, 2005
- Let there be no doubt about it: The Mt. Tam Double is a truly epic and tough ride!!
If you've ever ridden it before, you probably wondered:
How Steep Is This Road?
Where are the Steepest Parts?
Are there any places where I can really recover?
Where are the hottest parts of the course?
Where in the course is most of the climbing?
During my training, what kinds of gradients do I need to climb to simulate those on the Mt. Tam Double?
All of those questions and more are answered in great detail on the Mt. Tam Double on the California Triple Crown Schedule Page. Just scroll down to the all new "Road Engineering Analysis including Route Profile, Temperature, and Gradient Charts with Photos" which is based on my Ciclosport HAC4 Computer measurements on my handlebar of The Mt. Tam Double of August 7, 2004.
Included are also my favorite photos from the road including some that remind me how steep Coleman Valley Road really is!!
Best of luck to all of those cyclists about to be challenged by Mt. Tam Double.
June 29, 2005
- Finalized the new page for the 2005 California Triple Crown Stage Race Results.
The competition was close again this year with just 42 Minutes separating the top 3 Finishers after 617 Miles and over 47,400 Feet of Climbing!!
In First Place was Lasse Bjerga, Age 50, from Cedar City, Utah. Lasse was tied for 1st Place on the Mulholland Double, 3rd on the Devil Mountain Double, and tied for 1st Place on the Central Coast Double!! This is Lasse's fourth year on the Double Century Circuit and he finished the 2004 Stage Race in 2nd Place!! Congratulations to Lasse!!
In Second Place this year was David Roth, Age 41, from San Diego. David was 4th on the Mulholland Double, 8th on the Devil Mountain Double, and tied for 1st Place on the Central Coast Double!! David rode some of the easier Doubles in 1997 to 2003 ... harder ones in 2004 ... and flew on these most difficult rides in 2005!! Congratulations to David!!
In Third Place was Robert Choi, Age 43, from Santa Rosa. Robert was 5th on the Mulholland Double, 5th on the Devil Mountain Double, and 5th on the Central Coast Double this year. Robert was 3rd in the 2002 Stage Race, 2nd in the 2003 Stage Race, and 1st in the 2004 Stage Race!! Congratulations to Robert!!
An Honorable Mention goes to Tao Bernardi, Age 37, from Dublin, California. Tao was tied for 1st Place on the Mulholland Double, 7th on the Devil Mountain Double, and 8th on the Central Coast Double. Tao's first California Triple Crown Double was the 1997 Terrible Two!! Congratulations to Tao!!
In the Women's Division, Kitty Goursolle, Age 49, from San Ramon came in First Place. This is Kitty's first year riding the California Triple Crown Doubles!! However, she is no stranger to long distance cycling: She was the First Place Women in the John Marion Open RAAM Qualifier way back in 1983 and competed in the Race Across America that year!! Kitty wrote, "I turn 50 this year and wanted to do something really great for that milestone day, rather than feel sad that I'm getting so "old"." Congratulations on a great California Triple Crown Stage Race, Kitty!!
In Second Place was Linda Bott, Age 47, from Ventura. Linda rode 17 Doubles in 2002 to 2004 and put her knowledge to full use in doing so well in this year's Stage Race. Congratulations to Linda on a great California Triple Crown Stage Race!!
In Third Place was Kerin Huber, Age 46, from Pasadena. Kerin completed 7 Doubles in 2003 and 2004 and her experience paid off big time for her in this year's Stage Race. Congratulations to Kerin!!
An Honorable Mention goes to Karen Rhodes, Age 48, from San Francisco. Karen completed 4 Doubles in 2003 and 2004 and she came back this year and tackled the three hardest Doubles in California this year. Congratulations to Karen!!
In the Tandem Division, Mike Chester and Karen Koppenhaver came in First Place. Mike and Karen are long time California Triple Crown Double Century riders: Mike started riding Doubles in 1992 and Karen in 1991. This amazingly powerful tandem team were First Place in the 2004 Stage Race as well!! They were flying on the Stage Race this year and a big congratulations to Mike and Karen!!
In Second Place in the Tandem Division was Mojo Cosgrove and Anny Beck. This was only Mojo's second year of riding Double Centuries!! Anny is a long time California Triple Crown Double Century rider having started way back in 1990. Only 24 Minutes separated the two Tandem Teams in this year's Stage Race!! Congratulations to Mojo and Anny!!
California Triple Crown Plaques will be awarded to Lasse, David, Robert, Tao, Kitty, Linda, Kerin, Karen, Mike, Karen, Mojo, and Anny. These will be presented at the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast to be held September 18, 2005, the morning after the Knoxville Fall Classic Double, in Vacaville.
Everyone who completed the 2005 Stage Race is to be commended. Our hat is off to each of the 32 Finishers ... just to complete these three Extremely Difficult Rides is a major accomplishment!!
You don't have to do anything special to sign up for the Stage Race: In 2006, all you have to do is to sign up for and ride your heart out on the 3 Doubles in the Stage Race!! Of course, that's much easier said than done!! Also, if you ride any Stage on a tandem, you must ride all three Stages on a tandem with the same partner.
The California Triple Crown lays down this challenge: be among the select few who are able to finish the Stage Race!!
The Organizers of the Double Centuries have approved the following plan for the future:
In 2006, the plan is to have the California Triple Crown Stage Race consist of the Devil Mountain Double, the Central Coast Double, and the Terrible Two Double.
In 2007, the plan is to have the California Triple Crown Stage Race consist of the Devil Mountain Double, the Heartbreak Double*, and the Terrible Two Double like in 2003.
The advantages of this plan for the future is that there will be variety in the Stage Race from year to year, it allows Southern California cyclists to more easily participate in the Stage Race, and it is fair to all of the toughest Double Centuries in California. For example, the Tour de France does not go over the same tough passes every year, and now the California Triple Crown Stage Race won't go over the same tough passes ever year either.
The California Triple Crown lays down this challenge: be among the select few who are able to finish the Stage Race!!
March 2, 2005
- Added the 2004 California Triple Crown Potential Winners Page, showing those Cyclists who have completed at least one of the 2004 California Triple Crown Double Centuries.
If you haven't registered for the California Triple Crown, you need to do so now. If you know of someone who hasn't done this last step, please remind them to do so. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the Winner's Letter, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so I can get your feedback on the rides, and so I can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!! Yes, you do need to register even if you have sent an Order for California Triple Crown Products. Yes, you do need to register even if the rides you completed are listed correctly here. JUST DO IT!!
It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Winners in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made. This will be the last time cyclists who completed only one or two Double Centuries in 2004 will be shown on these reports.
Maybe 2004 was a year where you weren't able to be a California Triple Crown Winner by riding 3 Double Centuries. If you rode 1 or 2 Double Centuries in 2004 and want California Triple Crown credit for them, be sure to register and I'll be sure you get the credit you deserve for them. This way the results will be correct for future years when you are a California Triple Crown Winner!!
All of the results from all of the 2004 Double Centuries have been posted except for Solvang, Davis, Grand Tour, and Death Valley Fall. I have also processed nearly 300 California Triple Crown Orders along with over 200 California Triple Crown Registrations and have verified the Doubles indicated on each of them by comparing to the results and posting them to the 2004 Potential Winners Page.
The number of Doubles that each rider supported is also listed on the 2004 Potential Winners Page and you can check out the detail on the 2004 California Triple Crown Support Volunteers Page.
December 24, 2004
- The 2004 California Triple Crown Registration system has been built which allows you to register simply and easily for the California Triple Crown on-line without having to mail in any forms!!
Here's the process:
1. Sign up for and complete the Double Centuries you're going to ride for the year. (Gee, that sounds so easy!!)
2. For each Double Century that you complete, be sure you are on the Finisher's List for the ride. These are linked to on the Schedule page.
3. If you're not listed on the Finisher's List for the Double Century you completed, send an E-mail to the ride organizer giving them your Rider Number, Start Time, Finish Time, and other details of the ride.
4. Once you have completed all of the Doubles that you are going to for the year, register for the California Triple Crown below.
5. I'll process your Registration Information and be sure you get California Triple Crown credit for the rides you say you completed. This is all based on the spelling of your First and Last Name so be sure these are spelled the same way on all results.
Why do I need to Register with the California Triple Crown? Here are the Top Ten Reasons:
10. It's easy ... you don't even have to print anything out and you don't have to mail anything in!!
9. We need to make sure you get credit for all of the rides you did. It's all based on the correct spelling of your name and Registering insures we get it right.
8. The Davis Double frequently has over 1300 Finishers. If you don't Register here, you may not get credit for completing the Davis Double.
7. Similarly, the Grand Tour has lots of Finishers. Registering here will insure that you get credit for the rides you did.
6. We need your Club affiliation for the Club Report Web Page. Registering here allows us to record which Club you're with.
5. We need your feedback on the rides so the organizers know where they can make improvements for next year. Your ratings and any comments you enter on the Registration Screen will be recapped for the ride organizers to receive feedback on their events. Please answer honestly as all responses will be anonymous and kept in the strictest confidence.
4. We need to know what rides you volunteered on and supported this year. This is important for us to recognize your help to insure that these rides will continue.
3. If you have an E-mail address, we like to know it so we can communicate easily with you about any problems with the rides you did, etc.
2. We need your current address in order to send you the California Triple Crown Winner's Letter. If we don't have your current address, your Winner's Letter may go into the U.S. Post Office's Twilight Zone never to be seen again.
1. Where else can you recap the great memories you have of your epic 200 Mile adventures?
Who should Register for the California Triple Crown?
Anyone who completed at least one Double Century this year and who wants California Triple Crown credit for it in future years. You have to complete at least 3 Double Centuries in one year in order to be a California Triple Crown Winner ... but the Total Number of Doubles report includes even those years where you may have only finished 1 or 2 Doubles so you may wish to register even if you only completed 1 or 2 Doubles for this year.
Also, if you supported at least one Double Century this year, you should register. These rides can only continue if volunteers (spelled Y-O-U) jump in and help. We will be tracking this on the Web Site. California Triple Crown Support means that you and/or a family member or friend volunteered to help with a Double Century. In order to be in the "Gold Thousand Mile Club", you will need to complete at least five Doubles and support at least one Double in the series. If you complete at least five Doubles but don't support one, you'll still be in the Thousand Mile Club but not the Gold Group. It's not enough to just ride the rides because if that's all everyone does, these major adventures will go the way of the dinosaurs!! It's not easy running Rest Stops 200+ Miles from nowhere so each of these rides need YOUR help. Besides that, it's fun to help out your fellow cyclists and get a chance to talk to some really great people.
Let's Roll!!
December 15, 2004
- The 2005 California Triple Crown Schedule has been modified with the following Time Limit changes based on an announcement by Planet Ultra:
Butterfield Double has been extended from 17 to 18 Hours
Solvang Double has been extended from 17 to 18 Hours
Mulholland Double has been extended from 17 to 19 Hours
Heartbreak Double has been extended from 18 to 19 Hours
Eastern Sierra Double has been extended from 17 to 18 Hours
Tour of Two Forest has been extended from 18 to 19 Hours
Those who say it can't be done are usually interrupted by others doing it!!
Accept The Challenge: Be A California Triple Crown Winner next year!!
Let's Roll!!
November 21, 2004
- The 2005 California Triple Crown Schedule has been announced consisting of:
02/19/05 Butterfield Double
03/05/05 Death Valley Spring Double
03/26/05 Solvang Double
04/09/05 Hemet D.C.
04/16/05 Mulholland Double
04/30/05 Devil Mountain Double
05/14/05 Central Coast Double
05/21/05 Davis Double
05/28/05 Heartbreak Double
06/04/05 Eastern Sierra Double
06/18/05 Grand Tour
06/25/05 Terrible Two
08/06/05 Mt. Tam Double
09/17/05 Knoxville Fall Classic Double
09/24/05 Classic Tour of Two Forests Double
10/15/05 Bass Lake Powerhouse Double
10/29/05 Death Valley Fall Double
The Butterfield Double was on hiatus in 2004 but will return in 2005. "Ride the Butterfield Stage Route along with the best of Orange, Riverside and San Diego Counties. Kick off the New Year!!"
On the 2005 Schedule Page, the old Feet of Climbing has been totally updated to be the Polar Elevation Gain for these Double Centuries because the Elevation Gain measured by the Polar Altimeters seem to be near the median of the readings from all bike computers in the Detailed Analysis of Altimeter Readings study. Please send your readings including the Double Name, Date, Computer Manufacturer and Model, Elevation Gain, and Miles to Frank Neal, the California Triple Crown Altimeter Guy at Cycleman "at" bigplanet.com and he'll add them so we'll have even better Elevation Gain numbers next year!!
A Printer Friendly One Page Version of the 2005 California Triple Crown Schedule is also available.
The 2005 California Triple Crown Doubles have also been Ranked by the Elevation Gain so you can easily see how they compare in terms of climbing.
Those who say it can't be done are usually interrupted by others doing it!!
Accept The Challenge: Be A California Triple Crown Winner next year!!
Let's Roll!!
- A brand new Double Century has been added to the 2005 Schedule ... the Bass Lake Powerhouse Double Century will be held October 15, 2005 and is destined to become one of the great rides in California!!
Enjoy the Western Sierra Scenery including Pine Flat Lake, Bass Lake, and the "Gold Country".
For those who have ridden Climb to Kaiser, the first 12 miles will be very familiar as this section is exactly the same. However, from there we will divert and meander through orange trees, follow the Kings River, and ride overlooking Pine Flat Lake. At this time of year all of the mountain lakes will be low, preparing for winter, and awaiting the annual snow runoffs. The first 25 miles are flat to gentle allowing sufficient time to warm up the legs. Enjoy it while you can it because there is plenty of climbing on this course.
Upon leaving Pine Flat Lake, the rural mountain road will start traversing the western Sierra mountains, going through Burrough Valley, bypassing the town of Tollhouse, onward to the town of Auberry, and dropping down to Kerckhoff Lake. So far, there have been no sustained major climbs, and little to no traffic except for a few cows. Enjoy the Western Sierra scenery.
After crossing the bridge over Kerckhoff Lake, the challenge begins. There will be a 'time trial' within the double century which will go up 'Powerhouse Grade' for 5.2 miles. The first 3.2 miles will have a gradient between 8% and 12% and level off the final 2 miles. The recorded times will be posted on the Fresno Cycling Club's website. You must finish the double century to have your T.T. results posted.
At the top of Powerhouse pine trees will start to appear, and you will gracefully slide through the small town of Northfork, noted for being geographically in the exact center of California. From there it's a methodical climb to Bass Lake where the elevation of the lake is 3300'. Bass Lake is a beautiful mountain lake surrounded by pine trees, where we will have a well deserved lunch at approximately mile 86. A short climb out of Bass Lake will yield to a wonderful downhill into the town of Oakhurst and the southern terminus of state highway 49, the start of the "Gold Country".
You will then be riding north on Highway 49 and eventually go through the gold-mining town of Mariposa. Most of your climbing is over, except for a few hills to keep you awake. From Mariposa you will drop down on Ben Hur road to the town of Raymond. Ben Hur has a 1 1/2 mile section of road that is downhill and patchy. You will need to go slow in this section. From Raymond it's on to state Highway 41. This highway can be busy at times. There is an Indian gaming casino north on 41, but the middle of October shouldn't be as busy. Nevertheless, please prepare to have good lights on this two mile stretch of highway. At the end of this two mile stretch, at mile 168, you can break out the Champagne because the rest of the ride, for the most part, is either downhill or flat.
With an Elevation Gain of 14,400 Feet, this ride has been given a Difficulty Rating of "Extremely High". Don't make the mistake of moving into the tougher Doubles until you're ready - mechanically, biomechanically, and mentally!!
We appreciate the help from the test riders who rode this course on October 9, 2004 to test out the course and support aspects of this event. Time Splits are included for these test riders through each Rest Stop. A Map and Elevation Chart by Wayne Riley and his TOPO Program is also included as well as a Small Elevation Chart by Dave Evans and his Polar S710i and a Large Version.
The Fresno Cycling Club headed up by Dennis Horton did a great job of supporting the test riders and learning what it was going to take to put on a good new Double Century. Rider comments are documented HERE. With all of their experience supporting the outstanding Climb to Kaiser, the Fresno Cycling Club is extremely committed to running a great event.
Mark your calendar now: The Bass Lake Powerhouse Double on October 15, 2005 has your name on it!!
- The 2005 Refrigerator Magnet is also ready to ship with the 2005 Ride Schedule on it.
October 12, 2004
- I mailed 425 Winner's Letters to the 2003 Winners today. My apologies for not getting this done sooner. On the Home Page, I removed the 2003 Potential Winner's List and replaced it with the following final reports:
--2003 Winners Report and Comeback Report
--2003 Winners Report Sorted By Name
--2003 Winners Report Sorted By Number of 2003 Doubles
--2003 Winners Report Sorted By Total Number of Doubles: 1990-2003
--2003 Winners Report Sorted By Club
--2003 Gold Thousand Mile Club: 5 or More Doubles With Support
--2003 Support Volunteers
--2003 Thousand Mile Club
All of these reports reflect the results of all of the 2003 Results that I know of at this time as well as a final check with the California Triple Crown Registration Forms. In addition, all of these reports are much easier to read than in prior years because they are coming from a Microsoft Access Data Base. Each report is also available in Microsoft Excel format with the column headings frozen so they are always at the top of the page.
In the Number of California Triple Crown Winners Table, added the number of 2003 California Triple Crown Finishers which is 425, a significant increase over 363 from 2002 and 290 from 2001.
- The 2003 Winners Letter and Comeback Report is what I mailed to the 425 Winners today. The letter includes a recap of the year's competitions: Most # Doubles ridden that year, Thousand Mile Club, Stage Race, Club Competition, Hall of Fame, along with an update on the Products, Volunteers, and Really Big Future Goals.
When you're looking for incredible comeback stories, you don't have to look further than some amazing people who completed the 2003 California Triple Crown series!! I asked Frank Neal to tackle the big project of talking to so many California Triple Crown Winners who have made a major comeback in 2003 and Frank shared their stories with us in this letter.
We thank the Riders who shared their stories with us! In 2004, there will be new stories. If you are a Comeback Story, or you know of a Comeback Story for 2004, please contact Frank Neal at Cycleman@bigplanet.com Thanks to Frank for all that he does to share these inspirational comebacks with us!!
I also added links on the Home Page under "Prior California Triple Crown Winners and Statistical Reports" to the Winners Letter and Comeback Reports from 2002, 2001, 2000, and 1999 as well as the 1998 and 1997 Winners Letters.
- See the 2003 Winners Report Sorted By Number of 2003 Doubles to check out who completed the most Double Centuries in 2003. Special recognition goes out to following:
-- 1 Rider, John T. Clare, completed all 14 of the Double Centuries
-- 1 Rider, Dave Evans, completed 12 of the Double Centuries
-- 2 Riders, Mark Dehanke and Tom Parkes, completed 11 of the Double Centuries
-- 5 Riders, Brian Bowling, Charles Griffice, Jeff Landauer, Frank Neal, and Catherine Waltmire completed 10 of the Doubles Centuries
-- 5 Riders, John D. Long, Tim Skipper, Mike Sturgill, Wick Waltmire, and Michael Warren completed 9 of the Doubles
-- 6 Riders completed 8 of the Double Centuries
-- 8 Riders completed 7 of the Double Centuries
-- 25 Riders completed 6 of the Double Centuries
-- 56 Riders completed 5 of the Double Centuries
-- 66 Riders completed 4 of the Double Centuries
--250 Riders completed 3 of the Double Centuries
- The 2003 Winners Report Sorted By Total Number of Doubles: 1990-2003 includes all Past and Present California Triple Crown Winners even if they didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year. If you see someone on this report who didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year, please encourage them to get back on the saddle and join us again next year!! Riding Double Centuries is a great way to have big goals helping you to stay in good shape!!
This report shows everyone who has completed at least 8 Doubles in the California Triple Crown from 1990-2003. A larger report is available in Microsoft Excel format on that page with the column headings frozen so they are always at the top of the page and showing the over 2,000 Cyclists in California who have ever completed a California Triple Crown. All of this data is not shown on the web page because it gets too big for some browsers.
- The 2003 Winners Report Sorted By Club shows some interesting competition between the Cycling Clubs. Congratulations to the following Clubs on the Leaderboard with the California Triple Crown:
-- Davis Bike Club with 25 Finishers
-- ADO Gang with 14 Finishers
-- Orange County Wheelmen with 12 Finishers
-- Fresno Cycling Club with 11 Finishers
-- Santa Rosa Cycling Club with 10 Finishers
-- Western Wheelers with 10 Finishers
-- Almaden Cycle Touring Club with 8 Finishers
-- Kern Wheelmen with 8 Finishers
-- Orange County Rebel Riders with 8 Finishers
-- Sacramento Wheelmen with 8 Finishers
-- Veloce Santiago with 8 Finishers
-- Grizzly Peak Cyclists with 7 Finishers
-- Redlands Water Bottle Transit Company with 7 Finishers
-- San Fernando Valley Bicycle Club with 7 Finishers
-- Marin Cyclists with 6 Finishers
- The 2003 Gold Thousand Mile Club: 5 or More Doubles With Support recognizes those cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 2003 and very importantly have supported at least one of them!! Congratulations to each of these Cyclists and THANK YOU for giving back to the sport!!
- It's one thing to complete Three Double Centuries in a year -- it's a whole other matter to complete Five or More Doubles in a single year. The 2003 Thousand Mile Club shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 2003!! Congratulations to each of these Cyclists!!
- The 2003 Support Volunteers Report shows those people who helped to support at least one of the Double Centuries. Even though this list includes everyone who indicated that they supported one of the rides this year, I know that it's far from complete. There are many dedicated people who work long and hard to make these rides work. Please drop me a line and let me know which rides you worked on ... and I'll add you to this list!!
October 3, 2004
- Photos added from 2004 Awards Breakfast showing Stage Race and Hall of Fame Winners
On the Schedule Page under "California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast", I added a link to Photos from the 2004 Awards Breakfast by Joe Gross. Click on the first photo to start. Click on the small thumbnail in the upper right hand corner to advance to the next photo ... or the upper left hand corner to go back.
Note that there are 7 Video Clips With Sound which can be found on the main page ... some take longer than others to download depending on their size and your connection speed. Thanks to Joe Gross for taking these excellent photos and sharing these fun videos.
The 2004 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast was held 9/26/04 at Pena Adobe Park in Vacaville, California, the day after the 2004 Knoxville Fall Classic Double. Scott Halversen, Rory McLeod, George Pinney and the Quackcyclists team cranked out some great Breakfast goodies for us and we appreciate all of their work to make this happen!!
Photos include the following among many others:
-- Scott Halversen of the Quackcyclists did so much ... He's in charge of the Sound System here
-- Dennis Horton is organizing a Test Ride for a new Double Century near Fresno
-- Chuck welcoming Lee Mitchell whose RAAM Team set a new Course Record for 70 Year Olds!!
-- Triple Crown jerseys can be ordered from www.CalTripleCrown.com
-- First Time Triple Crown winners receiving their gift
-- Stage Race Tandem 3rd Place Winners Bill Ellis and Evelyn Buchwitz, aka Bevelyn receive Plaque
-- Stage Race Tandem 2nd Place Winners Dan Crain and Anny Beck receive Plaque
-- 2004 Stage Race Winner Robert Choi accepts 1st Place Overall Plaque
-- Robert said that Jeff Landauer really helped him with a huge pull on the Terrible Two
-- Frank Neal asks for Double Riders to Stand ... Chuck not knowing that this is all a set up :)
-- Frank and Lynn Katano totally surprised Chuck with a "Last Man Standing" Shirt and roast
-- Chris Kostman of Planet Ultra and Furnace Creek 508 Director gave Chuck a really nice award
-- A wonderful Ti and Ag picture frame and Certificate of Appreciation
-- Chuck clearly surprised by his (expensive) gift
-- A Nikon D70 digital SLR with Lens and 1GB Memory Card to replace the camera he smushed a week before!!
Editor's Note: Chuck is so thankful to the CalTripleCrown ride organizers who totally surprised him with this really nice present ... A HUGE THANKS!!
-- A full set of CalTripleCrown Jerseys and Arm Warmers awarded to Quackcyclists Scott, George, and Rory
-- Rory MacLeod does so much to make the Knoxville Double a classic
-- Rory's also ridden 21 Doubles!!
-- Tom Parkes was inducted into the CalTripleCrown Hall of Fame after completing 50 Double Centuries!!
-- Tom's good buddy, John Long, had some stories to tell and rode with him on #50 in Hemet last April
-- Tom was thankful for so many who made this possible
-- Steve Meichtry was inducted into the CalTripleCrown Hall of Fame after completing 50 Double Centuries!!
-- Steve's best experience was the 1993 Grand Tour where he rode 400 Miles in 24 Hours on a Tandem!!
-- Rich Boettner was inducted into the CalTripleCrown Hall of Fame after completing 50 Double Centuries!!
-- Amazingly, Rich set a course record on the Terrible Two then proposed to Liz at the Finish Line!!
-- Tim Sullivan was inducted into the CalTripleCrown Hall of Fame after completing 50 Double Centuries!!
-- Chuck Holmberg was inducted into the CalTripleCrown Hall of Fame after completing 50 Double Centuries!!
-- Chuck now travels all the way from Oklahoma to join us on the California Double Century Circuit!!
-- Jeff Dewey was inducted into the CalTripleCrown Hall of Fame after completing 50 Double Centuries!!
-- Frank Neal was inducted into the CalTripleCrown Hall of Fame after completing 50 Double Centuries!!
-- Frank is the CalTripleCrown Comeback Guy after having two horrible accidents in 2000 and 2001
-- Each Hall of Famer receives a CalTripleCrown Plaque commemorating their 50 Double Centuries
-- Mike Perone sold Frank the Bridgestone bike ... and has now completed many CalTripleCrown Doubles himself
-- Paul Kopit received special plaque for being the First Person to Complete 100 Double Centuries!!
-- 100 Doubles or 20,000 Miles is a HUGE Accomplishment and Paul was very thankful to have done it!!
-- Gerd Rosenblatt is an amazing cyclist ... He completed the Terrible Two this year at age 70!!
-- Steve Meichtry is congratulated by all of the prior CalTripleCrown Hall of Famers
-- Tim Sullivan is congratulated by all ... Tim completed Paris-Brest-Paris in 1995, 1999, and 2003!!
-- Tim has also completed Boston-Montreal-Boston, a 750 Mile Non-Stop Event in 94, 96, 98, and 01!!
-- Chuck Holmberg is an amazing cyclist ... completing over 50 Double Centuries since 1994!!
-- Chuck had a serious illness in 2001 but has lived to fully recover ... riding 5 Doubles in 2004!!
-- Jeff Dewey rode a Grand Tour Quad of 400 Miles in 24 Hours back in 1995!!
-- Jeff rode all 9 CalTripleCrown Doubles and the Furnace Creek 508 in 1996!!
-- The feeling was so great here as Frank Neal was congratulated by the other Hall of Famers
-- Frank Neal has never DNF'd on a ride ... He's started 52 Doubles and finished 52 Doubles!!
It was a great honor to induct Tom Parkes, Steve Meichtry, Rich Boettner, Tim Sullivan, Chuck Holmberg, Jeff Dewey, and Frank Neal into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame in 2004!!
It was also a great honor to induct Paul Kopit into the California Triple Crown 100 Double Century Club!!
Thanks to everyone who helped make the 2004 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast so fun and such a success!!
- On the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame Page, I added the following new Hall of Famers inducted in 2004:
Tom Parkes
Steve Meichtry
Rich Boettner
Tim Sullivan
Chuck Holmberg
Jeff Dewey
Frank Neal
and added links to the photos from the Awards Breakfast.
I also added a link to a photo of Paul Kopit being awarded his 100 Double Century Club Plaque HERE.
- On the 2004 California Triple Crown Stage Race Results Page, I added a link to the photos showing the Stage Race Winners receiving their plaques.
- On the 2004 California Triple Crown Schedule Page, I made the following changes:
-- Added a link to the 2004 Mt. Tam Double Results. The First Annual Mt. Tam Double had excellent weather on a beautiful new course that was supported very well by the Marin Cyclists.
-- Added a link to the 2004 Classic Tour of Two Forests Double Results. This year's "TOTF" had some of the best conditions imaginable with a beautiful morning climbing the switchbacked roads outside of Ojai. Everyone seemed to like the new improved course organized by Planet Ultra.
-- Added links to photos by Eric Norris of the 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 Knoxville Fall Classic Double. The 2004 Knoxville Fall Classic Double was favored with cooler temperatures than last year on a new improved course organized by the Quackcyclists.
Links to the results for all of the 2004 Doubles so far have also been added to the Schedule Page.
- This just in from Roland Hoffman, the California Triple Crown Video Guy: Big Ring Dave Evans rode with Lance Armstrong at the start of the Tour of Hope last Thursday night. Dave is a Cancer Survivor who was inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame back in 2001 and a big inspiration to us all. The video of Big Ring Dave's epic ride is ready! You can view it HERE.
If the direct link is not opening your Windows Media Player, right click the link and "save target as", then open your player and run the file!
September 3, 2004
- I added pages for Voler California Bear Flag Shorts and Bib Shorts to the Product Pages.
These shorts are made by Voler and sold directly on Velowear.com which is linked to from the Product Pages. So if you've already sent me a California Triple Crown order for your hot items, there's no need to revise that ... just go to the new Short Pages to check out these great looking shorts and click on the link to order them from Velowear.com.
The Bear with the Red, White, and Blue look excellent with all of the Yellow and Blue California Triple Crown product line!!
Velowear.com has a great "Free Exchanges and Easy Returns" Policy so there is no problem if you need to exchange these for a different size.
I ordered a pair of these and especially like how they look with my Voler Blue California Triple Crown Jersey. I've been wearing other Voler Bike Shorts for over two years now and find them to be comfortable and work well on long rides.
September 1, 2004
- I updated the Product Pages, showing the new products for the 2004 season and have updated the Order Forms to reflect the new products.
2004 may be the first year you have qualified for the California Triple Crown. If so, I congratulate you on your achievement!! It's not easy riding 200 Miles in One Day let alone doing it at least Three Times in One Year!!
I understand you may want to order some California Triple Crown products.
The next orders of Voler Products will arrive in October and November. I need to submit the Order Quantities and Size breakdowns to Voler on September 7, 2004. Everyone who has sent me an order will be given priority ... those orders will be shipped as soon as the Voler shipments arrive.
If you want a Voler Product, you should send me an order as soon as possible.
I order Voler Jerseys in Club Sizing as shown on the Product pages. If you want a Race Cut Size which fits more snuggly, you need to send me your order as soon as possible and we will send your Race Cut products out as soon as they arrive. Simply write in "Race Cut" under the Size on the item you're ordering. I won't be ordering any Race Cut sizes except for those who have sent me an order.
If you want Woman's Sizing, please send me your order as soon as possible as well. Simply write in "Women's Sizing" under the Size on the item you're ordering. Because we want to encourage more Women to complete the California Triple Crown, I'll be ordering some additional Women's Sized products but you should send me your order so I'll be sure to order what you want in the size you want.
All of the information on the products is on the Product Pages. New this year are the Blue Long Sleeve Jerseys, Blue Windbreakers, Blue Vests, and the Blue Sleeveless Jerseys which are great additions to the product line!!
On the 2004 Blue and Yellow Long Sleeve Jerseys and Windbreakers, the Small White Stripe, Large Red Stripe and the Small White Stripe will be moved up on the upper arm under the California Triple Crown logo. A small California State Flag will be added on the sleeves at about where you would wear a watch on your lower arm. A new photo of the Arm Warmers was added which shows how the small California State Flag will look.
Orders will be filled on a first come, first served basis so don't hesitate to place your order today.
The Order Form is on the Web Site and ready to go.
A big thanks to Charlie Irwin and his company for building all of the Custom Products this year as well as doing the Shipping and Handling on the orders.
When you see the new 2004 California Triple Crown products, I hope you'll agree with me that they were worth the wait!! Send in your order today!!
Let's Roll!!
August 3, 2004
- Added an Elevation Chart for the Mt. Tam Double by the Marin Cyclists which shows where the climbs are on this brand new Double Century in the California Triple Crown to be held this coming Saturday. The Marin Cyclists report that this first year of the Mt. Tam Double has sold out with 250 riders already signed up!! Thanks for supporting this brand new challenging event. It's been cool on the coast in the San Rafael area so bring your vest, arm, and leg warmers.
- Added links to Results and Photos for 2004 Mulholland, Devil Mountain, Central Coast, Heartbreak, Eastern Sierra, Terrible Two, and Grand Tour on the Schedule Page.
July 25, 2004
- Added the 2003 Support Volunteers Web Page which shows those people who helped to support at least one of the Double Centuries last year. Even though this list includes everyone who indicated that they supported one of the rides this year either on the Registration Form that they sent or based on the ride organizer's web reports, I know that it's far from complete. There are many dedicated people who work long and hard to make these rides work. Please drop me a line and let me know which rides you worked on ... and I'll add you to this list!!
July 9, 2004
- Finalized the new page for the 2004 California Triple Crown Stage Race Results. The competition was closer than ever this year with just 17 Minutes separating the top 3 Finishers after 600 Miles and over 42,400 Feet of Climbing!!
In First Place was Robert Choi, Age 43, from Rohnert Park: he was 2nd on the Mulholland Double, tied for 1st on the Central Coast Double, and tied for 7th Place on the Terrible Two!! This is Robert's third year on the Double Century Circuit after finishing in 3rd Place in the California Triple Crown Stage Race in 2002 and 2nd Place last year!! Congratulations to Robert!!
In Second Place this year was Lasse Bjerga, Age 50, from Cedar City, Utah. Lasse was 3rd on the Mulholland Double, tied for 1st on the Central Coast Double, and tied for 2nd on the Terrible Two!! This is Lasse's third year on the Double Century Circuit and his first year competing in the California Triple Crown Stage Race. Congratulations to Lasse!!
In Third Place was Jeff Landauer, Age 36, from Fair Oaks. Jeff was tied for 3rd Place on the Mulholland Double, tied for 1st Place on the Central Coast Double, and tied for 7th Place on the Terrible Two!! Jeff won the California Triple Crown Stage Race last year. Congratulations to Jeff!!
An Honorable Mention goes to Graham Pollock, Age 36, this year. Graham came in First Place on the Mulholland Double with a Course Record Time. Most impressively, he came in First Place in the Race Across Oregon on June 5, 2004. On top of all this, he came back and cranked out a very fine Terrible Two just a couple of weeks afterwards!! Congratulations to Graham!!
In the Women's Division, Janet Christiansen, Age 43, from Palm Springs came in First Place. Janet completed her first Double Century in 2002 with the Heartbreak Double. She came back in 2003 completing two Doubles but those were just warm up rides for her excellent Furnace Creek 508 completion in 37:51. Janet came back this year with three excellent Double Century rides. Congratulations on a great California Triple Crown Stage Race, Janet!!
In Second Place was Doris Bingo, Age 41, from Anaheim. Doris completed her first year of Double Centuries way back in 1996 and has now completed over 32 Doubles!! Congratulations to Doris on a great California Triple Crown Stage Race!!
In Third Place was Margie Biddick, Age 20, from Aptos. Margie completed her first year of Double Centuries in 2003 including the Terrible Two. Margie came back this year with three excellent Double Century rides. Congratulations to Margie!!
An Honorable Mention goes to Michelle Kashima, Age 44, from Irvine. Michelle completed her first year of Double Centuries in 2001. She came back this year and tackled the three hardest Doubles in California and was only 48 Minutes behind Margie. Congratulations to Michelle!!
In the Tandem Division, Mike Chester and Karen Koppenhaver came in First Place. Mike and Karen are long time California Triple Crown Double Century riders: Mike started riding Doubles in 1992 and Karen in 1991. Mike has completed over 43 Doubles and Karen has completed over 54 Doubles. They were flying on the Stage Race this year and a big congratulations to Mike and Karen!!
In Second Place in the Tandem Division was Dan Crain and Anny Beck. Dan and Anny are also long time California Triple Crown Double Century riders: Dan started riding Doubles in 1996 and Anny in 1990. Dan has completed over 70 Doubles and Anny has completed over 29 Doubles. Congratulations to Dan and Anny!!
In Third Place in the Tandem Division was Bill Ellis and Evelyn Buchwitz. Bill started riding the Terrible Two in 1994 and has ridden it 8 times!! Evelyn has completed 11 Doubles since 2001!! A tip of the hat to Bill and Evelyn who tackled these extremely tandem unfriendly rides on their tandem!!
California Triple Crown Plaques will be awarded to Robert, Lasse, Jeff, Graham, Janet, Doris, Margie, Michelle, Mike, Karen, Dan, Anny, Bill, and Evelyn. These will be presented at the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast to be held September 26, 2004, the morning after the Knoxville Fall Classic Double, in Vacaville.
Everyone who completed the 2004 Stage Race is to be commended. Our hat is off to each of the 30 Finishers ... just to complete these three Extremely Difficult Rides is a major accomplishment!!
June 29, 2003
- Added a new page for the 2004 Race Across America.
The page has a link to 17 photos taken from the 2004 Race Across America at the Start Banquet in San Diego, California on June 19 and 44 photos taken from the Solo Start on Sunday, June 20 and the ride out to Time Station 1 at Pine Valley.
Seven of my favorite photos are included on the 2004 RAAM web page.
The organizers of this year's Race Across America are to be congratulated on an exciting, well organized, and very impressive start of the Race!!
June 17, 2004
- Let there be no doubt about it: The Terrible Two is a truly epic and tough ride!!
If you've ever ridden it before, you probably wondered:
How Steep Is This Road?
Where are the Steepest Parts?
Are there any places where I can really recover?
Where are the hottest parts of the course?
Where in the course is most of the climbing?
During my training, what kinds of gradients do I need to climb to simulate those on the Terrible Two?
All of those questions and more are answered in great detail on the Terrible Two on the California Triple Crown Schedule Page. Just scroll down to the all new "Road Engineering Analysis Including Route Profile, Climbing Gradient Analysis and Photos For Each Climb" which is based on my Ciclosport HAC4 Computer measurements on my handlebar of The Terrible Two of June 28, 2003.
Included is a 2003 Temperature Graph both by Distance and by Time which shows that the Thermonuclear Power Meltdown lasted for nearly 2 hours for me with temperatures over 110 degrees. This was then followed by a 60 degree drop in temperatures over 3 hours during our Arctic Freeze down Highway 1.
There are also a few of my favorite photos from the road including my favorites from the Thermonuclear Power Meltdown on Skaggs Springs last year!!
Best of luck to all of those cyclists about to be challenged by The Terrible Two.
May 26, 2004
- Added a new page for the Preliminary 2004 California Triple Crown Stage Race Results. Results are in from the Mulholland Double held 4/17/04 and the Central Coast Double held 5/08/04. The report included shows the "Leader Board" of those riders who completed the first two of the three Stages of the Stage Race, ranked by Total Overall Time.
Robert Choi leads the competition so far with Lasse Bjerga and Jeff Landauer tied for Second and Third Place just 17 Minutes back!! Graham Pollock trails by just 9 minutes!!
In the Women's Division, Janet Christiansen leads the competition followed by Emmy Klassen then Doris Bingo.
In the Tandem Division, Mike Chester and Karen Koppenhaver leads the competition followed by Dan Crain and Anny Beck then Bill Ellis and Evelyn Buchwitz who are all out tackling these extremely tandem unfriendly rides on their tandems!!
However, there is one Stage left in this Stage Race: The Terrible Two to be held Saturday, June 19, 2004.
The Terrible Two has a reputation of being the most difficult Double Century around. Although the route has varied in small ways over the years, its defining features have always been its four big climbs (and the steep, twisting descents that follow): Trinity Grade, the Geysers, Skaggs Springs, and Fort Ross. Numerous smaller but pesky hills add to the overall challenge. Trinity, the Geysers, and Fort Ross are all double-summit climbs, while Skaggs Springs is a long series of climbs and descents. Few gradients on the course exceed 15%, but many climbs stay in the 8-12% range for long distances. The Terrible Two Web Site has an excellent Elevation Chart which graphically shows just how brutal this course with over 16,000 Feet of Climbing really is!!
Stay tuned for all of the results!!
The California Triple Crown lays down this challenge: be among the select few who are able to finish the Stage Race!!
Stay tuned for all of the results!!
April 14, 2004
- The 2004 California Triple Crown is off to a great start!! The Spring Death Valley Double was held on March 6 to excellent conditions. Planet Ultra reported that 146 riders started the ride with 140 finishers or a 95.8% finishing rate. On the Schedule Page for the Spring Death Valley Double, I added a link to the 2004 Spring Death Valley Double Results on the Planet Ultra web site which includes links to three slideshows. In addition, I added a link on the Schedule Page to 38 photos which I took on the bike that day which gives you a rider's viewpoint of the event.
- The Solvang Double was held on March 27, 2004 with lots of blue skies and green hills. Planet Ultra reported 340 riders started the ride with 328 finishers or a 96.4% finishing rate. On the Schedule Page for the Solvang Double, I added a link to the 2004 Solvang Double Results on the Planet Ultra web site which includes links to four slideshows. In addition, I added a link on the Schedule Page to some great photos by Lynn Katano and Eric Smith.
- The Hemet Double was held on April 3, 2004 with lots of grey skies, some rain, and some green hills. Jim Watrous has compiled the results and reports 151 finishers. On the Schedule Page for the Hemet Double, I added a link to the 2004 Hemet Double Results on the Watrous Cycling Enterprises web site. In addition, I added a link on the Schedule Page to some great photos by Lynn Katano and Eric Smith as well as a link to 57 photos which I took on the bike that day which gives you a rider's viewpoint of the event.
The next three California Triple Crown Doubles are a whole lot toughter - the Mulholland Double will be on April 17, the Devil Mountain Double will be on April 24, and the Central Coast Double will be on May 8.
Best of luck to all riders in the 2004 California Triple Crown series.
March 3, 2004
- For the Spring Death Valley Double, I added the Main Climb Analysis from Mile 50 to 75, showing the main climb of 3,838 Feet at an Average Gradient of 2.91%. The bottom half shows the Percent Gradient with a Maximum Gradient of 12%, 2 pieces of 10%, and 7 pieces of 8%. The Spring Death Valley Double has 9,111 Feet of Climbing so this section includes 42% of the total climbing.
- Also for the Spring Death Valley Double, I added the Ubehebe Crater Climb Analysis, showing a climb of 453 Feet at an Average Gradient of 3.67% over the 2.34 Miles. The bottom half shows the Percent Gradient with a Maximum Gradient of 15%, 2 pieces of 10%, and 3 pieces of 8%.
- The real icing on the cake comes with the Hell's Gate Climb at mile 167 on the Spring Death Valley Double. I revised my Hell's Gate Climb Analysis, showing a leg crushing climb of 2,046 Feet at an Average Gradient of 5.85% over the 6.62 Miles. The bottom half shows the Percent Gradient with a Maximum Gradient of 16.7%, 4 pieces of 13%, 6 pieces of 12%, 13 pieces of 10%, and 13 pieces of 8%.
Now I remember why my legs were wiped out at the end of this ride last year!!
- The temperatures in 2003 were plenty cold ... I added the Temperature Graph, showing the temperatures dropping into the low 40's. Of course, the graph doesn't show the Cold Howling Headwinds that we all fought out to the Neveda border.
Links to all of these graphs were added on the Schedule Page HERE.
Let the 2004 California Triple Crown Doubles begin ... and best of luck to all the brave souls heading to Death Valley this weekend!!
February 20, 2004
- Updated the 2003 Potential Finishers Page, showing those Cyclists who have completed at least one of the 2003 California Triple Crown Double Centuries. All of the 2003 Doubles have been posted now except for the Davis Double. I have also processed about 200 California Triple Crown Orders and have verified the Doubles indicated on each of them by comparing to the results and posting the results to the Potential Finishers Page. I need to post the results from the Davis Double and then process the California Triple Crown Registration Forms.
It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made.
Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the Winner's Letter, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!! Yes, you do need to send me a Registration Form even if you have sent me an Order for California Triple Crown Products. Yes, you do need to send me a Registration Form even if the rides you completed are listed correctly here. JUST DO IT!!
If you see a problem with these results, please send me a California Triple Crown Registration Form and I'll be sure you get the credit you deserve for the Double Centuries you completed. If the only thing that's missing is the Davis Double, please check this web page again in a week ... some of the Davis Doubles show on this report because I posted some of them during the processing of the California Triple Crown orders. If you see another problem, send an E-Mail to Chuck Bramwell at CBrams@CalTripleCrown.com specifying the problem in detail.
This list does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms which I am now processing. Keep those Registration Forms coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!!
The Davis Double will be posted soon then everything will be double checked with the Registration Forms ... I am committed to wrapping this up quickly so stay tuned.
January 29, 2004
- Added the 2003 Potential Finishers Page, showing those Cyclists who have completed the following Doubles: Butterfield Double of 2/15/03, Death Valley Spring Double of 3/01/03, Solvang Double of 3/29/03, or the Hemet Double of 4/12/03. I have also processed about 200 California Triple Crown Orders and have verified the Doubles indicated on each of them by comparing to the results and posting the results to the Potential Finishers Page. I need to post the results from the remaining Doubles and then process the California Triple Crown Registration Forms.
It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made.
Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the Winner's Letter, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!! Yes, you do need to send me a Registration Form even if you have sent me an Order for California Triple Crown Products. Yes, you do need to send me a Registration Form even if the rides you completed are listed correctly here. JUST DO IT!!
The rest of the rides will be posted soon. Please review these results as soon as possible and let me know of corrections via E-mails. I am committed to wrapping this up quickly so stay tuned.
This list does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms which I am now processing. Keep those Registration Forms coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!!
January 18, 2004
- Due to a conflict with a major Fishing Tournament in Bishop, it was necessary to move the date of the Eastern Sierra Double from 6/12/04 to 5/22/04. As a result, the Tour of Two Forests Double using the former Heartbreak Double route including the awesome climb up Apache Saddle and the great downhill that follows has been moved from 5/22/04 to 6/12/04.
The 2004 California Triple Crown Schedule Page and the Printer Friendly Schedule Page have been updated.
Here's the new revised 2004 California Triple Crown Schedule:
03/06/04 Death Valley Spring Double
03/27/04 Solvang Double
04/03/04 Hemet D.C.
04/17/04 Mulholland Double
04/24/04 Devil Mountain Double
05/08/04 Central Coast Double
05/15/04 Davis Double
05/22/04 Eastern Sierra Double
06/12/04 Tour of Two Forests Double (Former Heartbreak Route)
06/19/04 Terrible Two
06/26/04 Grand Tour
08/07/04 Mt. Tam Double
09/18/04 Classic Tour of Two Forests Double
09/25/04 Knoxville Fall Classic Double
10/30/04 Death Valley Fall Double
Winners in the prestigious California Triple Crown are the elite Long Distance Bicyclists in California since they have completed at least three Double Centuries in that calendar year.
Each of these rides is a Major Adventure in itself and are among the best rides you'll find anywhere in America!!
Are you ready for a HUGE CHALLENGE? Are you ready to test yourself in Three of the Hardest, Most Grueling Double Centuries on this planet? Are you ready for Two Hundred Miles with tons of Steep Climbing? Then a couple of weeks later, Two Hundred More Miles with more Steep Climbing? Then if you have any strength left, are you ready to tackle the Terrible Two with Two Hundred More Miles, 16,000 Feet of Climbing, White Knuckler Descents, and Temperatures over 100 Degrees?
If so, then we've got a deal for you!!
This is how the 2004 California Triple Crown Stage Race works: Riders have to complete Three Of The Most Difficult Doubles in the California Triple Crown: the Mulholland Double on 4/17/04, the Central Coast Double on 5/08/04, and the Terrible Two on 6/19/04. The Total Elapsed Time from each of these grueling Doubles is then added together and the rider with the fastest overall time for all Three Doubles wins the Stage Race.
Those who say it can't be done are usually interrupted by others doing it!!
Accept The Challenge: Be A California Triple Crown Winner!!
November 23, 2003
- Updated the Product Pages, showing all of the new products for the 2003 season. All of the photos of the products on these pages have been updated to reflect the new lineup this year.
I understand you may want to order some products.
Well, at long last, we're ready to ROCK AND ROLL!!
The 2003 California Triple Crown Winner's Letter will be in the mail to you soon IF YOU SEND ME A REGISTRATION FORM. I decided to work through the many product issues and get those web pages completed before finishing the letter and compiling the Winner's Reports. This will allow you to place your orders for your products so we can get them to you as soon as possible.
I've been working with Voler and Charlie Irwin on the new California Triple Crown Products and building the new web pages. Charlie and his team at AFM Engineering have put together a California Triple Crown Inventory Web Page which shows the products and sizes we have in stock at any given time. Links to the Inventory for each item are on each of the relevant product pages. The inventory counts will be updated with the latest shipments next week ... send in your order now and we'll ship it out as soon as possible.
Orders will be filled on a first come, first served basis so don't hesitate to place your order today.
When you see these 2003 California Triple Crown products, I hope you'll agree with me that they were worth the wait!!
If you e-mailed me back in August or September indicating that you wanted Race Sizing or Women's Sizing on the Voler prouducts, please send me your order and write in "Race Sizing" or "Women's Sizing" on the Order Form.
Here are some highlights of the Products:
The Voler Yellow Short Sleeve Jersey has been enhanced this year with "California Triple Crown Winner" on the back and "Extreme Endurance Events" on the back pocket. An order of 89 Jerseys was placed with Voler and has arrived.
The Voler Yellow Long Sleeve Jersey is all new this year. Check out those beautiful Blue Long Sleeves. These Jerseys are really great -- besides looking good, they keep you warm in the cold mornings but not too hot in the afternoons!! In 1999, I ordered one batch of 50 of Long Sleeve Jerseys. I wasn't going to order another batch ... until I took a Voler Long Sleeve Jersey on the 2000 PAC Tour. We had some cold days in Kansas and Missouri where it stayed in the 30's and 40's all day ... and I wore this Long Sleeve Jersey all day long under a Windbreaker. It worked extremely well. I liked it so much that I wore it 5 days in a row and it became my favorite jersey for sure. This Thermasensor material is really nice: it also breaths well when it warms up to the 60's and 70's which was very surprising to me. I would highly recommend this Jersey to you. An order of 33 Jerseys was placed with Voler and has arrived.
The Voler Yellow Sleeveless Jersey was also enhanced this year with "California Triple Crown Winner" on the back and "Extreme Endurance Events" on the back pocket. An order of 25 Jerseys was placed with Voler and has arrived.
The Voler Yellow Vest is all new this year. Based on the good looking Yellow Jersey design, this Vest is made of Vortex Ripstop which is light-weight, wind-proof, and water-resistant ... great for a cool morning. An order of 25 Vests was placed with Voler and is expected shortly.
The Voler Yellow Windbreaker is all new this year. Based on the good looking Yellow Jersey design, this Windbreaker is made of Vortex Ripstop which is light-weight, wind-proof, and water-resistant ... great for a cold morning. Race cut for a tailored fit to help eliminate flapping in the wind. An order of 17 Windbreakers was placed with Voler and is expected shortly.
The Voler Blue Short Sleeve Jersey has been enhanced this year with solid Blue at the bottom, "CALIFORNIA TRIPLE CROWN WINNER" on the Front and the Back, Red, White & Blue w/Stars on the sides reading "Epic Double Centuries" and "California Triple Crown", the addition of the California Triple Crown Logo and the U.S. Flag to the Back Pockets. An order of 75 Jerseys was placed with Voler and has arrived.
The Voler Blue Thousand Mile Club Short Sleeve Jersey is new this year!! It has all of the great new features of the enhanced Blue Jersey with the addition of "One Thousand Miles Of Double Centuries In One Year" on the Front and "1,000 Miles of Double Centuries In One Year" on the Back Pocket. An order of 77 Jerseys was placed with Voler and has arrived.
The Voler Arm Warmers are outstanding!! Much heavier than Pearl Izumi Arm Warmers, these keep your arms much warmer. They match perfectly with the Voler Jerseys. They also look great with the PACE Jersey.
For Hall of Fame and Gold Thousand Mile Club Members, we have a Yellow Custom PACE Jersey available this year. New this year, this Yellow Pace Jersey will be a a Bright Yellow Jersey -- the same Bright Yellow as in the Voler Yellow Jerseys. In addition, these riders can specify Circular Custom Text around the outside of the California Triple Crown Logo with "Hall of Fame" and/or "Gold Thousand Mile Club"!! The White Custom PACE Jersey is beautiful with new Ribbons on the Back Pockets and CTC Logo on the Sleeves!!
The Custom T-Shirt is being built with the same excellent process as the Custom PACE Jersey this year ... allowing the Front Pocket area to be customized with the rides you did as well as Custom Text.
The Custom Plaque is looking better than ever this year!!
The Custom Ceramic Mug is really awesome this year!!
The Plastic Coffee Mug holds 16 ounces of your favorite beverage.
The Mouse Pad will make your mouse glide in style!!
Another great product this year is the Custom Cap. This White Baseball Style Cap has an adjustable slide closure on the back dressed up with your California Triple accomplishments on the Front!! Your Name and "Thousand Mile Club" can be added as Circular Text surrounding the Rides you completed and the California Triple Crown Logo.
DeFeet Socks look great and work extremely well to boot. DeFeet is now manufacturing the California Bear Socks again and we have taken delivery of a good supply of these which look perfect with the Bear Jerseys. In addition, Lance Armstrong Foundation Socks have been added which are real cool ... a portion of the sale of these socks goes to the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
The Specialized Water Bottles continue to be a good seller ... they look great and have a large screw on top with a wide neck making it easy to mix your drinks and ice. I still have 350 of these hot items so don't forget some water bottles with your order!!
All new this year is the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast Video which Director and Producer Roland Hoffman has been working hard on building the past couple of months. You'll be able to experience the memories, the laughs, and the inspiring moments by owning your own personal copy of the 2003 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast on video!! In this 2003 edition, you'll see:
* The winners of the 2003 California Triple Crown Stage Race receiving their plaques
* The new inductees to the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame
* Zoom in video action with most impressive graphics
* Over 100 minutes of non-stop, heart-racing action
The California Triple Crown Patch has the full color California Triple Crown logo and will look SUPER on your Camelbak cover!! Each California Triple Crown Finisher will receive a Patch or a Refrigerator Magnet at no charge. The remainder will be sold on a first come, first served basis. There are no guarantees that we will order more of these patchs in the future.
The California Triple Crown Refrigerator Magnet is beautiful. This has the full color California Triple Crown logo on it with "2003 Finisher" followed by the 2004 Ride Schedule!! This California Triple Crown Refrigerator Magnet will look SUPER on your Refrigerator!! This places the 2004 Ride Schedule in an easy to see place for your whole family to become familiar with so they can support you and the rides. Each California Triple Crown Finisher will receive one of these or a Patch at no charge. A major benefit to this on your Refrigerator: It will be a constant reminder to you not to eat so much ... so you can climb those hills easier!! :)
There are tons of details on each of the products on the web site so check it all out. The navigation links at the bottom of each Product page were also enhanced with links to "Last Product" and "Next Product" allowing you to browse easily through all of these HOT ITEMS!! You may notice that the Voler Gloves, Custom Sport Shirt, and Custom Sweatshirt are not shown because the manufacturer's of these products have discontinued production on them ... we are looking for alternative sources and will keep you posted.
We have a few Voler Blue Long Sleeve Jerseys left to sell ... there is 1 Size S, 1 Size M, 1 Size L, and 1 Size XL. There is also 1 Size XL Blue Windbreaker. If you would like one of these items, please write it in on the Order Form.
The Order Form is on the Web Site and ready to go. New this year is a "Short Version Order Form" For Non-Custom Products ... use this Short Version Two Page Order Form if you're not ordering a Custom PACE Jersey, Custom T-Shirt, Custom Plaque, Custom Ceramic Coffee Mug, Custom Plastic Travel Coffee Mug, Custom Mouse Pad, or a Custom Cap. Otherwise, the "Long Version Order Form" is available so you can specify all of the details on creating some awesome Custom products!!
A big thanks to Charlie Irwin and his company for building all of the Custom Products this year as well as doing the Shipping and Handling on the orders.
When you see the new 2003 California Triple Crown products, I hope you'll agree with me that they were worth the wait!! Send in your order today!!
Let's Roll!!
November 9, 2003
- A brand new Double Century has been added to the 2004 Schedule ... the Mt. Tam Double Century will be held August 7, 2004 and is destined to become a Northern California Classic!! Climb beautiful canyons and challenging ridges up Mt Tam (birthplace of mountain biking) with stunning views of the Pacific Coast, the San Francisco Bay and all the mountains in between.
This ride has lots of fast technical riding and descents to challenge the most experienced riders yet offers bailout options for those that want to give it a try but are not quite sure. Most of the climbing is over by mile 130 leaving lots of room for fast pacelines coming back to the Finish!
With 14,500 Feet of Climbing, this ride has been given a Difficulty Rating of "Extremely High" along with the Mulholland Double, Devil Mountain Double, Central Coast Double, Tour of Two Forests, and of course the Terrible Two. It's hard enough riding 200 Miles In One Day but these "Extremely Highly" Difficult Doubles are the biggest one day cycling challenges in California. Not a single one of the California Triple Crown Doubles is easy. Each will provide you with a "Personal Growth Experience" ... even the easier ones can be extremely difficult if the temperatures soar to 110 degrees or more ... or if a snow storm surprises you in Death Valley!! Don't make the mistake of moving into the tougher Doubles until you're ready - mechanically, biomechanically, and mentally!!
The Mt. Tam Double course was first ridden by the following small group of riders on October 4, 2003 and was given outstanding reviews:
Ashkenasy, Shawn
Berg, Bruce
Chinlund, Dick
Choi, Robert
Curtis, John
Dewey, Jeff
Eukel, Derek
Feld, Rollin
Holmgren, Jack
Kaplan, Zach
Lynch, Colin
McClellan, Rebecca
McKenzie, Paul
Makk, Ish
Neff, David. L.
Radd, Susan
Robertson, Craig
Schultz, Andreas P.
Voelz, Joel
Zarrella, John
We appreciate their help testing out the course and support aspects of this event. Time Splits are included for these test riders through each Rest Stop.
The Marin Cyclists headed up by Colin Lynch did a great job of supporting the test riders and learning what it was going to take to put on a good new Double Century. Rider comments by Jack Holmgren, Robert Choi, Shawn Ashkenasy, Rollin Feld, and Ish Makk are documented HERE.
Coleman Valley Road is a long and steep climb with false summits and huge views that comes after mile 120. The steepest part of the Mt. Tam Double is on this section of Coleman Valley Road and is estimated to be an average gradient of 11.3% for 1.3 miles. Ride organizer Colin Lynch recommends that riders have at least a 39 x 26-28 for this climb. Triple chainrings are a great invention and may be helpful especially if the event day happens to be hot. Even the pros ride with Triples when the road really gets steep ... there were a lot of Triples seen in the 2002 Vuelta a Espana up the now famous El Angliru with it's 8 miles of 9.6% average gradient.
Time Limit: The Mt. Tam Double has a mass start at 5:00 A.M. and the course officially closes 17 hours later at 10:00 P.M. All riders that have not left the Valley Ford rest Stop at mile 111 by 3 PM to start the Coleman Valley Loop will be diverted south to Petaluma. You will need lights to start and possibly need lights to finish this ride.
The Mt. Tam Double will be will be held in conjunction with the Marin Century and Double Metric Century on the first Saturday in August each year ... making it a great ride calendared perfectly between the June and the September Doubles.
The Marin Cyclists are extremely committed to running a great event. Club President Carsten Anderson wrote me:
It has been our ambition for some time to have a Double Century here in Marin with our wonderful area and varied landscape that we enjoy so much.
Our club will be 40 years old this year and we are stronger that ever I think.
As Colin mentioned, we have a very good organization now running our Century & 200K, and Marin Cyclists as an organization is 110% behind the 2004 Double Century.
You can rest assured that we want to undertake this event for years to come and with Colin heading up our effort, it will be executed extremely well - with a large cadre of able and experienced volunteers.
Mark your calendar now: The Mt. Tam Double on August 7, 2004 has your name on it!!
- On the 2004 Schedule, I also added the Classic Tour of Two Forests to be held September 18, 2004. This historic 218 miler traverses the Angeles National Forest and Los Padres National Forest from Lancaster to Ojai, then up Pine Mountain to Lebec and back. The Planet Ultra Ride Organizers weren't sure there was enough interest in running this Double Century in 2004 ... but after a good turnout last September, it was determined this Classic route will continue forward which is great news!!
It's one of the most scenic courses in Southern California and is almost free of traffic lights, except through the Valencia area. The logistics are easy since it starts just 50 miles north of Los Angeles.
The Tour of Two Forests was first run in 1980. In 1984, the legendary tandem team of Pete Penseyres and Rob Templin set a course record of 10:35!! In 1985, Rob Templin came back on his single bike and set a solo course record of 10:21!! This year Jeff Landauer wasn't far off the course record with an extremely impressive 11:05 in brutally hot thermonuclear meltdown conditions!!
This is a great event with a whole lot of history in the California cycling scene. We really encourage you to ride this classic event!!
- On the Printer Friendly 2004 Schedule Page, I added the Mt. Tam Double and the Classic Tour of Two Forests Double ... so you can easily print the 2004 Double Century schedule.
- On the 2004 Schedule Page, I added links to ride results for the following 2003 Doubles:
Classic Tour of Two Forests Double
Knoxville Fall Classic Double
Death Valley Fall Double
October 7, 2003
- On the Schedule Page under "California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast", added a link to Photos from the 2003 Awards Breakfast. Rest your Mouse Pointer over a thumbnail to see the caption for the photo. Click on any of the small thumbnails to bring up the medium size version. Click on the medium size version to bring up the large size version. Thanks to Ken Isaac for taking these photos.
The 2003 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast was held 9/21/03 at Pena Adobe Park in Vacaville, California, the day after the 2003 Knoxville Fall Classic Double. Rory McLeod and his Quackcyclists team cranked out some great Breakfast goodies for us and we appreciate all of their work to make this happen!!
Photos include:
-- Lots of fun photos from before the Breakfast
-- A great Breakfast was organized by the Quackcyclists and Lynn Katano helped organize volunteers
-- It was a great turnout
-- Everyone was real hungry after riding the 200 Miles of the Knoxville Fall Classic Double on the day Before
-- Lee Mitchell has supported us on so many California Double Centuries, it's impossible to count ... Lee was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2000.
-- Many folks completed their first California Triple Crown in 2003 so they were awarded a free California Triple Crown Water Bottle with the understanding that they would come back and do it again.
-- Devil Mountain Double Organizer Scott Halversen and Terrible Two Organizer Bill Oetinger were on hand to award the California Triple Crown Stage Race Awards
-- Doug Grattan and Carole Breed Finished First Place in the Tandem Division of the CalTripleCrown Stage Race ... They were flying on these most difficult Double Centuries!!
-- Doug and Carole showed us that a great tandem team can really make those bikes climb well!!
-- Paul McKenzie received an Honorable Mention Award in the 2003 California Triple Crown Stage Race after setting a new tandem record on the extremely hot 2003 Terrible Two!!
-- Brian Bowling won Third Place in the 2003 California Triple Crown Stage Race at the young age of just 29 after completing over 11 Double Centuries and a full Brevet Series in 2003!!
-- After 600 Miles and 49,100 Feet of Climbing, Robert Choi was just 23 minutes behind the First Place Winner and won Second Place in the 2003 California Triple Crown Stage Race
-- Jeff Landauer won First Place in the 2003 California Triple Crown Stage Race
-- Paul Kopit was on hand and has ridden the most California Triple Crown Doubles since 1990
-- Hall of Famers Big Ring Dave Evans and John Robbins were looking good
-- Hall of Famer Lee Mitchell was on hand to congratulate the new CalTripleCrown Hall of Famers as well
-- Hall of Famer Craig Robertson continues to fly on the CalTripleCrown Doubles Circuit
-- It's always great to have Hall of Famer Bill Oetinger on hand
-- Hall of Famer Doug Patterson has ridden so many Double Centuires, he's lost count!!
-- It was great to have Hall of Famers Jim and Joan Kozera with us
-- Hall of Famer Lynn Katano worked hard to make the Breakfast lots of fun
-- Quackcyclist Ride Organizer George Pinney reminded us of the amazing accomplishments of those riders at the front of the peloton and at the back
-- The California Triple Crown awarded these QuackCyclists 3 Gift Certificates to the Hungry Hunter Steak House -- We really appreciate their hard work to organize the CalTripleCrown Awards Breakfast!!
-- Lynn Katano awarded Custom Quack Aprons to the Quackcylist guys!!
-- These aprons are COOL!!
-- The prior Hall of Famers in attendance made a great congratulations committee for the new 2003 Hall of Fame Inductees
-- Howard Anderson spent several years of Velodrome racing in New York. He was inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame after completing 50 Double Centuries or 10,000 Miles in Doubles!! Howard is 74 years young!!
-- John T. Clare was inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame after completing 50 Double Centuries or 10,000 Miles in Doubles!!
-- John was looking sharp in his Custom CalTripleCrown Jersey showcasing the 15 Double Centuries that he completed in 2001. He completed his First Century way back in the 1960's!!
-- Ken Bartholic was inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame for completing 50 Double Centuries of 10,000 Miles in Doubles!!
-- John Robbins and Lynn Katano had a special present for Ken who is the California Triple Crown Route Sheet Engineer.
-- Ken said his most influential rider is John Robbins because they rode most of the early Doubles together and it was good to have mutual support. Ken and John have shared some incredible cycling adventures together.
-- Richard Hoff was inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame for completing 50 Double Centuries or 10,000 Miles in Doubles at the young age of 50.
-- Richard has completed 9 Straight California Triple Crowns including 4 Terrible Twos. He cycled across America in 25 Days back in 1996 with the PAC Tour Team!!
-- John Beam was inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame for completing 50 Double Centuries of 10,000 Miles of Doubles at age 52!!
-- John's newborn baby daughter, Micaela Louise, will soon be his new stoker. For now, his favorite stoker continues to be his good friend, Lynn Katano.
-- John was also given some special motivators here from Roland and Lynn. Just 14 years ago, John was smoking two packs of cigararettes a day and now he smokes up the mountains on the Double Century Circuit.
-- Ron Hanson was inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame for completing 50 Double Centuries or 10,000 Miles of Doubles ... many with his very good friend, Dave Evans!!
-- Ron often trains with Lynn Katano.
-- Ron enjoys riding in any wildflower area in the spring ... and he has been charged to lead wildflower exploration tours in the future.
-- Ron's love of nature is the reason that the Eastern Sierra Double is his favorite double century. He says that the scenery is some of the best in the world and why he enjoys the ride so much.
-- Ron's son was on hand to give him a special Yellow Jersey.
-- The 2003 California Triple Crown Hall of Fame Inductees proudly display their plaques - Ken Bartholic, Richard Hoff, John T. Clare, Ron Hanson, and John Beam. Unfortunately, Howard Anderson wasn't able to attend the Breakfast.
--It was a great honor to induct Howard Anderson, Ken Bartholic, Richard Hoff, John T. Clare, Ron Hanson, and John Beam into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame in 2003!!
-- Thanks to everyone who helped make the 2003 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast so fun and such a success!!
- On the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame Page, added the Hall of Famers inducted in 2003 and added links to the photos from the Awards Breakfast.
- On the California Triple Crown Stage Race Results Page, added a link to the photos showing the Stage Race Winners receiving their plaques.
September 16, 2003
- I added the 2004 California Triple Crown Schedule, consisting of:
03/06/04 Death Valley Spring Double
03/27/04 Solvang Double
04/03/04 Hemet D.C.
04/17/04 Mulholland Double
04/24/04 Devil Mountain Double
05/08/04 Central Coast Double
05/15/04 Davis Double
05/22/04 Tour of Two Forests Double
06/12/04 Eastern Sierra Double
06/19/04 Terrible Two
06/26/04 Grand Tour
09/25/04 Knoxville Fall Classic Double
10/30/04 Death Valley Fall Double
Planet Ultra's Butterfield and Ridge Route events are on hiatus in 2004.
Starting in 2004, the Tour of Two Forests Double will use the route taken by the Heartbreak Double of 2003 including the awesome climb up Apache Saddle and the great downhill that follows. The old Tour of Two Forests Route that includes Ojai and Pine Mountain will be used on 9/27/03 but will be on hiatus in 2004.
All of these Double Centuries will be included in the Western States Bicycle Ride Calendar which is linked to from the Table of Contents.
Of course, the above Double Centuries in the California Triple Crown are not the only excellent one day events in California planned for 2004. You might want to consider bigger challenges such as the Davis 12/24 Hour Challenge at http://www.davisbikeclub.org/ultra/DBC1224hr.htm and see how far you can ride in 12 Hours or 24 Hours on an excellent course. In addition, Brevets of 200km, 300km, 400km, and 600km are being planned throughout the State of California. However, only the Double Centuries in the above list qualify for the California Triple Crown of Double Centuries.
Those who say it can't be done are usually interrupted by others doing it!!
Accept The Challenge: Be A California Triple Crown Winner!!
Let's Roll!!
August 25, 2003
- I added a 2003 Paris-Brest-Paris Results Page, which tracks some of the Paris-Brest-Paris riders.
There is also a link to the same report in Microsoft Excel format with the column and row headings frozen so they are always at the top of the page and sides of the page.
There are also links to:
Track Any PBP Rider by enterring their Last Name or PBP Rider Number
Track Seattle Randonneurs
Track California Bikeaholics
Track some Canadian Randonneurs
Checkout a Complete List of All PBP Riders (over 4,000!!)
A HUGE Congratulations to all 2003 Paris-Brest-Paris Finishers!!
August 14, 2003
- On the E-Mail Lists Page , I added a section for the Race Across America and for the San Diego Long Riders which includes everything you need to know to Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Post Messages to these E-Mail Lists. You may want to bookmark this web page since it is handy ... it gives you all the info on the following E-Mail Lists now:
-- Home
-- California Triple Crown
-- OCW Saturday Century
-- San Diego Longriders
-- Ultra Cycling
-- Race Across America
-- Randon Cycling
August 13, 2003
- On the Schedule Page , I added new links to the following:
-- 2003 Butterfield Double Photos by Lynn Katano
-- 2003 Death Valley Spring Double Results
-- 2003 Death Valley Spring Double Photos by Lynn Katano
-- 2003 Solvang Double Results
-- New Hemet Double Web Site
-- 2003 Hemet Double Results
-- 1986 to 2002 Hemet Double Results
-- Jim Watrous's Group Riding and Pace Line Tips
-- 2003 Mulholland Double Results
-- 2003 Devil Mountain Double Results
-- 2003 Devil Mountain Double Photos by Eric Norris
-- 2003 Devil Mountain Double Photos on Photocrazy.com
-- 2003 Ridge Route Double Results
-- 2003 Central Coast Double Results
-- 2003 Davis Double Results
-- 2003 Davis Double Photos by Eric Norris
-- 2003 Davis Double Photos on Photocrazy.com
-- 2002 Davis Double Photos on Photocrazy.com
-- 2003 Heartbreak Double Results
-- 2003 Eastern Sierra Double Results
-- 2003 Eastern Sierra Double Photos by Lynn Katano
-- 2003 Terrible Two Double Results
-- 2003 Terrible Two Double Photos by Eric Norris
-- 2003 Terrible Two Photos on Photocrazy.com
-- 2002 Terrible Two Photos on Photocrazy.com
-- 2003 Grand Tour Results
-- 2003 Grand Tour Photos by Lynn Katano
-- 2002 Grand Tour Results
-- 2001 Grand Tour Results
-- 2000 Grand Tour Results
August 12, 2003
- On the Products Page , I added a link to a Discussion Forum / Comment Board for the Products decisions that need to be made in the next few weeks. Please review the topics and add your thoughts as to how the Voler Jerseys can be improved this year.
This Comment Board is only for feedback on the California Triple Crown products. If you have suggestions or complaints with any of the Double Centuries, please give those directly to the Ride Organizers. I appreciate your suggestions for the products and will seriously consider them. The California Triple Crown reserves the right to use your ideas on these products ... and to edit or delete any offensive comments left.
Please post your thoughts as soon as possible so that I can work with the Voler Graphic Artists to make the changes to the designs that we can review.
The California Triple Crown currently has two order slots with Voler ... one ships at the end of October and the other ships in the middle of November. The orders will be for Men's Sizing and Club Cut Jerseys again because that is what most people prefer. If you want Women's Sizing or Race Cut Jerseys, please send your order now and write in the margin what you would like. In particular, I want to encourage Women to complete the Triple Crown and so I may stock a few extra of those items but the best way to insure you get what you want is to send me an order in the next few weeks.
Thanks to Charlie Irwin for providing the software for Discussion Forum / Comment Board. If it works well for these Product ideas, we could use it for such things as Ride Sharing / Room Sharing for the Double Centuries.
August 8, 2003
- On the Schedule Page , I added the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast which will be held on Sunday September 21, 2003 from 7:30 A.M. to about 9:00 A.M., under the gazebo in Pena Adobe Park which is where the Knoxville Double will Start and Finish the day before.
Awards will be presented to the top 3 Men, Women, and Tandems in this year's California Triple Crown Stage Race.
Also, be sure to come and recognize those who will be inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame this year!!
If you're already in the Hall of Fame, please attend this Breakfast so you can welcome the new Hall of Famers into this elite group.
We appreciate Rory MacLeod and the Quackcyclists for hosting the Breakfast this year ... please come ready to help out in making it a great event. Be sure to thank these great folks for taking on this extra workload.
Be sure to register with Rory MacLeod on this ... further details are on the Schedule Page
We hope to see you there!!
August 6, 2003
- Added a new version of the California Triple Crown Registration Form which includes fields you can type in. This new PDF form allows you to type your answers into the form then print it out ... and will help me so I don't have to hire a handwriting expert this year.
Thanks to Wayne Caldwell who built this new version of the Registration Form.
August 5, 2003
- Added the final update for the 2003 California Triple Crown Stage Race Results. Results are in from the Devil Mountain Double held 4/26/03, the Heartbreak Double held 5/24/03, and the Terrible Two of 6/28/03.
The report on the web page shows the "Leader Board" of those riders who completed all three Stages of the Stage Race, ranked by Total Overall Time. As in the Tour de France, times are listed as the Time Back from the Overall Leader.
The competition was incredibly close this year. Jeff Landauer, Age 35, from Roseville came in 1st Place in the Stage Race: he was 5th on the Devil Mountain Double, 1st on Heartbreak, and tied for 1st on the Terrible Two. Jeff started riding the Double Century Circuit in 2002 with Davis, Knoxville, Heartbreak, and the Fall Death Valley Double. He really came on strong with his 2003 Stage Race Performances!! Congratulations to Jeff!!
In Second Place this year was Robert Choi, Age 42, from Rohnert Park ... just 23 minutes back from Jeff ... after 600 miles and 49,100 Feet of Climbing!! Robert was 4th Place on the Devil Mountain Double, 3rd Place on Heartbreak, and tied for 3rd Place on the Terrible Two!! This is Robert's second year on the Double Century Circuit after finishing in 3rd Place in the California Triple Crown Stage Race last year!! Congratulations to Robert!!
In Third Place this year was Brian Bowling, Age 29, from Laguna Niguel. Brian started riding the Double Century Circuit in 2002 with Butterfield, Hemet, Central Coast, Knoxville, Heartbreak, and the Fall Death Valley Double. Brian has completed 10 Double Centuries so far in 2003 and a complete series for Brevets!! Congratulations to Brian on a fantastic year and an impressive 3rd Place Finish in the California Triple Crown Stage Race!!
Unfortunately, there weren't any Women who completed the 2003 Stage Race.
In the Tandem Division, Doug Grattan and Carole Breed were flying on these most difficult Double Centuries. For example, Doug and Carole came in 2nd on Heartbreak ... just 15 minutes behind Jeff Landauer!! Who said tandems can't climb? Congratulations to Doug and Carole for their First Place Finish in the Tandem Division and thanks for giving some of us a big lift on these most difficult Double Centuries!!
An Honorable Mention goes to Paul McKenzie this year. Paul rode Devil Mountain on a Single Bike, Heartbreak on a Tandem with Janet DeHaven, and Terrible Two on a Tandem with another partner, Catherina Berge, where they set a new tandem record!! Paul rode extremely well in the Stage Race this year ... but since he didn't ride all three Stages on a single bike or on a tandem with the same partner, we felt it was appropriate to award him an Honorable Mention for completing these Three Most Difficult Double Centuries so well.
Everyone who completed the 2003 Stage Race is to be commended. Our hat is off to each of the 16 Finishers ... just to complete these three Extremely Difficult Rides is a major accomplishment!!
California Triple Crown Stage Race Plaques will be presented to the top 3 Men (Jeff Landauer, Robert Choi, and Brian Bowling) and the Tandem Team of Doug Gratton and Carole Breed at the Awards Breakfast to be held on 9/21/03 ... so please plan on attending so we can give you the credit you deserve. Paul McKenzie will also be awarded an Honorable Mention Plaque. Unfortunately, we didn't have any Women finishers this year, but the top 3 Women will also receive a plaque in future years.
You don't have to do anything special to sign up for the Stage Race: In 2004, all you have to do is to sign up for and ride your heart out on the 3 Doubles in the Stage Race!! Of course, that's much easier said than done!! Also, if you ride any Stage on a tandem, you must ride all three Stages on a tandem with the same partner.
The California Triple Crown lays down this challenge: be among the select few who are able to finish the Stage Race!!
July 12, 2003
- Added the 2003 California Triple Crown Registration Form. Please fill out a Registration Form and mail it to me when you've completed all of the Doubles that you're going to ride this year. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the Finisher's Letter and List, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on.
June 16, 2003
- Added a new page for the 2003 Race Across America.
The page shows photos taken from the 2003 Race Across America at the start in San Diego, California on June 15, 2003 by Chuck Bramwell with his Sony Cybershot DSC-U20 Digital Camera.
There are 46 Photos HERE showing the start in Downtown San Diego and the real start 21 Miles out in El Cajon.
Click on any of the small thumbnails to bring up the medium size version.
Click on the medium size version to bring up the large size version.
Seven of my favorite photos are included on the 2003 RAAM web page.
In a Saturday, June 14, 2003, article in the San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper entitled "Cyclists to start in paradise, finish in pain", staff write Don Norcross wrote:
"Nineteen cyclists will set out on a spiritual and physical journey tomorrow morning at the Embarcadero.
If successful, that quest will end, 2,922 miles later in Atlantic City, N.J.
The fastest will traverse the continent in eight or nine days, pedaling an average of 350 miles and 21 hours a day. They'll nap in motor homes and subsist on carbohydrate-loaded fluids. And if history is any indicator, they'll be chased by dogs, pelted with beer cans, maybe even shot at.
It's call the Race Across America, or RAAM.
John Howard calls it pure hell..."
You can follow the Race Across America in detail at www.RaceAcrossAmerica.org
The organizers of this year's Race Across America are to be congratulated on an exciting, well organized, and very impressive start of the Race!!
June 14, 2003
- Added a new page for the Preliminary 2002 California Triple Crown Stage Race Results. Results are in from the Devil Mountain Double held 4/26/03 and the Heartbreak Double held 5/24/03. The report included shows the "Leader Board" of those riders who completed the first two of the three Stages of the Stage Race, ranked by Total Overall Time.
Jeff Landauer leads the competition so far with Robert Choi just 6 minutes back and Paul Mc Kenzie 1 Hour 8 Minutes back!!
Unfortunately, there aren't any Women who completed both of the first two stages in this year's Stage Race.
In the Tandem Division, Doug Grattan and Carole Breed are flying on these most difficult Double Centuries ... they are just 1 Hour 45 Minutes behind the overall leader Jeff Landauer.
However, there is one little matter: the Final Stage in the Stage Race is the Terrible Two to be held on Saturday, June 28, 2003.
The Terrible Two has a reputation of being the most difficult Double Century around. Although the route has varied in small ways over the years, its defining features have always been its four big climbs (and the steep, twisting descents that follow): Trinity Grade, the Geysers, Skaggs Springs, and Fort Ross. Numerous smaller but pesky hills add to the overall challenge. Trinity, the Geysers, and Fort Ross are all double-summit climbs, while Skaggs Springs is a long series of climbs and descents. Few gradients on the course exceed 15%, but many climbs stay in the 8-12% range for long distances. The Terrible Two Web Site has an excellent Elevation Chart which graphically shows just how brutal this course with over 16,000 Feet of Climbing really is!!
In 2002, the Terrible Two wasn't too hot but it was very brutal with 200 Miles and over 16,000 Feet of Climbing!! Of the 227 Riders that Started, 194 Finished Finished and 33 Did Not Finish this Third Stage of the Stage Race.
The 2003 California Triple Crown Stage Race will yield total of over 600 Grueling Miles with over 50,000 Feet of Climbing!!
You don't have to do anything special to sign up for the Stage Race: In 2003, all you have to do is to sign up for and ride your heart out on the 3 Doubles in the Stage Race!! Of course, that's much easier said than done!! Also, if you ride any Stage on a tandem, you must ride all three Stages on a tandem with the same partner.
The California Triple Crown lays down this challenge: be among the select few who are able to finish the Stage Race!!
Stay tuned for all of the results!!
March 17, 2003
- On the Home Page, removed the Potential Winner's List and replaced it with the following final reports:
--2002 Winners Report Sorted By Name
--2002 Winners Report Sorted By Number of 2002 Doubles
--2002 Winners Report Sorted By Total Number of Doubles: 1990-2002
--2002 Winners Report Sorted By Club
--2002 Gold Thousand Mile Club: 5 or More Doubles With Support
--2002 Support Volunteers
--2002 Thousand Mile Club
All of these reports reflect the results of all of the 2002 Results that I know of at this time as well as a final check with the California Triple Crown Registration Forms. In addition, all of these reports are much easier to read than in prior years because they are coming from a Microsoft Access Data Base. Each report is also available in Microsoft Excel format with the column headings frozen so they are always at the top of the page.
In the Number of California Triple Crown Winners Table, added the number of 2002 California Triple Crown Finishers which is 363, a significant increase over 290 from last year.
- Special recognition goes out to Merrick Cohn with 14 Doubles, Big Ring Dave Evans and Lynn Katano with 11 Doubles, and Paul Kopit, and Ron Way with 10 Doubles ... all ridden in the Year 2002 Season!! See the 2002 Winners Report Sorted By Number of 2002 Doubles to check out who completed 9, 8, 7 or even 3 of these hard rides.
- The 2002 Winners Report Sorted By Total Number of Doubles: 1990-2002 includes all Past and Present California Triple Crown Winners even if they didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year. If you see someone on this report who didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year, please encourage them to get back on the saddle and join us again next year!! Riding Double Centuries is a great way to have big goals helping you to stay in good shape!!
- The 2002 Winners Report Sorted By Club shows some interesting competition between the Cycling Clubs. Congratulations to the following Clubs on the Leaderboard with the California Triple Crown:
--Davis Bike Club with 33 Finishers
--Santa Rosa Cycling Club with 18 Finishers
--Kern Wheelmen with 11 Finishers
--Marin Cyclists with 10 Finishers
--Almaden Cycle Touring Club with 8 Finishers
--Orange County Wheelmen with 8 Finishers
--Western Wheelers with 7 Finishers
--Phoenix Bullshifters with 6 Finishers
--Veloce Santiago with 6 Finishers
- The 2002 Gold Thousand Mile Club: 5 or More Doubles With Support recognizes those cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 2002 and very importantly have supported at least one of them!! This report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 2002 and supported at least one of them. Congratulations to each of these Cyclists!!
- It's one thing to complete Three Double Centuries in a year -- it's a whole other matter to complete Five or More Doubles in a single year. The 2002 Thousand Mile Club shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 2002!! Congratulations to each of these Cyclists!!
- The 2002 Support Volunteers Report shows those people who helped to support at least one of the Double Centuries. Even though this list includes everyone who indicated that they supported one of the rides this year, I know that it's far from complete. There are many dedicated people who work long and hard to make these rides work. Please drop me a line and let me know which rides you worked on ... and I'll add you to this list!!
March 5, 2003
- Status of 2002 Reports, Winner's Letter, and Patch/Refrigerator Magnets
I have now processed all of the 2002 Registration Forms. The next step is to create the 2002 Winner's Reports for the web site and send out the Winner's Letter. If you are a 2002 California Triple Crown Winner, you have earned a complimentary California Triple Crown Patch OR Refrigerator Magnet with the 2003 Schedule on it. Send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to me at: Chuck Bramwell, 4911 Tamarack Way, Irvine, CA 92612 and include a note indicating whether you would like the Patch or Magnet and I'll send it to you. If you want both the Patch and Magnet, enclose a $2 check made out to "California Triple Crown Association".
- Elevation Profiles and Photos added for Butterfield and Death Valley Spring 2003
Added the following on the Schedule Page:
-- Elevation Profile for the 2003 Butterfield Double from Mike Sturgill and his Ciclosport CM414 Alti-M
-- Results for the 2003 Butterfield Double from Planet Ultra
-- Photos for the 2003 Butterfield Double by Lynn Katano
-- Photos for the 2003 Butterfield Double by Eric Norris
-- Elevation Profile for the 2003 Death Valley Spring Double at from Chuck Bramwell and his Ciclosport HAC4
-- Results for the 2002 Death Valley Fall Double from Planet Ultra
-- Photos for the 2003 Death Valley Spring Double by Lynn Katano
- Hell's Gate Climb Analysis added from the Death Valley Double Spring 2003
Added the following on the Schedule Page:
-- Hell's Gate Climb Analysis added from the Death Valley Double Spring 2003 from Chuck Bramwell and his Ciclosport HAC4 Computer
-- This climb goes up 2,022 Feet in 6.50 Miles for an Average Grade of 5.89% but felt a whole lot worse after 167 hard miles under our belt
-- This graph also shows the Ascent %'s ... there are parts of this climb that were 8% or more!!
- Updated the Altimeter Analysis Study at the top of the Schedule Page with the following:
-- Added Dave Evans full history of readings
-- Added Dave Evans HB02 Cateye Reading in with the HB Highland readings
-- Added Gary Pohle's BF03
-- Added Dave Evans SV97
-- Added Dave Evans BF03
-- Added Mike Sturgill's BF03
-- Added Chuck Bramwell's DVS03
Altimeters vary in their readings depending on model and weather changes. This Detailed Analysis of Altimeter Readings is being conducted for the Double Centuries in the California Triple Crown. The Excel Spreadsheet computes the Average of the Altimeter readings for each type of Altimeter and a total Average for all Altimeters for each of the Doubles. The following altimeters are being compared:
-- Avocet 50
-- Cateye CA-100
-- Ciclosport CM414
-- Polar S710
-- Suunto Altimeter
I have received a large number of readings from Fenn Pervier which I need to add.
If you rode any of these Double Centuries with an altimeter by riding the entire course without missing any significant turns and if your computer was working correctly as far as you can tell, I'd like to add your results to this Altimeter Analysis Study. Please send your readings including the Double Name, Date, Computer Manufacturer / Model,Feet of Climbing, and Miles to Chuck Bramwell at CBrams@CalTripleCrown.com and I'll add your results to the study.
February 25, 2003
- Added the 2002 Support Volunteers Report which shows those people who helped to support at least one of the Double Centuries. Even though this list includes everyone who indicated that they supported one of the rides this year either on the Registration Form that they sent or based on the ride organizer's web reports, I know that it's far from complete. There are many dedicated people who work long and hard to make these rides work. Please drop me a line and let me know which rides you worked on ... and I'll add you to this list!!
- Updated all of the Feet of Climbing, Ride Highlights, and Ride Descriptions for the Planet Ultra Double Centuries on the 2003 Schedule Page including new info for:
-- Butterfield Double
-- Death Valley Spring Double
-- Solvang Double
-- Mulholland Double
-- Ridge Route Double
-- Heartbreak Double
-- Eastern Sierra Double
-- Tour of Two Forests Double
-- Death Valley Fall Double
The ride director info for Devil Mountain Double was updated to reflect Scott Halversen who is taking the helm for 2003.
- Updated the Altimeter Analysis Study at the top of the Schedule Page with the following:
-- Sorted the results in order by Double Name Alphabetically
-- Added % over Avocet Feet of Climbing calcs
-- Added Rebecca Smith's readings
-- Added Joe Gross's readings
-- Added Wayne Dunlap's readings
-- Added Dawn Derlighter's readings
-- Added Bill Oetinger's readings
-- Added Doug Goodwin's readings
-- Removed Dave Evans Heartbreak 9/28/02 Reading with Cateye CA-100 of 16,640 Feet and 202.6 because it was way too high
-- Added Mike Burns's Butterfield 03 reading
-- Added Mark Kaufman's Butterfield 03 reading
-- Added Pierre Moreels Butterfield 03 reading
-- Added Steve Pohle's Butterfield 03 reading
Altimeters vary in their readings depending on model and weather changes. This Detailed Analysis of Altimeter Readings is being conducted for the Double Centuries in the California Triple Crown. The Excel Spreadsheet computes the Average of the Altimeter readings for each type of Altimeter and a total Average for all Altimeters for each of the Doubles. The following altimeters are being compared:
-- Avocet 50
-- Cateye CA-100
-- Ciclosport CM414
-- Polar S710
-- Suunto Altimeter
I have received a large number of readings from Dave Evans and Fenn Pervier which I need to add.
If you rode any of these Double Centuries with an altimeter by riding the entire course without missing any significant turns and if your computer was working correctly as far as you can tell, I'd like to add your results to this Altimeter Analysis Study. Please send your readings including the Double Name, Date, Computer Manufacturer / Model,Feet of Climbing, and Miles to Chuck Bramwell at CBrams@CalTripleCrown.com and I'll add your results to the study.
January 22, 2003
- Added the Altimeter Analysis Study at the top of the Schedule Page. Altimeters vary in their readings depending on model and weather changes. This Detailed Analysis of Altimeter Readings is being conducted for the Double Centuries in the California Triple Crown. The Excel Spreadsheet computes the Average of the Altimeter readings for each type of Altimeter and a total Average for all Altimeters for each of the Doubles. The following altimeters are being compared:
-- Avocet 50
-- Cateye CA-100
-- Ciclosport CM414
-- Polar S710
-- Suunto Altimeter
Initial readings by Ken Bartholic, Brian Bowling, Chuck Bramwell, Charlie Griffice, and Mike Sturgill have been logged to this Excel Spreadsheet. If you rode any of these Double Centuries with an altimeter by riding the entire course without missing any significant turns and if your computer was working correctly as far as you can tell, I'd like to add your results to this Altimeter Analysis Study. Please send your readings including the Double Name, Date, Computer Manufacturer / Model, Feet of Climbing, and Miles to Chuck Bramwell at CBrams@CalTripleCrown.com and I'll add your results to the study.
- Updated the Schedule Page, with links to Elevation Charts for the following Doubles:
-- Death Valley Double
-- Heartbreak Double
-- Eastern Sierra Double
-- Grand Tour Highland Double
-- Tour of Two Forests Double
These charts were provided by Mike Sturgill who recorded them with his Ciclosport CM414 Alti-M computer. Small and Large Versions of each Elevation Chart were added. Thanks to Mike for his good work!!
January 16, 2003
- Added the 2003 California Triple Crown Stage Race Page and announced that the Stage Race this year will consist of a new line-up of Double Centuries: the Devil Mountain Double, the Heartbreak Double, and the Terrible Two Double. The Total Elapsed Time from each of these grueling Doubles is then added together and the rider with the fastest overall time for all Three Doubles wins the Stage Race.
On the Schedule Page, you will notice that the Difficulty Rating by the "California Triple Crown" for each of these rides is: Extremely High. Do not make any of these rides your first Double Century -- because if you do, you may not want to do another one!! However, if you are in the best shape of your life and you are looking for the ultimate one day tests of your physical and mental fitness, then these rides are for you!!
In 2002, the Devil Mountain Double was a true challenge of over 18,500 Feet of Climbing. Only 125 Riders Started this brutally hard ride and only 107 Finished ... 18 Riders Did Not Finish this First Stage of the Stage Race!!
In 2002, the Heartbreak Double was a challenge as always with 200 Miles and over 14,600 Feet of Climbing!! Only 68 Riders Started this brutally hard ride and only 57 Finished it. In 2003, the Heartbreak Double will be even more difficult with a return via Pine Canyon ... this route used to be called the "Highland" option in the early 90's. This change will increase the Climbing to an estimated 15,500 Feet!!
The Terrible Two has a reputation of being the most difficult Double Century around. Although the route has varied in small ways over the years, its defining features have always been its four big climbs (and the steep, twisting descents that follow): Trinity Grade, the Geysers, Skaggs Springs, and Fort Ross. Numerous smaller but pesky hills add to the overall challenge. Trinity, the Geysers, and Fort Ross are all double-summit climbs, while Skaggs Springs is a long series of climbs and descents. Few gradients on the course exceed 15%, but many climbs stay in the 8-12% range for long distances. The Terrible Two Web Site has an excellent Elevation Chart which graphically shows just how brutal this course with over 16,000 Feet of Climbing really is!!
In 2002, the Terrible Two wasn't too hot but it was very brutal with 200 Miles and over 16,000 Feet of Climbing!! Of the 227 Riders that Started, 194 Finished Finished and 33 Did Not Finish this Third Stage of the Stage Race.
The 2003 California Triple Crown Stage Race will yield total of over 600 Grueling Miles with over 50,000 Feet of Climbing!!
You don't have to do anything special to sign up for the Stage Race: In 2003, all you have to do is to sign up for and ride your heart out on the 3 Doubles in the Stage Race!! Of course, that's much easier said than done!! Also, if you ride any Stage on a tandem, you must ride all three Stages on a tandem with the same partner.
The California Triple Crown lays down this challenge: be among the select few who are able to finish the Stage Race!!
The Organizers of the Double Centuries have approved the following plan for the future:
In 2004, the plan is to have the California Triple Crown Stage Race consist of the Central Coast Double, the Heartbreak Double*, and the Terrible Two Double.
In 2005, the plan is to have the California Triple Crown Stage Race consist of the Devil Mountain Double, the Central Coast Double, and the Heartbreak Double*.
In 2006, the plan is to have the California Triple Crown Stage Race consist of the Devil Mountain Double, the Central Coast Double, and the Terrible Two Double.
In 2007, the plan is to have the California Triple Crown Stage Race consist of the Devil Mountain Double, the Heartbreak Double*, and the Terrible Two Double like in 2003.
* In 2004 and beyond, Planet Ultra may wish to subsitute the Mulholland Double or the Ridge Route Double into the Stage Race rotation instead of the Heartbreak Double. In terms of difficulty, the Mulholland Double and the Ridge Route Doubles are plenty tough enough with lots of climbing for sure.
The advantages of this plan for the future is that there will be variety in the Stage Race from year to year, it allows Southern California cyclists to more easily participate in the Stage Race, and it is fair to all of the toughest Double Centuries in California.
The California Triple Crown lays down this challenge: be among the select few who are able to finish the Stage Race!!
- Updated the Schedule Page, with links to the new 2003 California Triple Crown Stage Race page in the table for the Devil Mountain Double, the Heartbreak Double, and the Terrible Two Double.
I also added a printer friendly version of the California Triple Crown Schedule and added a link to this from the main Schedule Page. This is a nice addition since it prints all one page ... thanks for the suggestion for this from Mike Burns.
January 12, 2003
- Updated the 2002 Potential Finishers Page, showing those Cyclists who have completed at least one of the 2002 California Triple Crown Double Centuries. All of the Double Century results from each ride have been posted to this report. The final step is to process the California Triple Crown Registration Forms that have been sent in.
If you haven't sent in your California Triple Crown Registration Form, you need to do so before 1/18/03. If you know of someone who hasn't done this last step, please remind them to do so. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the Winner's Letter, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!! Yes, you do need to send in a Registration Form even if you have sent an Order for California Triple Crown Products. Yes, you do need to send in a Registration Form even if the rides you completed are listed correctly here. JUST DO IT!!
It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made after 1/18/03. This will be the last time cyclists who completed only one or two Double Centuries in 2002 will be shown on these reports.
All of the Double Century results from each ride have been posted to this report. The final step is to process the California Triple Crown Registration Forms that have been sent in.
If you see a problem with these results, please send an E-Mail to Chuck Bramwell at CBrams@CalTripleCrown.com specifying the problem in detail.
December 7, 2002
- The 2003 California Triple Crown Schedule was announced consisting of:
02/15/03 Butterfield Double
03/01/03 Spring Death Valley Double
03/29/03 Solvang Double
04/12/03 Hemet D.C.
04/12/03 Mulholland Double
04/26/03 Devil Mountain Double
05/03/03 Ridge Route Double
05/10/03 Central Coast Double
05/17/03 Davis Double
05/24/03 Heartbreak Double
06/14/03 Eastern Sierra Double
06/21/03 Grand Tour
06/28/03 Terrible Two
09/20/03 Knoxville Fall Classic Double
09/27/03 Tour of Two Forests Double
10/18/03 Fall Death Valley Double
The Mulholland Double was first ridden in 2001 and 2002 in the form of the Mulholland 300k Brevet and has been added to the California Triple Crown Schedule of Double Centuries in 2003. Be ready for a course that is as scenic as it is challenging. This course can best be described as dramatic, epic, diverse, and beautiful. Spend the day riding through Southern California's roads less traveled. Ride up, over, and along mountain peaks and ridges, plus through canyons and countrysides.
The Hemet D.C. and the Mulholland Double are both scheduled on 4/12/03. This date conflict was discussed at great length between the organizers and was concluded to be unavoidable. The Redlands Bicycle Classic moved it's Professional and Public Bike Ride from it's customary March date to 4/05/03 which meant that the Hemet D.C. would not have enough staff on that day. Jim Watrous, the ride organizer of the Hemet D.C., found that 4/12/03 was the best date for the Hemet D.C. We realize that this date is opposite the Mulholland Double with 12,000 feet of climbing and we realize this creates two doubles on the same day. However, the Hemet D.C. is mainly targetted for the beginning to intermediate rider with 5,300 feet elevation gain. We are hopeful that this should have a minimum of impact between the two events.
The Ridge Route Double was first ridden in 2001 and 2002 in the form of the Ridge Route 400k Brevet and has been added to the California Triple Crown Schedule of Double Centuries in 2003. This epic event features three loops that all begin and end in Santa Clarita. This will make it much easier for participants to obtain any special needs that they may have. Just bring all your gear and lock it in your car or in your room at the hotel!
All of these Double Centuries are also included in the Western States Bicycle Ride Calendar which is linked to from the Table of Contents.
The Feet of Climbing for the Heartbreak Double was updated to be 14,600 based on data from the 2002 Route.
Of course, the above Double Centuries in the California Triple Crown are not the only excellent one day events in California planned for 2003. You might want to consider bigger challenges such as the Davis 12/24 Hour Challenge on 4/12/03 and see how far you can ride in 12 Hours or 24 Hours on an excellent course. In addition, Brevets of 200km, 300km, 400km, and 600km are being planned by the Davis Bike Club, San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club, Planet Ultra, and San Francisco Randonneurs. However, only the Double Centuries in the above list qualify for the California Triple Crown of Double Centuries.
November 13, 2002
- Updated the Product Pages, showing all of the new products for the 2002 season. All of the photos of the products on these pages have been updated to reflect the new lineup this year.
I understand you may want to order some products.
Well, at long last, we're ready to ROCK AND ROLL!!
The 2002 California Triple Crown Finisher's Letter will be in the mail to you soon IF YOU SEND ME A REGISTRATION FORM. I decided to work through the many product issues and get those web pages completed before finishing the letter. This will allow you to place your orders for your products so we can get them to you as soon as possible.
I've been working with Voler and Charlie Irwin on the new California Triple Crown Products and building the new web pages. Charlie and his team at AFM Engineering have put together a California Triple Crown Inventory Web Page which shows the products and sizes we have in stock at any given time. Links to that Inventory Web Page are on each of the relevant product pages.
When you see these 2002 California Triple Crown products, I hope you'll agree with me that they were worth the wait!!
Here are some highlights of the Products:
The Voler Yellow Short Sleeve Jersey will continue to be sold and continues to look great!! Current Inventory is on the web page including a recent order of 83 more Jerseys which has arrived. If you e-mailed me indicating that you wanted a Women's Size on this Jersey in August or September, please send me your order and specify "Women's Size" on the Order Form.
The Voler Yellow Sleeveless Jersey is new for this year. An order of 25 Jerseys was placed with Voler and has arrived. The size breakdown of this order is on the web page. Orders will be filled on a first come, first served basis. When these Jerseys are sold, it is doubtful that another Sleeveless order will be placed due to projected low demand based upon my e-mail survey. If you e-mailed me that you wanted one of these Jerseys, please send me your order as soon as possible. If you e-mailed me indicating that you wanted a Women's Size on this Jersey in August or September, please send me your order and specify "Women's Size" on the Order Form.
The Voler Blue Short Sleeve Jersey will continue to be sold and continues to look great ... it's a true classic!! If you e-mailed me indicating that you wanted a Women's Size on this Jersey in August or September, please send me your order and specify "Women's Size" on the Order Form.
The Voler Blue Long Sleeve Jersey will continue to be sold. These Jerseys are really great -- besides looking good, they keep you warm in the cold mornings but not too hot in the afternoons!! In 1999, I ordered one batch of 50 of these Jerseys. I wasn't going to order another batch ... until I took this Jersey on the 2000 PAC Tour. We had some cold days in Kansas and Missouri where it stayed in the 30's and 40's all day ... and I wore this Long Sleeve Jersey all day long under a Windbreaker. It worked extremely well. I liked it so much that I wore it 5 days in a row and it became my favorite jersey for sure. This Thermasensor material is really nice: it also breaths well when it warms up to the 60's and 70's which was very surprising to me. I would highly recommend this Jersey to you.
We continue to offer the Voler Blue Windbreaker this year. This extremely high quality Windbreaker is made of Vortex RipStop MicroFiber which is a really nice material. This will be a great Windbreaker for those cold Winter Mornings!! However, it is quite lightweight. Current Inventory is on the web page.
For Hall of Fame and Gold Thousand Mile Club Members, we have a Yellow Custom PACE Jersey available this year. In addition, these riders can specify Circular Custom Text around the outside of the California Triple Crown Logo with "Hall of Fame" and/or "Gold Thousand Mile Club"!! The White Custom PACE Jersey is beautiful with new Ribbons on the Back Pockets and CTC Logo on the Sleeves!!
The Voler Arm Warmers are outstanding!! Much heavier than Pearl Izumi Arm Warmers, these keep your arms much warmer. They match perfectly with the Voler Jerseys. They also look great with the PACE Jersey.
The Voler Gloves will look great with your California Triple Crown Jersey!! They have a full color California Bear on a white background on top. This is a new product for 2002 and these Gloves are going to be really good!!
DeFeet Socks look great and work extremely well to boot. DeFeet is now manufacturing the California Bear Socks again and we have taken delivery of a good supply of these which look perfect with the Bear Jerseys. In addition, Lance Armstrong Foundation Socks have been added which are real cool ... a portion of the sale of these socks goes to the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
The Custom Sport Shirt is an outstanding, beautiful, comfortable white shirt which is simply dressed up by your California Triple Crown accomplishments on the Front Pocket!! This all white shirt has 3 Buttons and nice Collar and is much dressier than the T-Shirt. Great for work, parties, or anywhere!! This Polyester/Cotton fabric is really nice: It breathes, wicks sweat away from the skin, insulates the body but also feels soft and cozy. Small California Triple Crown logo on the front pocket is surrounded by the names of the ride you completed. Your Name and "Thousand Mile Club" can be added as Circular Text surrounding the Rides you completed and the California Triple Crown Logo.
Also this year we are offerring a super comfortable white Custom Sweatshirt. This is an extremely high quality long sleeve Sweatshirt. This will have a new design for 2002: The California Triple Crown logo will be on the back surrounded by the names of the Double Centuries you completed successfully. On the front of the Sweatshirt, a miniature of what appears on the back is reproduced in the Shirt Pocket area, followed by up to 5 lines of Custom text!! Your Name and "Thousand Mile Club" can be added as Circular Text surrounding the Rides you completed and the California Triple Crown Logo. dressed up by your California Triple Crown accomplishments on the Front!! This fabric is really soft and makes for a very comfortable sweatshirt. Great to stay warm during those winter months or on the colder mornings before a good ride!!
The Custom T-Shirt is being built with the same excellent process as the Custom PACE Jersey this year ... allowing the Front Pocket area to be customized with the rides you did as well as Custom Text.
The Specialized Water Bottles continue to be a good seller ... they look great and have a large screw on top with a wide neck making it easy to mix your drinks and ice. I just ordered another batch of 500 of these hot items so don't forget some water bottles with your order!!
The Custom Plaque is looking better than ever this year!!
The Custom Ceramic Mug is really awesome this year!!
The Plastic Coffee Mug holds 16 ounces of your favorite beverage.
The Mouse Pad will make your mouse glide in style!!
Another great product this year is the Custom Cap. This White Baseball Style Cap has an adjustable slide closure on the back dressed up with your California Triple accomplishments on the Front!! Your Name and "Thousand Mile Club" can be added as Circular Text surrounding the Rides you completed and the California Triple Crown Logo.
The California Triple Crown Patch has the full color California Triple Crown logo and will look SUPER on your Camelbak cover!! Each California Triple Crown Finisher will receive a Patch or a Refrigerator Magnet at no charge. The remainder will be sold on a first come, first served basis. There are no guarantees that we will order more of these patchs in the future.
The California Triple Crown Refrigerator Magnet is beautiful. This has the full color California Triple Crown logo on it with "2002 Finisher" followed by the 2003 Ride Schedule!! This California Triple Crown Refrigerator Magnet will look SUPER on your Refrigerator!! This places the 2003 Ride Schedule in an easy to see place for your whole family to become familiar with so they can support you and the rides. Each California Triple Crown Finisher will receive one of these or a Patch at no charge. A major benefit to this on your Refrigerator: It will be a constant reminder to you not to eat so much ... so you can climb those hills easier!! :)
There are tons of details on each of the products on the web site so check it all out. The navigation links at the bottom of each Product page were also enhanced with links to "Last Product" and "Next Product" allowing you to browse easily through all of these HOT ITEMS!!
The Order Form is on the Web Site and ready to go.
A big thanks to Charlie Irwin and his company for building all of the Custom Products this year as well as doing the Shipping and Handling on the orders.
When you see the new 2002 California Triple Crown products, I hope you'll agree with me that they were worth the wait!! Send in your order today!!
Let's Roll!!
October 23, 2002
- On the Schedule Page under "California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast", added a link to Photos from the 2002 Awards Breakfast. Rest your Mouse Pointer over a thumbnail to see the caption for the photo. Click on any of the small thumbnails to bring up the medium size version. Click on the medium size version to bring up the large size version. Thanks to Dan Shadoan for taking these photos.
The 2002 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast was held 9/22/02 at Pena Adobe Park in Vacaville, California, the day after the 2002 Knoxville Fall Classic Double. Rory McLeod and his Quackcyclists team cranked out some great Breakfast goodies for us and we appreciate all of their work to make this happen!!
Photos include:
-- Lots of fun photos from before the Breakfast
-- George Pinney, the Organizer of the Devil Mountain Double, always makes sure there is Martinelli's Apple Juice at the end of the Devil Mountain Double ... and the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast!!
-- John Robbins was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2000 ... Dan Shadoan was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2001 ... and Karen Robbins is frequently seen FLYING on these Double Centuries!!
-- Lee Mitchell has supported us on so many California Double Centuries, it's impossible to count ... He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2000!!
--Lee rode his first Double way back in 1975 ... and has ridden over 20 Doubles, 3 Triples, and a Quad Century!! He was the first rider to do back to back Davis Doubles ... riding 400 Miles!!
--Lee was inducted into the CTC Hall of Fame last year for all of the Doubles that he has supported over the past Decade!! He has saved so many of us from failure!!
-- Big Ring Dave Evans rode his first Double way back in 1978!! It was an honor to induct Dave into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame in 2001.
-- Bill Ellis and Bill Oetinger are looking good in their 1994 Terrible Two T-Shirts which are true collector's items now!!
--Thanks to Rory MacLeod and the Quackcyclists for a great Double yesterday and a great Breakfast today!! These guys have fun!!
--Many folks completed their first California Triple Crown in 2002 so they were given a free Triple Crown Water Bottle!!
-- In the Women's Division of the 2002 Stage Race, Rebecca Smith from Portland, Oregon received an Honorable Mention Plaque. She was only 26 minutes behind Jennie Phillips in 3rd Place after 600 Miles and 45,200 Feet of Climbing!!
-- In the Women's Division of the 2002 Stage Race, Laura Stern came in 2nd Place!! She's all smiles here as she is awarded her Stage Race Plaque.
-- In the Women's Division of the 2002 Stage Race, Catherina Berge came in First Place!! She set a new Women's Course Record on the Terrible Two this year ... she was flying!!
-- In the 2002 Stage Race, Kenny Owens was awarded an Honorable Mention Plaque after coming in Fourth Place by only 8 Minutes over those three extremely difficult Double Centuries!!
-- Robert Choi really earned his 3rd Place Stage Race Plaque ... At Mile 170 on the Terrible Two, a car ran him off a narrow road causing him to crash but he got up and didn't let the crash slow him down!!
-- Daryn Dodge is Mr. Stage Race himself ... here he receives his Second Place Plaque. He won the Stage Race in 1996, came in 4th in 1999, 2nd in 2000, and an Honorable Mention in 2001.
-- Rupert Brauch receives his 1st Place Stage Race Plaque for 2002!! Rupert came in First Place on the Devil Mountain Double, the Central Coast Double, and Third on the Terrible Two!!
-- Scott, George, and Rory do a great job leading the Quackcyclists in organizing the Devil Mountain Double and the Knoxville Fall Classic Double. Thanks for hosting the Awards Breakfast Guys!!
-- Chuck Bramwell was inducted into the Hall of Fame by his good buddy Ken Bartholic after completing the Triple Crown each year since 1991.
-- It was an honor to induct Doug Patterson into the Hall of Fame for completing 50 Double Centuries since his first one: the 1996 Death Valley Double with GALE FORCE winds!!
-- Craig Robertson was inducted into the Hall of Fame after completing 50 Doubles since 1995!! Craig is often seen flying up and down the Moutains of the toughest California Doubles!!
-- Lynn Katano worked especially hard to make it into the Hall of Fame this year by completing 11 Double Centuries this year!! Lynn was only the Second Lady to ever be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
-- Anny Beck surprised Lynn with a really awesome Trophy!! Lynn always has a super positive attitude on these tough adventures.
-- Lynn is an awesome stoker!! She is also an awesome cyclist on her single bike!!
-- It was an honor to induct Bill Oetinger into the CalTripleCrown Hall of Fame for over 10 years of hard work leading the troops at the Santa Rosa Cycling Club in organizing on the Terrible Two!!
-- Bill gives a lot of credit to the Santa Rosa Cycling Club and rightfully so. However, Bill was the one who stepped forward in 1992 to resurrect the Terrible Two from the ashes!!
-- It was an honor to induct Charlie Irwin into the CalTripleCrown Hall of Fame in 2002. Charlie rode his first Double during the Grand Tour Triple Century way back in 1976!!
-- We surprised Charlie at the October Orange County Wheelmen Meeting ... Charlie is the President of OCW this year. Charlie has given so much to the sport of cycling over the past 25 years, it's incredible!!
--It was a great honor to induct Charlie Irwin, Doug Patterson, Craig Robertson, Lynn Katano, and Bill Oetinger into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame in 2002!!
-- Thanks to everyone who helped make the 2002 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast so fun and such a success!!
- On the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame Page, added the Hall of Famers inducted in 2002 and added links to the photos from the Awards Breakfast.
- On the California Triple Crown Stage Race Results Page, added images of the plaques given to each of the winners in this year's Stage Race.
October 21, 2002
- Added the 2002 Potential Finishers Page, showing those Cyclists who have completed the following Doubles: Butterfield Double of 2/16/02, Spring Death Valley Double of 3/02/02, Solvang Double of 3/23/02, or the Hemet Double of 4/06/02. It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made.
Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the Winner's Letter, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!! Yes, you do need to send me a Registration Form even if you have sent me an Order for California Triple Crown Products. Yes, you do need to send me a Registration Form even if the rides you completed are listed correctly here. JUST DO IT!!
The rest of the rides will be posted soon. Please review these results as soon as possible and let me know of corrections via E-mails. All of this needs to be wrapped up before the products can be ordered because we don't sell them to just anyone!! I am committed to wrapping this up quickly so stay tuned.
This list does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms which I am now processing. Keep those Registration Forms coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!!
October 20, 2002
- On the Schedule Page for the Heartbreak Double, added a link to the 2002 Results.
- On the Schedule Page for the Knoxville Fall Classic Double, added a link to the 2002 Results.
- On the Schedule Page for the Grand Tour, added a link to the 2002 Results.
- On the Schedule Page for the Terrible Two, added a link to the 2002 Results.
- On the Schedule Page for the Eastern Sierra Double, added a link to the 2002 Results.
- On the Schedule Page for the Death Valley Double, corrected the link to the 2001 Spring Results.
September 18, 2002
- On the Home Page, added a link to a new page for the 2002 San Francisco Grand Prix containing:
-- Link to Outstanding Photos taken by Tom Lawrence from Team Bikeaholics. Tom used his Canon D30 Digital Camera and they really came out so clear it's just like being there!! Thanks to Tom for sharing these great photos -- they're even better than last year's photos!!.
-- Link to the San Francisco Grand Prix web site
-- Link to the following San Francisco Chronicle reports:
"Hincapie happy to be back in S.F. Defending champ returns from accident"
"Grand Prix bike race to reroute San Francisco traffic"
"Dionne beats Armstrong in hilly San Francisco cycling event"
"Canadian bests Armstrong in hilly San Francisco cycling event "
-- Lance Armstrong's Web Site at www.LanceArmstrong.com and George Hincapie's Web Site at www.Hincapie.com are highly recommended. They are constantly being updated by Web Master Chris Brewer.
-- Link to the United States Postal Service Pro Cycling Team's web site.
- The California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast will be held on Sunday September 22, 2002 from 7:30 A.M. to about 9:00 A.M. The Breakfast will be held under the gazebo in Pena Adobe Park which is where the Knoxville Double will Start and Finish the day before.
Awards will be presented to the top 3 Men, Women, and Tandems in this year's California Triple Crown Stage Race.
Also, be sure to come and recognize those who will be inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame this year!!
If you're already in the Hall of Fame, please attend this Breakfast so you can welcome the new Hall of Famers into this elite group.
We appreciate Rory MacLeod and the Quackcyclists for hosting the Breakfast this year ... please come ready to help out in making it a great event. Be sure to thank these great folks for taking on this extra workload.
Hope to see you at the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast this Sunday!!
August 23, 2002
- Added the following to the 2002 Products Page:
I need to know if you are interested in buying a California Triple Crown Jersey later in 2002 or early in 2003. I am in the process of ordering a batch of the Blue Short Sleeve and Long Sleeve Voler Jerseys and then will be ordering a batch of the Yellow Short Sleeve Voler Jerseys.
In an effort to better accomodate the Women who have completed the California Triple Crown, I will be ordering some Voler Jerseys in Women's Sizes as well as Men's Sizes. This batch of Voler Jerseys in Women's Size may be a one time opportunity and may not be repeated in the future.
If you are interested in buying a Jersey, please send me an E-mail at CBrams@CalTripleCrown.com and specify:
1. Blue Voler, Yellow Voler, or White Pace Jersey
2. If Blue Voler Jersey, Long or Short Sleeve
3. Size of Jersey and whether it's a Women's Sizing or not. Because of the low numbers involved in Women's Sizing, I will not be inventorying any extra Voler Jerseys in Women's Sizes. So if you want one, please let me know as soon as possible.
4. Your Name
In particular, if you will need a Size S, XXL, or XXXL, please let me know now since I can't afford to inventory many of those. You can check out examples of these Jerseys and their Sizing Charts on these Product pages.
These Jerseys continue to be extremely popular ... we have sold over 250 Custom White Pace Jerseys, 450 Blue Short Sleeve, 100 Blue Long Sleeve, and over 250 Yellow Short Sleeve Voler Jerseys in the past couple of years.
We have 21 of the Voler Blue Windbreakers in stock so I won't be ordering any more of those. We have sold 29 of them in the past year. They are an excellent product but it looks like the current inventory should be adequate for now.
My ordering deadline to Voler is Friday, August, 30, 2002. If you know of someone else who might be wanting one of these great Jerseys, please ask them to drop me a note. If they don't have E-Mail, maybe you could send me a note for them.
If there is sufficient interest, I'll order some Voler CalTripleCrown Gloves ... these would probably be like the ones I ordered a couple of years ago. They are a Black Poly Lycra glove with Terry Cloth on the thumb and synthetic suede palm. Full color California Triple Crown logo on top. Velcro wrist closure. Cost to you would be about $19 a pair.
Initial design concepts for a new 2003 Voler Jersey are being accepted. Please send me a E-Mail if you have some suggestions.
I am working with Charlie Irwin in finalizing the Products for 2002. There may be an additional couple of products which we'll be adding so you may wish to wait to place your order until I finalize the 2002 California Triple Crown Order Form.
With Knoxville on 9/21, Heartbreak on 9/29, and the Fall Death Valley Double on 11/02/02, it's still Double Century Time!! You can even complete your 2002 California Triple Crown with those Three Doubles!!
Hope to see you at the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast on 9/22/02!!
Chuck Bramwell
California Triple Crown Guy
"There is nothing a good day of cycling won't cure."
July 3, 2002
- Added the 2002 California Triple Crown Registration Form. Please fill out a Registration Form and mail it to me when you've completed all of the Doubles that you're going to ride this year. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the Finisher's Letter and List, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on.
- On the Schedule Page for the Davis Double, added a link to the 2002 Results.
June 28, 2002
- Added the final update for the 2002 California Triple Crown Stage Race Results. Results are in from the Devil Mountain Double held 4/27/02, the Central Coast Double held 5/11/02, and the Terrible Two held 6/22/02. The report below shows the "Leader Board" of those riders who completed all three Stages of the Stage Race, ranked by Total Overall Time. As in the Tour de France, times are listed as the Time Back from the Overall Leader.
The competition was incredibly close this year. Rupert Brauch, Age 32, from San Jose came in 1st Place in the Stage Race: he was 1st on the Devil Mountain Double, tied for 1st on Central Coast, and 3rd on the Terrible Two. Rupert started riding the Double Century circuit in 2001 with Davis, Knoxville, and the Fall Death Valley. He really came on strong with his 2002 Stage Race Performances!! Congratulations to Rupert!!
In 2nd Place this year was Daryn Dodge, Age 42, from Davis. Daryn is Mr. Stage Race himself: he won the Stage Race in 1996, came in 4th in 1999, came in Second in 2000, and earned an Honorable Mention in 2001!! Congratulations to Daryn!!
In 3rd Place was Robert Choi, Age 41, from Rohnert Park, California which is South of Santa Rosa. This was Robert's first year on the Double Century Circuit!! Here's how close the competition was: Daryn Dodge only came in 2nd Place by 5 Minutes over Robert!! On the final Stage, the Terrible Two, Robert almost caught Daryn at about mile 170, but a car forced him off on a narrow road and he rode into the hillside. Robert sustained many nasty cuts and bruises, but kept going and finished just 9 minutes behind Daryn. Daryn was completely unaware that Robert was catching up and had him in his sight when the accident happened. However, Robert's preserverance brought him in ahead of Kenny Owens in 4th Place by only 8 minutes!!
An Honorable Mention is certainly in order for Kenny Owens who came in 4th Place by only 8 minutes!! After the first 2 Stages, Kenny was ahead of Daryn by a scant 4 minutes. On the final Stage, the Terrible Two, Kenny and Daryn were riding together briefly after lunch, but on a steep climb at about mile 125, Kenny ran into some cramping problems and suddenly dropped off the pace. Certainly, Kenny gave it everything he had and is to be commended for an incredibly strong race!!
In the Women's Division, 1st Place this year goes to Catharina Berge from Visalia. Catharina completed her first Double Century last year with the 2001 Tour of Two Forests Double ... but that was just a little warm up ride for her most amazing ride at the 2001 Furnace Creek 508 where she won the Women's Division and came in 2nd Overall!! Catharina is a Swedish Phd student studying at UC Davis. Her time on the Terrible Two of 11:35 broke Muffy Ritz' 1995 woman's record by a whopping 50 minutes!! Congratulations on a very impressive Stage Race, Catharina!!
In 2nd Place for the Women this year was Laura Stern from Menlo Park. Laura is certainly no stranger to long distance cycling after having a legendary ride in the 1989 Furnace Creek 508 where she took an early lead and held it for 240 miles which included leading the entire men's field!! She ended up as the 1st Woman and 3rd Overall that year. A big congratulations on a great comeback for Laura!!
In 3rd Place for the Women was Jennie Phillips from Danville. No stranger to the Double Century circuit, Jennie had completed 13 Double Centuries from 1995 to 2001!! Jennie had a fantastic Stage Race and we tip our hat to her 3 great rides in 2002!! Congratulations, Jennie!!
Rich Boettner and Liz Gomez were doing so well on their Tandem after completing both the Devil Mountain Double and the Central Coast Double. However, the Terrible Two has a long history of being extremely brutal to tandems and the final Stage took it's toll on Rich and Liz's tandem. They hit a rock at about mile 85 and flatted the front tire. With the tire fixed, they continued on, but the sidewall of the tire gave out, causing a blowout. Descending at the time at 30 mph, Rich managed to keep the tandem up and stop even though they were riding on the front rim. Apparently the rock that caused the flat had also ruined the sidewall. Unfortunately, both tire and rim were beyond repair. With no spare wheel around to borrow, they decided to DNF and were very happy to have not crashed.
Everyone who completed the 2002 Stage Race is to be commended. Our hat is off to each of the 41 Finishers ... just to complete these three Extremely Difficult Rides is a major accomplishment!!
California Triple Crown Stage Race Plaques will be presented to the top 3 Men (Rupert Brauch, Daryn Dodge, and Robert Choi) and the top 3 Women (Catherina Berge, Laura Stern, and Jennie Phillips) at the Awards Breakfast to be held on 9/22/02 ... so please plan on attending so we can give you the credit you deserve. Kenny Owens will also be awarded an Honorable Mention Plaque. Unfortunately, we didn't have any Tandem finishers this year, but the top 3 Tandems teams will also receive a plaque in future years.
You don't have to do anything special to sign up for the Stage Race: In 2003, all you have to do is to sign up for and ride your heart out on the 3 Doubles in the Stage Race!! Of course, that's much easier said than done!! Also, if you ride any Stage on a tandem, you must ride all three Stages on a tandem with the same partner.The California Triple Crown lays down this challenge: be among the select few who are able to finish the Stage Race!!
June 20, 2002
- Added a new page for the Preliminary 2002 California Triple Crown Stage Race Results. Results are in from the Devil Mountain Double held 4/27/02 and the Central Coast Double held 5/11/02. The report included shows the "Leader Board" of those riders who completed the first two of the three Stages of the Stage Race, ranked by Total Overall Time.
Rupert Brauch leads the competition so far with Kenny Owen just 16 minutes back and Robert Choi just 25 minutes back!!
In the Women's Division, Catharine Berge leads the competition followed by Laura Stern then Jennie Phillips.
In the Tandem Division, Rich Boettner and Liz Gomez are flying on these most difficult Double Centuries ... they are just 48 Minutes behind overall race leader Rupert Brauch. Ron Way and Lynn Katano are also out tackling these extremely tandem unfriendly rides on their tandem!!
However, there is one Stage left in this Stage Race: The Terrible Two to be held Saturday, June 22, 2002.
The Terrible Two has a reputation of being the most difficult Double Century around. Although the route has varied in small ways over the years, its defining features have always been its four big climbs (and the steep, twisting descents that follow): Trinity Grade, the Geysers, Skaggs Springs, and Fort Ross. Numerous smaller but pesky hills add to the overall challenge. Trinity, the Geysers, and Fort Ross are all double-summit climbs, while Skaggs Springs is a long series of climbs and descents. Few gradients on the course exceed 15%, but many climbs stay in the 8-12% range for long distances. The Terrible Two Web Site has an excellent Elevation Chart which graphically shows just how brutal this course with over 16,000 Feet of Climbing really is!!
Stay tuned for all of the results!!
- On the Schedule Page for the Tour of Two Forests Double, added a link to the 2002 Results.
- On the Schedule Page for the Central Coast Double, added a link to the 2002 Results.
May 24, 2002
- On the Schedule Page, changed all links for "Top of Page" to go to Top of the Ride Table. Also changed all links to open in a new browser window.
- On the Schedule Page for the Death Valley Double, added a link to the Fall 2001 Results and to the Spring 2002 Results.
- On the Schedule Page for the Solvang Double, added a link to the 2002 Results and a link to the 2002 Ride Report by Adam Paul.
- On the Schedule Page for the Hemet Double, added links for 1986, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 Results.
- On the Schedule Page for the Devil Mountain Double, added links to new results pages for 2002. All details included Rest Stop times are HERE
- On the Schedule Page for the Davis Double, updated the link to the 2001 Ride Report by Adam Paul.
- On the Schedule Page for the Grand Tour, updated the link for the Grand Tour Web Site, the 2001 Grand Tour Results, the 2001 Ride Report by Adam Paul, and the snail mail address for more information.
- On the Schedule Page for the Knoxville Fall Classic Double, added the link to the 2001 Ride Report by Adam Paul.
March 29, 2002
- On the Schedule Page, added a Small and Large Version of an Elevation Chart for the Devil Mountain Double. Also, rewrote the ride description for the Devil Mountain Double.
March 18, 2002
- On the Schedule Page, made the following changes:
-- Added the Fall Death Valley Double of 11/02/02 to the 2002 California Triple Crown Schedule
-- Added the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast Date of 9/22/02 to the 2002 Schedule
-- In the Schedule Table for the Heartbreak Double, changed the Feet of Climbing from 11,000 to 12,500 Feet and changed the short description to "SoCal's hilly Fall double and a new California classic"
-- In the Schedule Table for the Knoxville Fall Classic Double, changed the Feet of Climbing from 12,000 to 11,000 Feet
-- Changed the detailed ride description of the Butterfield Double, the Death Valley Double, the Solvang Double, the Tour of Two Forests Double, the Eastern Sierra Double, and the Heartbreak Double
-- Added a link to the 2002 Butterfield Double Results
-- Added a link to the 2001 Fall Death Valley Double Results
-- Added a link to the 2002 Spring Death Valley Double Results
-- Added a link to the Death Valley Double Course Profile and a 3D Panoramic View by Doug Sloan
-- Updated all links to the Central Coast Double to reflect their new web site address at www.CentralCoastDouble.com
-- Changed the Ride Difficulty on the Knoxville Fall Classic Double from Medium to High since it has 11,000 Feet of Climbing.
-- Added the following below the CTC Schedule: "In addition, the Fresno Cycling Club is organizing the Dinkey Double Century on 7/27/02 which will add 48 Miles and 3,500 Feet of Climbing to the already extremely difficult Climb to Kaiser. None of these events are in the 2002 California Triple Crown series of Double Centuries, but they may be added to the series in the future."
March 11, 2002
- Mailed out the 2001 Winner's Letter to 290 California Triple Crown Winner's based on addresses on the Registration Forms. Included was the 2001 Winner's List showing the Doubles that each person completed.
Copies were also sent to Bicycling Magazine and the Ultra Marathon Cycling Association.
Instructions are included in the Winner's Letter on how to receive your a complimentary California Triple Crown Patch or Refrigerator Magnet.
Included in the Winner's Letter is a great section on California Triple Crown Comebacks that was written by Frank Neal. I know this section doesn't include everyone who has had to overcome a major accident or health problem to be able to accomplish the California Triple Crown in 2001 ... and I apologize in advance for leaving anyone out. Frank's recap is very inspirational ... and if you have a story to tell, please drop me a line.
If you don't receive your Winner's Letter by March 18, 2002, send me a note.
February 26, 2002
- On the Home Page, removed the Potential Winner's List and replaced it with the following final reports:
--2001 Winners Report Sorted by Name
--2001 Winners Report Sorted by Number of 2001 Doubles
--2001 Winners Report Sorted by Number of Doubles: 1990-2001
--2001 Winners Report Sorted by Club
--2001 Gold Thousand Mile Club: 5 or more Doubles with Support
--2001 Support Volunteers Report
--2001 Thousand Mile Club
All of these reports reflect the results of all of the 2001 Results that I know of at this time as well as a final check with the California Triple Crown Registration Forms. In addition, all of these reports are much easier to read than in prior years because they are coming from a Microsoft Access Data Base. Each report is also available in Microsoft Excel format with the column headings frozen so they are always at the top of the page.
In the Number of California Triple Crown Winners Table, added the number of 2001 California Triple Crown Finishers which is 290.
- Special recognition goes out to John T. Clare with 15 Doubles, Doug Patterson with 14 Doubles, and Thomas Fante, Paul Kopit, and Michael Rose with 12 Doubles ... all ridden in the Year 2001 Season!! See the 2001 Winners Report Sorted By Number of 2001 Doubles to check out who completed 10, 9, 8, or even 3 of these hard rides.
- The 2001 Winners Report Sorted By Total Number of Doubles: 1990-2001 includes all Past and Present California Triple Crown Winners even if they didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year. If you see someone on this report who didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year, please encourage them to get back on the saddle and join us again next year!! Riding Double Centuries is a great way to have big goals helping you to stay in good shape!!
- The 2001 Winners Report Sorted By Club shows some interesting competition between the Clubs in California. Congratulations to the following California Clubs on the Leaderboard with the California Triple Crown:
--Davis Bike Club with 22 Finishers
--Fresno Cycling Club with 14 Finishers
--Santa Rosa Cycling Club with 14 Finishers
--Sacramento Wheelmen with 10 Finishers
--Orange County Wheelmen with 9 Finishers
--Quack Cyclists with 8 Finishers
--Grizzly Peak Cyclists with 7 Finishers
--Kern Wheelmen with 7 Finishers
- The Gold Thousand Mile Club recognizes those cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 2001 and very importantly have supported at least one of them!! This report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 2001 and supported at least one of them. Congratulations to each of these 30 Cyclists which is a big increase over 2000!!
- It's one thing to complete Three Double Centuries in a year -- it's a whole other matter to complete Five or More Doubles in a single year. The Thousand Mile Club report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 2001!! Congratulations to each of these 84 Cyclists!!
- The 2001 Support Volunteers Report shows those people who helped to support at least one of the Double Centuries. Even though this list includes everyone who indicated that they supported one of the rides this year, I know that it's far from complete. There are many dedicated people who work long and hard to make these rides work. Please drop me a line and let me know which rides you worked on ... and I'll add you to this list!!
February 6, 2002
- Updated the 2001 Potential Finishers Page with the results of the Registration Forms and all e-mails regarding the Eastern Sierra Double and the Southern Sierra Double.
All of the Registration Forms have now been processed and are reflected in the results. This report is the last time riders with only 1 or 2 Doubles will be shown.
It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made in the next couple of days.
If there is a correction that needs to be made, please e-mail me as soon as possible.
January 31, 2002
- Added the 2001 Support Volunteers Report, showing the volunteers who worked on all of the Doubles for the year. I have completed processing all of the 2001 Registration Forms which serves as the basis of this report.
On the Registration Form, you can indicate which rides you have helped to support this year. These rides can only continue if volunteers (spelled Y-O-U) jump in and help. Support means that you and/or a family member or friend volunteered to help with a Double Century. It's not enough to just ride the rides because if that's all everyone does, these major adventures will go the way of the dinosaurs!! It's not easy running Rest Stops 200+ Miles from nowhere so each of these rides need YOUR help. Besides that, it's fun to help out your fellow cyclists and get a chance to talk to some really great people.
All you have to do is contact any of the Ride Organizers and ask what you can do to help with their event. When you're done, fill out a California Triple Crown Registration Form so I know which rides you completed and which ones you help to support.
Even though this list includes everyone who indicated that they supported one of the rides this year, I know that it's far from complete. There are many dedicated people who work long and hard to make these rides work. Please drop me a line and let me know which rides you worked on ... and I'll add you to this list!!
- Updated the 2000 Support Volunteers Report with more volunteers.
- Removed "I Hope My Accident Can Prevent Others" by David Nakai based on a request from David. He wrote: "I hope enough people have got my message and it does help. Thank you." The good news is that David is back riding his bike and doing well!!
January 3, 2002
- Happy New Year!! I have updated the 2001 Stage Race Winner's Report with photos of the riders receiving their plaques from the Awards Breakfast. If the cyclist wasn't able to attend the Breakfast, I scanned the plaque which was mailed to them.
- Updated the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame Page with the names and years of all those who have been inducted. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to build web pages for each person in the Hall of Fame which I plan to do real soon. In the meantime, here are the Hall of Famers in one place:
Inducted in 1999:
Jim Von Tungeln
Paul Kopit
Inducted in 2000:
John Robbins
Jim Kozera
Charles Griffice
Hugh Murphy
Lee Mitchell
Inducted in 2001:
Kermit Ganier
Dan Crain
Joan Kozera
Eric Norris
Dave Evans
Dan Shadoan
Ann Lincoln
Robin Neuman
- Updated the 2002 Schedule Page with new links for the Hemet Double because the web server has been changed.
Also added the following explanation of Time Limits on the Hemet Double:
The double century has a eighteen-hour time limit. The Route opens at 6:00 AM (the beginning of twilight - Do Not Forget about Time Change to Daylight Savings time) and closes at 11:00 PM. For those riders that want to start earlier may by arrangement start as early as 4:00 AM. However, the rest stops will open and close based on start times of 6:00 AM (the beginning of twilight). No double century rider is allowed to attempt or start the second loop after 2:30 PM.
I have talked to Jim Watrous who has organized the Hemet Double every year since 1986. With only about 5,000 Feet of Climbing, the Hemet Double is an excellent first time Double!!
- We have processed 47 Orders for CalTripleCrown products since they were announced about a month ago. Keep those orders coming!!
There has been some confusion regarding the Free Patch or Free Refrigerator Magnet. I will be sending out the CTC Winner's Letter real soon which will explain that you can then send me a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope for either the Free Patch or Magnet so that you can receive the one you want.
If you order an additional Patch or Refrigerator Magnet with your CTC Products, you will receive the additional one with the products.
- It's a great time of the year for Goal Setting. I hope that you make the 2002 California Triple Crown a goal to complete this year!!
Those who say it can't be done are usually interrupted by others doing it!!
Accept The BIG CHALLENGE: Be A California Triple Crown Winner in 2002!!
December 2, 2001
- Updated the Products Pages, showing all of the new products for the 2001 season. All of the photos of the products on these pages have been updated to reflect the new lineup this year.
I understand you may want to order some products.
Well, at long last, we're ready to ROCK AND ROLL!!
I've been working with Voler and Charlie Irwin on the new California Triple Crown Products and building the new web pages.
The 2001 California Triple Crown Finisher's Letter will be in the mail to you in the next couple of weeks. I decided to work through the many product issues and get those web pages completed before finishing the letter. This will allow you to place your orders for your products so we can get them to you as soon as possible.
When you see the new 2001 California Triple Crown products, I hope you'll agree with me that they were worth the wait!!
There are tons of changes and new products this year. Here are some highlights:
We have a brand new Voler Blue Windbreaker this year. This extremely high quality Windbreaker is made of Vortex RipStop MicroFiber which is a really nice material. This will be a great Windbreaker for those cold Winter Mornings!! However, it is quite lightweight. Current Inventory is on the web page.
For Hall of Fame and Gold Thousand Mile Club Members, we have a brand new Yellow Custom PACE Jersey available this year. In addition, these riders can specify Circular Custom Text around the outside of the California Triple Crown Logo with "Hall of Fame" and/or "Gold Thousand Mile Club"!!
New this year is an outstanding beautiful, comfortable white Custom Sport Shirt which is simply dressed up by your California Triple Crown accomplishments on the Front Pocket!! This all white shirt has 3 Buttons and nice Collar and is much dressier than the T-Shirt. Great for work, parties, or anywhere!! This Polyester/Cotton fabric is really nice: It breathes, wicks sweat away from the skin, insulates the body but also feels soft and cozy. Small California Triple Crown logo on the front pocket is surrounded by the names of the ride you completed. Your Name and "Thousand Mile Club" can be added as Circular Text surrounding the Rides you completed and the California Triple Crown Logo.
Also new this year is a super comfortable white Custom Sweatshirt. This is an extremely high quality long sleeve Sweatshirt dressed up by your California Triple Crown accomplishments on the Front!! This fabric is really soft and makes for a very comfortable sweatshirt. Great to stay warm during those winter months or on the colder mornings before a good ride!! Large California Triple Crown logo on the front is surrounded by the names of the ride you completed.
Another new product this year is a great Custom Cap. This White Baseball Style Cap has an adjustable slide closure on the back dressed up with your California Triple accomplishments on the Front!! Your Name and "Thousand Mile Club" can be added as Circular Text surrounding the Rides you completed and the California Triple Crown Logo.
New this year is a Refrigerator Magnet. This has the full color California Triple Crown logo on it with "2001 Finisher" followed by the 2002 Ride Schedule!! This California Triple Crown Refrigerator Magnet will look SUPER on your Refrigerator!! This places the 2002 Ride Schedule in an easy to see place for your whole family to become familiar with so they can support you and the rides. Each California Triple Crown Finisher will receive one of these or a Patch at no charge. A major benefit to this on your Refrigerator: It will be a constant reminder to you not to eat so much ... so you can climb those hills easier!! :)
The Voler Yellow Short Sleeve Jersey will continue to be sold and continues to look great!! Current Inventory is on the web page. If you e-mailed me indicating that you wanted a Women's Size on this Jersey, please send me your order and specify "Women's Size" on the Order Form.
The Voler Blue Short Sleeve Jersey will continue to be sold and continues to look great!! Current Inventory is on the web page.
The Voler Blue Long Sleeve Jersey will continue to be sold. These Jerseys are really great -- besides looking good, they keep you warm in the cold mornings but not too hot in the afternoons!! Current Inventory is on the web page.
The White Custom PACE Jersey is beautiful with new Ribbons on the Back Pockets and CTC Logo on the Sleeves!!
Custom T-Shirt is being built with the same excellent process as the Custom PACE Jersey this year … allowing the Front Pocket area to be customized with the rides you did as well as Custom Text.
The Voler Arm Warmers are outstanding!! Much heavier than Pearl Izumi Arm Warmers, these keep your arms much warmer. They match perfectly with the Voler Jerseys. They also look great with the PACE Jersey.
DeFeet Socks look great and work extremely well to boot.
Voler has changed their high end jersey material that we use from Fieldsensor to Prosensor this year. Prosensor has all of the advantages of Fieldsensor but has better stretching properties and is more consistent for a better fit.
Custom Plaque is looking better than ever this year!!
Custom Ceramic Mug is really awesome this year!!
Plastic Coffee Mug and Mouse Pad enhanced with new Blue Text!!
I also updated the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Last but not least, checks will be made out to the "California Triple Crown Association" because the California Triple Crown is now a California Corporation!! There was a concern that the California Triple Crown would cease to exist after Hugh Murphy sold his business this year ... I am very committed to having the California Triple Crown continue. Thanks to so many of you who have sent me nice e-mails and letters telling me how important all of this work is to you!!
There are tons of details on each of the products on the web site so check it all out.
The Order Form is on the Web Site and ready to go.
A big thanks to Charlie Irwin and his company for building all of the Custom Products this year as well as doing the Shipping and Handling on the orders.
When you see the new 2001 California Triple Crown products, I hope you'll agree with me that they were worth the wait!! Send in your order today!!
Let's Roll!!
November 27, 2001
- Updated the 2001 Potential Finishers Page with the results of the Hemet Double of 4/07/01, Davis Double of 5/19/01, Eastern Sierra Double of 6/02/01, Southern Sierra Double of 7/07/01, and the Route 66 Double of 11/10/01.
It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made.
Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the Finisher's Letter and List, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!! Just because you are listed on this Preliminary Report correctly doesn't mean you don't need to fill out the Registration Form so JUST DO IT!!
This list does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms which I am now processing. Keep those Registration Forms coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!! All of this needs to be wrapped up before the products can be ordered because most of them are only available to California Triple Crown Finishers. I am committed to wrapping this up quickly so stay tuned.
- Credit for Eastern Sierra and Southern Sierra Doubles - VERY IMPORTANT
I have talked to Hugh Murphy on four occasions since September and each time he has assured me that he would be sending me a copy of the Results of the 2001 Eastern Sierra and Southern Sierra Doubles. Unfortunately, he hasn't sent them to me yet and it's time to wrap up the season ... I can't wait any longer.
If you want California Triple Crown Credit for the 2001 Eastern Sierra Double or Southern Sierra Double, you will need to send me an e-mail telling me everything you remember about the ride:
Start Time
Finish Time
Problems you encountered
Course description - where did it go?
Description of the last two Rest Stops ... when you arrived, what you ate, etc.
Any data from your bike computer like Average Speed, Distance, Ride Time, Feet of Climbing, etc.
Your job is to convince me that you indeed completed the event. Please send this information to me as soon as possible so we can wrap this up.
- The 2001 Products have now been finalized and I will have the new Order Form and Product Web Pages up later this week.
You'll be the first to know all about the awesome new products and when you can order everything by staying tuned to the CalTripleCrown E-mail list.
November 13, 2001
- Updated the 2001 Potential Finishers Page with the results of the Grand Tour of 6/23/01, Tour of Two Forests of 9/15/01, Knoxville Fall Classic Double of 9/29/01, and the Fall Death Valley Double of 10/27/01.
It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made.
The rest of the rides will be posted in the next couple of days. Please review these results as soon as possible and let me know of corrections via E-mails. All of this needs to be wrapped up before the products can be ordered because we don't sell them to just anyone!! I am committed to wrapping this up quickly so stay tuned.
Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the Finisher's Letter and List, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!! Just because you are listed on this Preliminary Report correctly doesn't mean you don't need to fill out the Registration Form so JUST DO IT!!
This list does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms which I am now processing. Keep those Registration Forms coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!!
- I spoke to Jim Watrous, the Ride Organizer for the Hemet Double. The Hemet Double Web Site has been down because of a problem with the web site hosting company. However, Jim has the Web Site well backed up and he is in the process of getting it back up on a new server. Jim will also be sending me the results from the 2001 Hemet Double so I can post the results to the California Triple Crown Data Base.
- Credit for Eastern Sierra and Southern Sierra Doubles - VERY IMPORTANT
I have talked to Hugh Murphy on four occasions since September and each time he has assured me that he would be sending me a copy of the Results of the 2001 Eastern Sierra and Southern Sierra Doubles. Unfortunately, he hasn't sent them to me yet and it's time to wrap up the season ... I can't wait any longer.
If you want California Triple Crown Credit for the 2001 Eastern Sierra Double or Southern Sierra Double, you will need to send me an e-mail telling me everything you remember about the ride:
Start Time
Finish Time
Problems you encountered
Course description - where did it go?
Description of the last two Rest Stops ... when you arrived, what you ate, etc.
Any data from your bike computer like Average Speed, Distance, Ride Time, Feet of Climbing, etc.
Your job is to convince me that you indeed completed the event. Please send this information to me as soon as possible so we can wrap this up.
- I have heard nothing but great reports about the Route 66 Double last Saturday. The weather was great. The support was excellent with lots of SAG Vehicles. And to top it off: Planet Ultra served PIZZA at the finish line!! Sounds like a great day for sure ... and a great way to finish off the 2001 Double Century Season.
- As most of you know, David Nakai was in a horrible accident after the Devil Mountain Double last April in which he nearly broke his neck. This accident is described on www.CalTripleCrown.com David has been working hard to get back into Double Century shape the past few months ... and he returned to attempt to complete his Third Double of the year out on the Route 66 Double last weekend.
David wrote: "It was rough, and I hurt, but experience and instinct got me through the Route 66 Double. I have to thank too many people who helped me to get through this one. I drafted, I was encouraged and I was well watched over. Going in I thought, "It was just another 200 miles ride and an easy one to boot." Well those months of inactivity really took it's toll. It was kind of embarrassing, but very appreciated as I was welcomed back to riding. Lee Mitchell gave me a big bear hug and I told him he'll be seeing me a lot on the route as I will be the bicyclist just in front of him.
It was a very long and painful return. My legs were dead and my back hurt me. But with peserverence and a SAG watching over me, I made it in within the time limit. I was happy to get this one in. Little did I know how difficult it was going to be. It was very humbling. I can really feel for the new riders who struggle to complete one of these events. As you say on the CTC site, it was a major adventure. Though I hurt a lot, I still had fun. With the great company around me, no wonder I come back to do these rides. The Planet Ultra did a great job.
Now I will have to do more riding and get into shape for next year's Double series. I can't wait. See you out on the road, David Nakai."
It's great to have David back on the Double Century circuit!!
Dan Crain wrote: "David Nakai was there with a beater bike, rusted (claimed it made the bike faster since some of the steel was eaten away!), with spoke baubles that slide back and forth (like the 7-10 year olds have), cage pedals and downtube shifters - a real classic. Of course he brought his sneakers. Also, he brought a huge cake, with detailed decorated icing of a CTC patch! It was great to see him out."
Amen to that!!
November 6, 2001
- Added the 2001 Potential Finishers Page, showing those Cyclists who have completed completed the following Doubles: Heartbreak Double of 9/16/00, Knoxville Fall Classic Double of 9/23/00, Fall Death Valley Double of 10/07/00, Route 66 Double of 11/11/00, Spring Death Valley Double of 2/24/01, Butterfield Double of 3/17/01, Solvang Double of 3/31/01, Devil Mountain Double of 4/21/01, Lone Pine Double of 4/28/01, Central Coast Double of 5/12/01, and Terrible Two of 6/30/01.
Since the 2001 Season ends with the Route 66 Double of 11/10/01, the Final Finisher's List and Finisher's Letter will be sent out in late November, 2001.
The Fall 2000 Doubles could be counted for either the 2000 Season or the 2001 Season so this report shows just those selected to be counted for the 2001 Season. It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made.
The rest of the rides will be posted in the next couple of days. Please review these results as soon as possible and let me know of corrections via E-mails. All of this needs to be wrapped up before the products can be ordered because we don't sell them to just anyone!! I am committed to wrapping this up quickly so stay tuned.
Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the Finisher's Letter and List, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!! Just because you are listed on this Preliminary Report correctly doesn't mean you don't need to fill out the Registration Form so JUST DO IT!!
This list does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms which I am now processing. Keep those Registration Forms coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!!
November 4, 2001
- On the Products Page, added the following:
I removed the 2000 Order Form from the web site so folks don't order from it. I am in the process of revising it for the 2001 Product Line.
100 Yellow Voler Jerseys are on order for a Mid-December delivery to us. I'm the one funding those Jerseys out of my back pocket so please place your order as soon as we have the new 2001 Product Line finalized.
We recently took delivery of 50 Blue Short Sleeve Jerseys, 25 Blue Long Sleeve Jerseys, and 25 Blue Windbreakers from Voler.
In addition, I just ordered 25 more Blue Short Sleeve Jerseys and 25 more Blue Windbreakers which will arrive in in Mid-December. These will all be sold on a first come, first served basis and the next orders won't arrive from Voler until well into 2002.
I have also ordered 450 California Triple Crown Patches which will arrive around the first of December.
I talked to DeFeet to order some more socks. They have had a fire in their warehouse wiping out most of their inventory so it will be 3-4 weeks before they're up and running again. If you recently sent me an order including some socks, please be patient as we're waiting for the socks to arrive from DeFeet.
You'll be the first to know all about the awesome new products and when you can order everything by staying tuned to the CalTripleCrown E-mail list.
October 24, 2001
- On the 2001 Schedule Page, added the following regarding Time Limits:
For the Tour of Two Forests Double of 9/15/01, the Fall Death Valley Double of 10/27/01, and the Route 66 Double of 11/10/01: If you are listed as an "Unofficial Finisher" on the ride's list because you missed the time limit cutoff, you will still receive California Triple Crown credit for that ride.
- On the Home Page, added a link to a new page for the 2002 Schedule.
The 2002 California Triple Crown Schedule will consist of:
-- Butterfield Double on 2/16/02
-- Death Valley Double on 3/02/02
-- Solvang Double on 3/23/02
-- Hemet D.C. on 4/06/02
-- Devil Mountain Double on 4/27/02
-- Central Coast Double on 5/11/02
-- Davis Double on 5/18/02
-- Tour of Two Forests Double on 6/01/02
-- Eastern Sierra Double on 6/15/02
-- Terrible Two on 6/22/02
-- Grand Tour on 6/29/02
-- Knoxville Fall Classic Double on 9/21/02
-- Heartbreak Double on 9/28/02
All of these Double Centuries are also included in the Western States Bicycle Ride Calendar which is linked to from the Table of Contents.
Of course, the above Double Centuries in the California Triple Crown are not the only excellent one day events in California planned for 2002. In particular, please consider bigger challenges such as the Davis 12/24 Hour Challenge on 4/20/02 and see how far you can ride in 12 Hours or 24 Hours on an excellent course. Also, check out the Tour of Twelve Canyons on 5/4/02 and see if you can tackle 249 miles with 19,500' of cumulative elevation gain!! Neither of these events are in the 2002 California Triple Crown series of Double Centuries, but they may be added to the series in the future.
I also added the following regarding Time Limits for 2002:
In order to receive California Triple Crown Credit for completing one of these Double Centuries, you must be on the Official Finisher's list for the 200 Miles as published by the Ride Organizer. If you are listed as an "Unofficial Finisher" on the ride's list because you missed the time limit cutoff, you will not receive California Triple Crown credit for that ride but DON'T GIVE UP: there are plenty of training tips HERE to help increase your speed. There are also a ton of training articles on the Planet Ultra Web Site HERE. You might also want to join the Ultra-Marathon Cycling Association and join the Randonneurs USA to learn a lot more about this sport of long distance cycling. In training, focus on riding a sub-8 Hour Century on one day, recover well at night, then follow it with another sub-8 Hour Century the next day and you'll then be fast enough to beat the time limit on the easier Double Centuries below.
October 17, 2001
- On the Home Page, added a link to a new page for the 2001 Mercury Cycling Classic of Irvine containing my photos from the Women's Cat 1/2 Race, the Men's Pro Race, and the Senior Men's Cat 3 Race along with a link to the Web Site and the Results.
I would like to add links to other photos on this page so E-Mail Chuck at CBrams@CalTripleCrown.com if you know of other photos and articles from the Mercury Cycling Classic of Irvine we can link to.- On the 2001 San Francisco Grand Prix Page, added a link to 13 photos by David Dodd. The 4th Photo is an excellent shot of the Postal Boys delivering the mail around the bend. The last photo "Climbing Filmore Street" has to be seen to be believed!!
Also added a link to 30 photos by Alan Yen taken with his Canon Powershot G1 digital camera set to rapid-fire mode. The second photo entitled "Taylor's Steet 16% Grade" really shows how steep this climb was!! He also shot the San Francisco trademark Transamerica Pyramid in the background of some of his photos.- On the Products Page, removed the verbage regarding the Women's Sizing on the Yellow Voler Jerseys.
I also removed the 2000 Order Form from the web site so folks don't order from it. I am in the process of revising it for the 2001 Product Line.
100 Yellow Voler Jerseys are on order for a Mid-December delivery to us. I'm the one funding those Jerseys out of my back pocket so please place your order as soon as we have the new 2001 Product Line finalized.
- On the Schedule Page, added the riders from the 2001 Devil Mountain Staff Ride to those results.
October 10, 2001
- I brightened the dark photos from the 2001 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast
Please come back and check them out again because you can actually make out the smiling faces now!! :)
Thanks again to everyone who helped make the 2001 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast a great moment in time!!
October 9, 2001
- On the Schedule Page, added a link to the Results from the 2001 Knoxville Fall Classic Double. Thanks to Rory MacLeod and the Quackcyclists for a great day of cycling and for getting the results cranked out so fast!!
- On the Schedule Page under "California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast", added a link to Photos from the 2000 Awards Breakfast. Rest your Mouse Pointer over a thumbnail to see the caption for the photo. Click on any of the small thumbnails to bring up the medium size version. Click on the medium size version to bring up the large size version. Thanks to Bill Hughes for taking these photos.
The 2000 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast was held 7/23/00 at the Fairgrounds in Bishop, California, the day after the 2000 Eastern Sierra Double.
Photos include:
--In the Women's Division of the 2000 California Triple Crown Stage Race, Maureen Dwyer came in Second Place and receives her plaque.
--Jeanie Barnett came in First Place in the Women's Division of the 2000 California Triple Crown Stage Race!!
--Ish Makk won the Third Place in the Men's Divison of the 2000 California Triple Crown Stage Race!!
--John Robbins was inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame ... he completed 60 Double Centuries before his 60th Birthday!!
--Jim Kozera was inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame. He completed his 50th Double on the 2000 Terrible Two!!
--Jim and his wife Joan have ridden most all of their Doubles together on a beautiful Tandem!! Talk about challenging teamwork!!
--Charles Griffice was inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame. He completed his 50th Double the day before with the 2000 Eastern Sierra Double.
--Charlie notes that these Doubles "take time away from family and church, but gives me LOTS of time to think alone about the Creator and his creation."
--Hugh Murphy was also inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame in 2000. He rode 32 Double Centuries in the CTC Series and rode 103 Organized Centuries in the 1990 Calendar Year.
--In the 11 years from 1991 to 2001, Hugh and his team organized and put on an amazing 40 Double Centuries in California.
--Jim Kozera, Charles Griffice, John Robbins, and Hugh Murphy ... inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame!!
--Lee Mitchell was also inducted into the Hall of Fame but couldn't attend. Lee has supported us on so many California Doubles and Brevets, it's impossible to count!!
Thanks to everyone who helped make the 2000 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast so fun and such a success!! I am way past due in make the Hall of Fame Web Pages for these folks and will be doing that real soon.
- On the Schedule Page under "California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast", added a link to Photos from the 2001 Awards Breakfast. Rest your Mouse Pointer over a thumbnail to see the caption for the photo. Click on any of the small thumbnails to bring up the medium size version. Click on the medium size version to bring up the large size version. Thanks to Lynne Billie Irwin for taking these photos. Next time I'll turn on the Flash!! :)
The 2001 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast was held 9/30/01 at Pena Adobe Park in Vacaville, California, the day after the 2001 Knoxville Fall Classic Double.
Photos include:
--Lots of fun photos from before the Breakfast
--Charlie Irwin rode his first Double way back in 1978. He makes all of the Cool Custom Products for the Cal Triple Crown and ships everything out!! Charlie helped me hand out all of the Awards.
--Thanks to Rory MacLeod and the Quackcyclists for a great Double yesterday and a great Breakfast today!! These guys have fun!!
--Rory doesn't even look like he's just organized and ran a Double Century for 175 Cyclists then a great Breakfast!! Thanks Rory!!
--Dan Shadoan and Ann Lincoln thought they were just coming from Davis for Breakfast .... :)
--Chris Kostman was the youngest finisher ever in the Race Across America after finishing it in 1987 at age 20!!
--Deb Caplan has teamed up with Chris Kostman in organizing the Planet Ultra Double Century Series
--Paul Kopit is still the King of the California Triple Crown Double Century Series: he's completed 75 Doubles!!
--It was great to have Hall of Famer Jim Kozera at the Breakfast ... Jim was inducted into the Hall of Fame last year
--It was so great to be able to recognize Lee Mitchell for all that he's done for the California Triple Crown and Long Distance Cycling in America!! We missed him last year.
--Lee rode his first Double way back in 1975 ... and has ridden over 20 Doubles, 3 Triples, and a Quad Century!! He was the first rider to do back to back Davis Doubles ... riding 400 Miles!!
--Lee was inducted into the CTC Hall of Fame last year for all of the Doubles that he has supported over the past Decade!! He has saved so many of us from failure!!
--Many folks completed their first California Triple Crown in 2001 so they were given a free Triple Crown Water Bottle!!
--In the 2001 CalTripleCrown Stage Race, Dan Crain and Anny Beck won First Place in the Tandem Division and each were award their coveted Stage Race Plaques
--In the Women's Division of the Stage Race, Karen Bonnett came in First Place!! Karen can really climb up those mountains!!
--We surprised Daryn Dodge with an Honorable Mention Plaque in the 2001 Stage Race after coming in 1st on DMD and 1st with a new Course Record on Terrible Two!!
--Rich Boettner came in 2nd Place in the 2001 CTC Stage Race after coming in 1st on DMD and 1st with a new Course Record on the Terrible Two!!
--Kermit Ganier was inducted into the CalTripleCrown Hall of Fame after having ridden 50 Double Centuries and supporting over 29 Doubles!!
--Dan Crain was inducted into the CTC Hall of Fame after completing 50 Doubles ... he's always so positive, it's incredible!!
--Joan Kozera was the First Lady to be inducted into the CTC Hall of Fame. She joins her husband Jim in that honor after riding most of their 50 Doubles together on a beautiful tandem!!
--Eric Norris was inducted into the CTC Hall of Fame after completing the Triple Crown 12 Years in a Row from 1990 to 2001!! He completed his 50th Double the day before on the Knoxville Course!!
--"Big Ring" Dave Evans rode his first Double way back in 1978!! 23 Years later he's still cranking them out as he was inducted into the CTC Hall of Fame!!
--Lydia Foster surprised Dave with a great story of how he helped her tackle the Grand Tour Triple Century and awarded him a Giant Bag of Raisins!!
--Jeff Martin told us an amazing story about a Motorcycle Racer who autographed his book nearly 30 years before!!
--Dan Shadoan was inducted into the CTC Hall of Fame for his great cycling accomplishments but also his hard work over 10 years of integrating the Davis Double into the CTC!!
--Ann Lincoln was inducted into the CTC Hall of Fame after more than 10 years of helping to lead the Davis Double in setting a very high standard as the largest Double in the U.S.A.!!
--Robin Neuman has "lead the troops" in organizing the Davis Double for nearly 17 Years!! She was inducted into the CTC Hall of Fame but was unable to attend. It was a total surprise for Dan, Ann, and Robin!!
--It was a great honor to induct Dave Evans, Kermit Ganier, Dan Crain, Ann Lincoln, Dan Shadoan, Joan Kozera and Robin Neuman into the CTC Hall of Fame in 2001!!
--John Beam, Lynn Katano, and Ron Hanson are all smiles ... the CalTripleCrown Awards Breakfast was lots of fun!!
Thanks to everyone who helped make the 2001 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast so fun and such a success!! Hall of Fame Web Pages will be made real soon.
October 5, 2001
- On the Products Page, added the following:
In an effort to better accomodate the Women who have completed the California Triple Crown, I will be ordering some Yellow Voler Jerseys in Women's Sizes as well as Men's Sizes. This batch of Yellow Voler Jerseys in Women's Size may be a one time opportunity and may not be repeated in the future.
As indicated on the web page, the Yellow Voler Jersey is "Available only if you are a California Triple Crown Finisher in 2000 or later because we want to encourage you to complete the Double Century series in the new Millenium!!"
If you want to order one of these Yellow Voler Jerseys in a Women's Size:
1. Study the Women's Measurements Matrix HERE and decide what size you will need.
2. Because of the low numbers involved, I will not be inventorying any extra Yellow Voler Jerseys in Women's Sizes. So if you want one, you need to let me know before my ordering deadline of Friday, October 12, 2001.
3. Because of the low numbers involved, I will not be able to handle any returns or exchanges for different Women's Sizes of these Jerseys. All sales will be final.
4. Send me an E-Mail at CBrams@CalTripleCrown.com telling me what Women's size you would like now. Specify that this is in Women's Sizing and your name. If you have already sent me an E-mail ordering a Yellow Voler Jersey in a Men's Size back in August, let me know that this Yellow Voler Jersey in a Women's Size replaces the prior planned order from August.
If you know of someone else who might be wanting one of these great Jerseys, please ask them to drop me a note. If they don't have E-Mail, maybe you could send me a note for them.
I am working with Charlie Irwin in finalizing the Products for 2001. There may be an additional couple of products which we'll be adding so you may wish to wait to place your order until I finalize the 2001 California Triple Crown Order Form.
September 24, 2001
- On the What is the California Triple Crown, Thousand Mile Club, and Stage Race? Page, changed the Ride Organizer for the Death Valley Double, the Butterfield Double, the Solvang Double, the Eastern Sierra Double, the Tour of Two Forests Double, the Heartbreak Double, and the Route 66 Double from Hugh Murphy Productions to Planet Ultra.
- On the Schedule Page, added the following at the top:
The California Triple Crown is a small, completely volunteer organization established to publish the schedule and the results of these rides. The California Triple Crown has no organizational, legal, or financial connection with these rides and does not "sanction" them.
The level of support on these rides has been known to vary immensely. It depends on many factors including the location, the number of volunteers, and the weather which can be freezing cold with snow or a thermal meltdown!! It also depends greatly on the attitude each person brings to the event -- what isn't even noticed by one person can be a huge problem for another person. If you have questions about the level of support, you should check the web site of the ride, read the ride reports, and ask other riders who have ridden the ride in the past. Start with the easier Doubles and progress up to the more difficult rides only when you're ready mechanically, biomechanically, and mentally.
Several riders have felt that the California Triple Crown should "police" rides that don't meet a certain standard. Others have asked that rides be placed on probation or issued warnings if they are not organized in a certain fashion. This is not the job of the California Triple Crown.
Every ride can be improved upon. If you have a problem with a ride, you should work directly with the ride organizer. It would be beneficial to the organizers if you would include a suggested solution with your problem. Please try to put yourself in the shoes of the ride organizer and understand that organizing these Double Centuries is no easy task. These events are extremely difficult to produce, time consuming, nerve wracking, and exhausting.
If you want these rides to continue, please bring your friends and families along and ask the ride organizer how they can help make the ride a success!!
If you want these rides to improve, volunteer and do your part to make them better!!
- On the Schedule Page, made the following changes:
-- Removed the references to the 2000 Season at the top of the page
-- Changed the Ride Organizer and links for the Death Valley Double, the Butterfield Double, the Solvang Double, the Eastern Sierra Double, the Tour of Two Forests Double, the Heartbreak Double, and the Route 66 Double from Hugh Murphy Productions to Planet Ultra.
-- Changed the link to the 1999 Death Valley Double Fall and Spring Results
-- Removed the links to Roland Hoffman's photos for the 1997 Death Valley Double, the 1997 Solvang Double, the 1997 Hemet Double, the 1997 Rainbow Double, and the 1997 Central Coast Double. I am working with Roland on finding another server for these older photos as well as many new ones that he has,
-- Corrected the link to the 1999 Solvang Double Results
-- Added a link to the 2000 Solvang Double Results
-- Added a link to the 2001 Solvang Double Results
-- Removed the link to the 2001 Hemet Double Photos by Rich Photographic Services because these photos were purged from their server
-- Removed the link to the 2000 Devil Mountain Double Ride Report by Dan Connelly because it was no longer found
-- Added a mail link to George Pinney for his Devil Mountain Double
-- Updated the description of the Lone Pine Double to include: "At this point, there are no plans to organize this ride again in the future."
-- Corrected the link to the 1999 Butterfield Double Results
-- Added a link to the 2001 Central Coast Double Results
-- Corrected the link to the Central Coast Elevation Chart
-- Added a link to the 2001 Davis Double Results
-- Added a link to a 2001 Davis Double Ride Report by Adam Paul
-- Added a link to the 2001 Tour of Two Forests Results
-- Added a link to the 2001 Terrible Two Results
-- Corrected the link to the Los Angeles Wheelmen's Grand Tour Web Site
-- Added a link to the 2001 Grand Tour Results
-- Added a link to a 2001 Grand Tour Ride Report by Adam Paul
-- Removed the link to the 1999 Grand Tour Results because they were no longer found
-- Corrected the link to the 1999 Eastern Sierra Results
-- Added the Feet of Climbing for the Southern Sierra Double to be 17,800
-- Updated the description of the Southern Sierra Double to include: "At this point, there are no plans to organize this ride again in the future."
- On the 2001 San Francicso Grand Prix Page, added the following:
-- A counter at the bottom of the page which really started to spin after www.LanceArmstrong.com added a link from Lance's Home Page right to this Photo page!!
-- Link to two great photos taken by John Serafin. The second one of Hincapie and Johnson is awesome ... even showing their pedals in phase with perfect clarity!! It's almost like they are doing a track stand on Fillmore. Thanks to John for sharing these great photos.
-- Link to some great photos by Drew Saunders.
-- Link to 17 great photos by Mark Smith.
-- Link to Mike Maloney from the San Francisco Chronicle has "Photos from Fillmore Street, with an average grade of 10%, topping off at 18%" Mike notes that riders climbed over 7,000 feet! You need to check out the photo of "On lap 10, the back of the pack were as criss-crossed as the overhead wires".
-- Link to the U.S. Postal Service Pro Cycling Team Web Site.
-- Introduction the California Triple Crown and a link back to the Home page so visitors coming here from www.LanceArmstrong.com would be introduced to the Triple Crown
September 10, 2001
- On the Home Page, added a link to a new page for the 2001 San Francisco Grand Prix containing:
-- Link to Outstanding Photos taken by Tom Lawrence from Team Bikeaholics. Tom used his Canon G1 Digital Camera and they really came out so clear it's just like being there!! Thanks to Tom for sharing these great photos.
-- Link to the great San Francisco Grand Prix web site
-- Link to the San Francisco Chronicle report "Armstrong exits, Grand Prix still thrills 175,000 watch along streets of San Francisco" along with 5 photos.
-- Link to Cycling News Race Report along with the Full Results and Reports along with links to many photos.
-- ABC Channel 7 in San Francisco ran 5 Hours of Coverage. Check out "US Postal Service Delivers, As Hincapie Wins San Francisco Grand Prix"
-- Trek Bikes has a great photo of George Hincapie in a full tuck along with "Hincapie Takes San Francisco Grand Prix"
-- Lance Armstrong's Web Site at www.LanceArmstrong.com and George Hincapie's Web Site at www.Hincapie.com are highly recommended. They are constantly being updated by Web Master Chris Brewer.
September 4, 2001
- On the Schedule Page, added the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast which will be held on Sunday September 30, 2001 from 7:30 A.M. to about 9:00 A.M., under the gazebo in Pena Adobe Park which is where the Knoxville Double will Start and Finish the day before.
Awards will be presented to the top 3 Men, Women, and Tandems in this year's California Triple Crown Stage Race.
Also, be sure to come and recognize those who will be inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame this year!!
If you're already in the Hall of Fame, please attend this Breakfast so you can welcome the new Hall of Famers into this elite group.
We appreciate Rory MacLeod and the Quackcyclists for hosting the Breakfast this year ... please come ready to help out in making it a great event. Be sure to thank these great folks for taking on this extra workload.
Be sure to register with Rory MacLeod on this ... further details are on the Schedule Page. We hope to see you there!!
- On the Home Page, removed the link to "Your Help Needed on Jersey Ordering Plans". I have ordered 50 Short Sleeve Blue Voler Jerseys, 25 Long Sleeve Blue Voler Jerseys, and 25 new Voler Blue Windbreakers for delivery in October. Thanks to everyone who responded so that I had a good idea of how many to order.
The Windbreakers will look just like the Long Sleeve Blue Jerseys and be made of a really nice lightweight material called Vortex RipStop MicroFiber Shell. They will have Ventilated Micro Mesh Side Panels and a White Dual Directional Zipper. This is an experiment for this new product and the future of this product will depend on how well this first batch of 25 sells. Thanks to Dawn Derlighter for reminding me about this product idea ... she's wanted one of these for a couple of years now!! I will be updating the Product Pages for the 2001 Product Line-Up soon.
- On the Home Page, removed the link to the 2000 Tour de France TV Schedule and Links to Tour Coverage since it was out of date. The Outdoor Life Network (OLN) gave us unsurpassed live TV Coverage this year!!
August 20, 2001
- On the Home Page, added a link to a new page documenting the Long Distance Cycling E-Mail Lists: CalTripleCrown, Ultra Cycling, and Randon Cycling.
Each of these lists is described with links on how to Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Send Messages To, and View Messages Previously Sent.
The California Triple Crown E-Mail List is a new list to send out announcements of the California Triple Crown Series of Double Century Bike Rides.
It is an announcement only E-Mail List which means that you should only receive at most one or two E-Mails per week from me. Many weeks there won't be anything newsworthy to report and you won't receive anything from this list.
The most typical use of this list will be to announce an update at www.CalTripleCrown.com ... like the Stage Race Results being complete or some news about one of the Doubles. There are also times when I'll need your thoughts and suggestions.
Each E-Mail sent from this list will have a Subject Line that starts with [CalTripleCrown] so you can easily see where it's coming from. This might come in handy if you want to have your E-Mail program automatically file these E-mails in a separate folder.
Links are included on the web page to help make it easy to Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and View Messages Previously Sent to this new list.
Invitations are being sent out to all past and present California Triple Crown riders to join this new list.
August 19, 2001
- On the Products Page, added the following:
I need to know if you are interested in buying a California Triple Crown Jersey later in 2001 or early in 2002. I am in the process of ordering a batch of the Blue Short Sleeve and Long Sleeve Voler Jerseys and then will be ordering a batch of the Yellow Short Sleeve Voler Jerseys.
If you are interested in buying a Jersey, please send me an E-mail at CBrams@CalTripleCrown.com and specify:
1. Blue Voler, Yellow Voler, or White Pace Jersey
2. If Blue Voler Jersey, Long or Short Sleeve
3. Size of Jersey
4. Your Name
This will not be a firm commitment that you will purchase one of these Jerseys ... I'm just trying to get an idea so I know what to order. In particular, if you will need a Size S, XXL, or XXXL, please let me know now since I can't afford to inventory many of those. You can check out examples of these Jerseys and their Sizing Charts on these pages.
These Jerseys continue to be extremely popular ... we have sold over 200 Custom White Pace Jerseys, 350 Blue Short Sleeve, 100 Blue Long Sleeve, and over 150 Yellow Short Sleeve Voler Jerseys in the past couple of years.
My ordering deadline is Friday, August, 24, 2001. If you know of someone else who might be wanting one of these great Jerseys, please ask them to drop me a note. If they don't have E-Mail, maybe you could send me a note for them.
August 17, 2001
- On the 2001 Stage Race Results Page, made the following corrections:
-- In 2nd Place for the Women this year was Anne Schneider from Davis. This was Anne's First Year to compete in the California Triple Crown Stage Race ... and in fact, her first year to complete a California Triple Crown. However, Anne is no stranger to long distance cycling: she completed her First Double way back in the 80's, completed Paris-Brest-Paris in 1995, and holds the Women's 50+ record at the Furnace Creek 508 from her great ride there in 1998!! Congratulations to Anne!!
-- Anny Beck is from Bellflower not from Beck.
-- Mark Abrahams is 45 not 40.
August 16, 2001
- On the Home Page, added links to the Final 2001 California Triple Crown Stage Race Results.
- On the 2001 Stage Race Results Page, added the results from the Devil Mountain Double, Central Coast Double, and the Terrible Two.
The competition was good again this year. Tim Coleman, Age 36, from Fresno came in 1st Place in the Stage Race: he was 3rd on the Devil Mountain Double, 2nd on Central Coast, and 7th on the Terrible Two. Tim is a long time California Triple Crown Stage Race competitor: he won the Stage Race in 1999 and was 5th in 2000. Congratulations to Tim!!
In 2nd Place this year was Rich Boettner, Age 34, from Davis. Rich was 1st on the Devil Mountain Double and 1st on the Terrible Two where he set a course record with Daryn Dodge!! Rich is also a long time California Triple Crown Stage Race competitor: he was 11th in 1996 and 2nd in 1999. Congratulations to Rich!!
An Honorable Mention goes to Daryn Dodge who came in 1st with Rich on the Devil Mountain Double and on the Terrible Two. The Central Coast was bad luck for both Rich and Daryn: Rich had 2 Flats and Daryn went down on Santa Rosa Road requiring him to go to the hospital. Fortunately, he recovered so well that Daryn was able to give a 100% effort in setting a new Course Record on the Terrible Two the following month!!
In 3rd Place this year was Barney Wilson, Age 40, from Cool, California which is just outside of Auburn. Barney completed his first Double Century in the California Triple Crown series on the Terrible Two last year so this is his first year in the Stage Race. Congratulations to Barney on an incredible result!!
In the Women's Division, 1st Place this year goes to Karen Bonnett from Sacramento. This was Karen's First Year in the Stage Race but she's no stranger to Double Centuries: this is Karen's 4th Year finishing the California Triple Crown. To top off her season, just two weeks after completing the Terrible Two, Karen rode the 750 Mile Gold Rush Randonee where she was the First Place Woman Finisher!! Congratulations to Karen!!
In 2nd Place for the Women this year was Anne Schneider from Davis. This was Anne's First Year to compete in the California Triple Crown Stage Race ... and in fact, her first year to complete a California Triple Crown. However, Anne is no stranger to long distance cycling: she completed her First Double in 1996 and she was on Team Red Rockettes in the 2000 Furnace Creek 508!! Congratulations to Anne!!
Just like last year, an Honorable Mention goes to Cassie Lowe from Australia who used the California Triple Crown Doubles to test her strength in her preparation for the 2001 Race Across America. Cassie was the First Women Finisher on the Devil Mountain Double and was the First Overall Finisher on the Central Coast Double. Unfortunately, she was not able to compete in the Terrible Two this year because she was Racing Across America where she was the 1st Woman and 4th overall!! Congratulations to Cassie!!
In 1st Place for the Tandem Division this year were Dan Crain, Age 56, from Irvine and Anny Beck from Beck. Dan and Anny rode these three extremely difficult Doubles on a tandem!! This was Dan's 6th year in the California Triple Crown and Anny's 2nd year. As a solo rider, Dan finished the Stage Race in 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000!! Congratulations to Dan and Anny.
The Top 3 Men Finishers in the Stage Race, Tim, Rich, and Barney, the Top 2 Women Finishers, Karen and Anne, and the Tandem Team of Dan and Anny, will receive a California Triple Crown Plaque, at no charge!! These will be presented at the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast to be held September 30, the morning after the Knoxville Fall Classic Double, in Vacaville.
Everyone who completed the 2001 Stage Race is to be commended. Our hat is off to each of the 29 Finishers ... just to complete these three Extremely Difficult Rides is a major accomplishment!!
August 10, 2001
- On the Home Page, added a link to the 2001 California Triple Crown Registration Form using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Also added a link to Download Acrobat Reader from Adobe's Website if you don't have it.
Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the free patch, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on.
June 28, 2001
- On the Home Page, added a new link to a new page of Preliminary Results for the 2001 California Triple Crown Stage Race with a link to it from the Table of Contents.
Results are in from the Devil Mountain Double held 4/21/01 and the Central Coast Double held 5/12/01.
The report shows the "Leader Board" of those riders who completed the first two Stages of the Stage Race, ranked by Total Overall Time. The Terrible Two and the Age of the Riders will be added to these results later in July. This report has a column for "Time Back" as reported for the Tour de France and similar races.
The Top 3 Men Finishers in the Stage Race, the Top 3 Women Finishers and the Top 3 Tandem Teams will receive a California Triple Crown Plaque, at no charge!! These will be presented at the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast to be held September 30, the morning after the Knoxville Fall Classic Double, in Vacaville. A number of folks will be inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame on September 30 ... so we hope you can attend that morning.
Congratulations to everyone who has completed the first two stages of this brutally tough series of Double Centuries!! Good luck with the Terrible Two!!
May 25, 2001
- On the Schedule Page, made the following changes:
-- Added a new link to 2001 Spring Death Valley Double Results
-- Added a new link to 2001 Spring Death Valley Double Photos on Photocrazy.com
-- Added a new link to 2001 Solvang Double Photos on Photocrazy.com
-- Added a new link to 2001 Butterfield Double Results
-- Changed the link to 2000 Butterfield Double Results
-- Added a new link to 2001 Hemet Double Results
-- Added a new link to 2001 Hemet Double Photos by Rich Photographic Services
-- Added a new link to 2001 Devil Mountain Double Results
-- Added a new link to 2001 Devil Mountain Double Photos on Photocrazy.com
-- Added a new link to 2001 Devil Mountain Double Photos by Eric Norris
-- Added a new link to 2001 Lone Pine Double Results
-- Added a new link to 2001 Lone Pine Double by Peter Pop
May 23, 2001
- On the Home Page, added a link to a new page, "I Hope My Accident Can Prevent Others" by David Nakai. David tells us he is lucky to be alive after his tragic car accident in April.
There is a great photo of him on the Rocky Mountain 1200 ... in happier times from last summer.
There is also a photo of his truck after the accident. He is certainly lucky to be alive.
The page includes David's thoughts to all of us about how his accident occurred and how much he loves the sport that sometimes we take for granted. His goal is now for to recover in time for the Fall Doubles.
His hope is that his accident can help prevent others from having to go through what he went through.
May 22, 2001
- On the Home Page, added a new Counter at the bottom of the page.
February 28, 2001
- On the Home Page, in the Table of Contents, added a link to the "Western States Bicycle Ride Calendar" which lists all rides in California and the Western United States. I find myself constantly checking this web page which is authored and maintained by Charlie Irwin so it seemed to be a natural to add it on the main Table of Contents.
- On the Schedule Page, reviewed all of the links and made the following changes:
-- Added a new link to 1999 Heartbreak Double Results
-- Added a new link to 2000 Heartbreak Double Results
-- Added a new link to 2000 Heartbreak Ride Report by David Nakai
-- Added a new link to 2000 Knoxville Fall Classic Double Results
-- Updated the ride description for the Route 66 Double
-- Added a new link to 2000 Route 66 Double Results
-- Updated the Feet of Climbing for the Route 66 Double to be 6,200 Feet
-- Added a new link to 2000 Fall Death Valley Double Results
-- Added a new link to 2001 Spring Death Valley Double Ride Report by Peter Pop
-- Added a new link to 2001 Death Valley Photos on Photocrazy.com
-- Added a new link to the Solvang Double Web Page
-- Updated all links to the Hemet Double to reflect the new web address
-- Added link to Jim Watrous's E-mail for the Hemet Double
-- Added a new link to Mount Diablo Detailed Grade Analysis by Lucas Pereira
-- Added a new link to 2000 Devil Mountain Double Ride Report by Dan Connelly
-- Added a new address and phone number for George Pinney, ride organizer for the Devil Mountain Double
-- Added a new link to the Lone Pine Double Web Page
-- Updated the Feet of Climbing for the Lone Pine Double to be 14,000 Feet
-- Updated the ride description for the Lone Pine Double
-- Changed the ride description for the Butterfield Double to reflect new Start / Finish location of Anaheim Hills
-- Add a new link to 2000 Butterfield Double Ride Report by David Nakai
-- Updated the web address for the Central Coast Double and all results pages
-- Added a new link to 2000 Central Coast Double Ride Report by David Nakai
-- Added a new link to 1998 Davis Double Results
-- Added a new link to 2000 Davis Double Results
-- Removed "Elevation Chart for the Davis Double from California Bike Rides Online Web Site by Lee Pfefferman" because Lee's web site no longer exists
-- Added a new link to 2000 Tour of Two Forests Ride Report by David Nakai
-- Added a new link to 2000 Terrible Two Results
-- Updated the link to the Grand Tour Web Page
-- Added a new link to 2000 Grand Tour Ride Story
-- Added a new link to 2000 Grand Tour Results
-- Added a new link to 2000 Grand Tour Volunteers
-- Added a new link to 2000 Grand Tour Ride Report by Bailey Abbott
-- Added a new link to 2000 Eastern Sierra Double Results
-- Updated the Ride Difficulty of the Eastern Sierra Double from Medium to High
- Updated the Products Pages and Order Form, to reflect the new Sizing Chart for Voler and Pace Jerseys. The old chart was:
Sizing Chart for PACE & VOLER Jerseys S M L XL 2XL Chest 34-36 38-40 42-44 46-48 50-52 Waist 28-30 32-34 36-38 40-42 44-46
The new sizing chart from Voler is:
Sizing Chart for VOLER Jerseys S M L XL 2XL Chest 35-37 38-40 40-42 42-44 44-46 Waist 29-31 32-34 35-37 38-41 42-45
The new sizing chart from Pace is:
Sizing Chart for PACE Jerseys S M L XL 2XL Chest 34-36 37-39 40-43 44-46 47-49 Waist 28-30 31-33 34-36 37-39 40-42
- Updated the Information Page, to reflect the address and phone number for George Pinney, the ride organizer for the Devil Mountain Double.
February 4, 2001
- On the Home Page, removed the Potential Winner's List and replaced it with the following final reports:
--2000 Winners Report Sorted by Name
--2000 Winners Report Sorted by Number of 2000 Doubles
--2000 Winners Report Sorted by Number of Doubles: 1990-2000
--2000 Winners Report Sorted by Club
--2000 Gold Thousand Mile Club: 5 or more Doubles with Support
--2000 Support Volunteers Report
--2000 Thousand Mile Club
All of these reports reflect the results of all of the 2000 Results that I know of at this time as well as a final check with the California Triple Crown Registration Forms. In addition, all of these reports are much easier to read than in prior years because they are coming from a Microsoft Access Data Base. Each report is also available in Microsoft Excel format with the column headings frozen so they are always at the top of the page.
In the Number of California Triple Crown Winners Table, added a column for "Number of Doubles in Season", and added the number of 2000 California Triple Crown Finishers which is 355.
- Special recognition goes out to Dan Crain with 18 Doubles, Mark Casartelli and John T. Clare with 15 Doubles, and Fenn Pervier with 14 Doubles ... all ridden in the Year 2000 Season!! See the 2000 Winners Report Sorted By Number of 2000 Doubles to check out who completed 13, 12, 11, or even 3 of these hard rides.
- The 2000 Winners Report Sorted By Total Number of Doubles: 1990-2000 includes all Past and Present California Triple Crown Winners even if they didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year. If you see someone on this report who didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year, please encourage them to get back on the saddle and join us again next year!! Riding Double Centuries is a great way to have big goals helping you to stay in good shape!!
- The 2000 Winners Report Sorted By Club shows some interesting competition between the Clubs in California. Congratulations to the following California Clubs on the Leaderboard with the California Triple Crown:
--Fresno Cycling Club with 22 Finishers
--Davis Bike Club with 16 Finishers
--Orange County Wheelmen with 14 Finishers
--Santa Rosa Cycling Club with 9 Finishers
--Grizzly Peak Cyclists with 8 Finishers
--Sacramento Wheelmen with 8 Finishers
- New this year is the Gold Thousand Mile Club which recognizes those cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 2000 and very importantly have supported at least one of them!! This report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 2000 and supported at least one of them. Congratulations to each of these 20 Cyclists!!
- It's one thing to complete Three Double Centuries in a year -- it's a whole other matter to complete Five or More Doubles in a single year. The Thousand Mile Club report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 2000!! Congratulations to each of these 115 Cyclists!!
- New this year is the 2000 Support Volunteers Report which shows those people who helped to support at least one of the Double Centuries. Even though this list includes everyone who indicated that they supported one of the rides this year, I know that it's far from complete. There are many dedicated people who work long and hard to make these rides work. Please drop me a line and let me know which rides you worked on ... and I'll add you to this list!!
January 27, 2000
- Updated the Products Pages, showing the updated status of the products as of 1/26/01.
The orders have been coming in rapidly ... we have processed well over 100 orders since 12/5/00!!
The Voler Yellow Jersey page was updated to show the Inventory as of 1/26/01. These Yellow Jerseys have been selling like hotcakes ... we have sold 66 of them since 12/5/00!! We are waiting for a shipment from Voler to arrive in March which is itemized on the page.
The Voler Blue Short Sleeve Jersey page was updated to show the Inventory as of 1/26/01. Likewise, these Jerseys have been selling fast ... we have sold 40 of them since 12/5/00!! We are waiting for a shipment from Voler to arrive in March which is itemized on the page.
The Voler Blue Long Sleeve Jersey page was updated to show the Inventory as of 1/26/01. Likewise, these Jerseys have been selling well ... we have sold 33 of them since 12/5/00!! We are waiting for a shipment from Voler to arrive in March which is itemized on the page.
All of the Custom products have been selling extremely well also. The Custom PACE Jersey's, Custom T-Shirts and Custom Plaques are selling especially well.
DeFeet changed the U.S. Flag Sock design so I updated the photo to this new design.
All of the Voler Gloves are sold so I removed that from the Product pages and the Order form. If you own a pair of these, tuck them away in your Bike Museum because they'll be a collector's item one of these days!!
A big thanks to Charlie Irwin and his company for building all of the Custom Products this year as well as doing the Shipping and Handling on the orders.
When you review the new 2000 California Triple Crown products, I hope you'll like them as much as I do!! Send in your order today!!
For the next week, I am focusing my efforts in completing the mailout of the 2000 California Triple Crown Finisher's Letter and Patch. I decided to work through the many product issues and get those web pages completed before finishing the letter. This allowed many to place orders for their products ... and we have filled well over 100 orders. In addition, I have been still receiving Registration Forms from some riders for the 2000 season.
As in every year since 1991, each cyclist who completed the 2000 California Triple Crown will receive the awesome patch at no charge. These have the full color California Triple Crown logo with Red Letters for this year and will look SUPER on your Camelbak cover or in your Bike Museum!!
December 11, 2000
- Updated the Products Pages, showing all of the new products for the 2000 season. All of the photos of the products on these pages have been updated to reflect the new lineup this year.
I understand you may want to order some products.
Well, at long last, we're ready to ROCK AND ROLL!!
So why did it take so long? The bottom line is: I've been riding my bike!! PAC Tour was a really great trip.
On the Triple Crown, I've been working with Voler, DeFeet, and Charlie Irwin on the new California Triple Crown Products … and then building the new web pages. So I've been buried!!
The 2000 California Triple Crown Finisher's Letter and Patch will be in the mail to you in the next couple of weeks. I decided to work through the many product issues and get those web pages completed before finishing the letter. This will allow you to place your orders for your products so we can get them to you as soon as possible.
When you see the new 2000 California Triple Crown products, I hope you'll agree with me that they were worth the wait!!
There are tons of changes and new products this year. Here are some highlights:
A brand new Voler Yellow Short Sleeve Jersey has been designed and is ready to ship!! I'm very pleased with how it came out.
The Voler Blue Short Sleeve Jersey will continue to be sold and continues to look great!! Current Inventory is on the web page.
The Voler Blue Long Sleeve Jersey will continue to be sold. These Jerseys are really great -- besides looking good, they keep you warm in the cold mornings but not too hot in the afternoons!! Current Inventory is on the web page.
Custom PACE Jersey is beautiful with new Ribbons on the Back Pockets and CTC Logo on the Sleeves!!
Custom T-Shirt is being built with the same excellent process as the Custom PACE Jersey this year … allowing the Front Pocket area to be customized with the rides you did as well as Custom Text.
New Voler Arm Warmers have been added to the product lineup and match perfectly with the Voler Jerseys. They also look great with the PACE Jersey. This is a brand new product for 2000!!
New DeFeet Socks look great and work extremely well to boot. This is another brand new product for 2000!!
Custom Plaque is looking better than ever this year!!
New Custom Ceramic Mug is really awesome this year!!
Plastic Coffee Mug and Mouse Pad enhanced with new Red Text!!
Last but not least, I also updated the Frequently Asked Questions page.
There are tons of details on each of the products on the web site so check it all out.
The Order Form is on the Web Site and ready to go.
A big thanks to Charlie Irwin and his company for building all of the Custom Products this year as well as doing the Shipping and Handling on the orders.
When you see the new 2000 California Triple Crown products, I hope you'll agree with me that they were worth the wait!! Send in your order today!!
November 29, 2000
- Updated the 2000 Potential Finishers Page, showing those Cyclists who have completed two or more of the Doubles in the 2000 California Triple Crown Season including the Davis Double. The final step is to process the Registration Forms which I have received. It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown. The next update to this page will show only those who completed 3 or More of the Doubles.
Note: The Registration Forms will be posted in the next couple of days. The Fall 2000 Doubles have been temporarily posted to these 2000 Numbers ... if you want them to count for the 2001 Numbers, you need to specify that on the Registration Form which I will be processing real soon. Please review these results as soon as possible and let me know of corrections via E-mails. All of this needs to be wrapped up before the products can be ordered because we don't sell them to just anyone!! I am committed to wrapping this up quickly so stay tuned.
Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the free patch, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!!
This list does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms which I am now processing. Keep those Registration Forms coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!!
November 19, 2000
- Updated the 2000 Potential Finishers Page, showing those Cyclists who have completed any of the Doubles in the 2000 California Triple Crown Season except the Davis Double which will be processed next followed by the Registration Forms. It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made.
Note: The Davis Double and the Registration Forms will be posted in the next couple of days. The Fall 2000 Doubles have been temporarily posted to these 2000 Numbers ... if you want them to count for the 2001 Numbers, you need to specify that on the Registration Form which I will be processing real soon. Please review these results as soon as possible and let me know of corrections via E-mails. All of this needs to be wrapped up before the products can be ordered because we don't sell them to just anyone!! I am committed to wrapping this up quickly so stay tuned.
Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the free patch, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!!
This list does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms which I am now processing. Keep those Registration Forms coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!!
November 14, 2000
- Updated the 2000 Potential Finishers Page, showing those Cyclists who have completed the following Doubles: Heartbreak Double of 9/18/99, Route 66 Double of 10/30/99, Fall Death Valley Double of 11/20/99, Spring Death Valley Double of 2/26/00, Solvang Double of 3/25/00, Hemet Double of 4/8/00, Devil Mountain Double of 4/15/00, Butterfield Double of 5/6/00, and the Central Coast Double of 5/13/00. It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made.
Note: The rest of the rides will be posted in the next couple of days. Please review these results as soon as possible and let me know of corrections via E-mails. All of this needs to be wrapped up before the products can be ordered because we don't sell them to just anyone!! I am committed to wrapping this up quickly so stay tuned.
Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the free patch, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!!
This list does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms which I am now processing. Keep those Registration Forms coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!!
November 12, 2000
- On the Schedule Page, added the 2001 Schedule. After much discussion and negotiation, here is the 2001 California Triple Crown Schedule:
02/24/01 Death Valley - Spring
03/17/01 Butterfield (Moved to March because April too crowded)
03/31/01 Solvang
04/07/01 Hemet
04/21/01 Devil Mountain Double (Easter weekend is 4/14)
04/28/01 Lone Pine Double
05/12/01 Central Coast
05/19/01 Davis
06/02/01 Eastern Sierra
06/23/01 Grand Tour
06/30/01 Terrible Two
07/07/01 Southern Sierra (Markleeville Death Ride is 7/14)
09/15/01 Tour of Two Forests
09/29/01 Knoxville Fall Classic Double
10/27/01 Death Valley - Fall
11/10/01 Route 66 Double
The Lone Pine Double is new for 2001. This new Double Century offers beautiful and challenging terrain, some long climbs, and spectacular descents. It starts and finishes in Lone Pine.
The Southern Sierra Double is also new for 2001. This new alpine Double Century is extremely difficult. It will start and finish in Ridgecrest and take you to Pearsonville, Nine Mile Canyon, Kennedy Meadows, Sherman Pass, Kernville, Lake Isabella, Walker Pass and back to Ridgecrest.
With all of the California Brevets and new Doubles, the above dates were difficult to negotiate ... but we've got it done now.
2001 looks like another great season for Double Centuries in California ... come out and give them a ride!!
- On the Schedule and Info Pages, updated Hugh Murphy's Address.
September 8, 2000
- On the Home Page, added a link to 2000 PAC Tour Central Transcontinental.
On September 10, two of my California Triple Crown cycling friends and I (along with about 60 other riders) will depart San Diego on a cross-country tour, ultimately ending in Charleston, South Carolina. Our goal is to ride our bikes safely Across America, from sea to shining sea, a total of 3,117 Miles in 25 Days. We want to have fun seeing America up close while helping others along the way.
The California Triple Crown Double Centuries have laid the foundation for the training to allow us to be ready for the PAC Tour.
If all goes well, you'll be able to catch a glimpse of what it's like to ride a bike across this great land of ours through a series of web pages. Since we're taking a laptop and digital camera, a page for each day will be created during the course of the trip. The home page for our trip is already posted along with the basic framework of the pages for the first week at the link on the California Triple Crown Home Page.
After lots of heat training in July and August, we are looking forward to the challenging adventure to begin. There are many interesting things about this trip ... for example, we'll be staying in Cuba, Vienna, and two nights in Lebanon!!
Check out the web pages for much more information, maps, and photos.
Lon and Susan do such a fantastic job with their PAC Tours. It should be a great trip and after I get back, I'll get everything updated for the California Triple Crown.
September 7, 2000
- On the Products Page, added a detailed write up of the 2000 Product line-up.
August 17, 2000
- Added the 2000 Potential Finishers Page, showing those Cyclists who have completed the Fall 1999 Doubles which are part of the 2000 California Triple Crown Season: Hearbreak Double of 9/18/99, Route 66 Double of 10/30/99, and Fall Death Valley Double of 11/20/99.
Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the free patch, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!!
This list does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms which I am now processing. Keep those Registration Forms coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!!
August 12, 2000
- On the 2000 California Triple Crown Schedule Page, added links to the new Death Valley Double and Heartbreak Double web pages.
- On Chuck Bramwell's Favorite Web Sites Page, corrected the link to the Badwater Events Web Site and the Furnace Creek 508 Web Site.
August 9, 2000
- On the 2000 California Triple Crown Stage Race Page, added photos of plaques for the top Finishers of Tracy Colwell, Daryn Dodge, Istvan Makk, Jeanie Barnett, Maureen Dwyer, Mike Shuemake, and Marilyn Laswell.
- On the 1998 California Triple Crown Stage Race Page, added a photo of the plaque for First Place Ray Plumhoff.
- On the 1997 California Triple Crown Stage Race Page, added a photo of the plaque for First Place Jim Frink.
- On the 1996 California Triple Crown Stage Race Page, added a photo of the plaque for First Place Daryn Dodge.
- On the Schedule Page, changed all of the links to open in a new browser window which allows for faster viewing and gives you more control.
August 2, 2000
- On the Schedule Page, added a link to the Knoxville Fall Classic Double Web Site and a phone number for Ride Organizer Rory MacLeod.
- On the Information Page, added a phone number for Ride Organizer Rory MacLeod.
- On the 1999 California Triple Crown Stage Race Page, added images of plaques for the top 3 Finishers: Tim Coleman, Rich Boettner, and Ray Plumhoff.
July 11, 2000
- On the 2000 Tour de France TV Schedule Page, added the times for the ABC Wide World of Sports Shows on 7/15 and 7/22.
Improved the link to the Bicycling Magazine web site including the Daily Commentary by Greg LeMond, Rider Diaries by Bobby Julich, Bar Room Talk with Cyril Guimard, and lots of other good stuff!!
Added a link to Frankie Andreu's diary from Frankie's web site and to Tyler Hamilton's diary from Tyler's web site.
Added a link to the Velonews Tour de France web site with excellent coverage including Minute by Minute accounts, Maps, Tour Tech, and Wilcockson Spotlight.
According to Dan Osipow on the U.S.Procycling.com web site, "Today, in similar conditions and style and almost one year to the day he took control of the race last year, Lance Armstrong has once again threw down the gauntlet at the Tour de France. In an epic display of climbing strength and power, Armstrong literally flew up the final climb of today's 205 km 10th stage from Dax to Lourdes-Hautacam, finishing second in the stage and planting himself in the yellow jersey." Go Lance!!
June 28, 2000
- On the 2000 Stage Race Results Page, updated the results with the following:
In Second Place for the Women this year was Maureen Dwyer from Santa Cruz. This was Marilyn's first year to complete in the California Triple Crown Stage Race ... and in fact, her first year to complete a California Triple Crown. Congratulations to Maureen!!
In First Place for the Mixed Tandem Division this year were Mike Shuemake and Marilyn Laswell from Fresno. Mike and Marilyn rode these three extremely difficult Doubles on a tandem!! This was Mike's second year in the California Triple Crown and Marilyn's first year. Congratulations to Mike and Marilyn.
The Top 3 Men Finishers in the Stage Race, Tracy, Daryn, and Istvan, the Top 2 Women Finishers, Jeanie and Maureen, and the Mixed Tandem Team of Mike and Marilyn, will receive a California Triple Crown Plaque, at no charge!! These will be presented at the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast to be held July 23, the morning after the Eastern Sierra Double, at the Tri-County Fair Grounds in Bishop.
Everyone who completed the 2000 Stage Race is to be commended. Our hat is off to each of the 39 Finishers ... just to complete these three Extremely Difficult Rides is a major accomplishment!!
- On the Home Page, added a new link to a new page with the 2000 Tour de France TV Schedule including links to Tour Coverage. Also, added a new link to the 2000 Race Across America.
June 27, 2000
- On the Home Page, added links to the 2000 California Triple Crown Stage Race Results.
- On the 2000 Stage Race Results Page, added the results from the Devil Mountain Double, Central Coast Double, and the Terrible Two.
The competition was indeed fierce this year. Tracy Colwell from Redwood City came in First Place in the Stage Race: he was First on the Devil Mountain Double, First on Central Coast, and First on the Terrible Two where he set a new course record!! This was Tracy's first year to compete in the California Triple Crown Stage Race ... and in fact, his first year to complete a California Triple Crown. However, Tracy's strength was well known since he was First on the 1998 Terrible Two. Congratulations to Tracy.
In Second Place this year was Daryn Dodge from Davis. Daryn is a long time California Triple Crown Stage Race competitor: he won the Stage Race in 1996 and came in 4th in 1999. This is Daryn's Fourth Year finishing the California Triple Crown. Congratulations to Daryn!!
In Third Place this year was Istvan Makk from Antioch. Istvan had never competed in the Stage Race before but is no stranger to long distance cycling: this will be his Third Year finishing the California Triple Crown. Congratulations to Istvan!!
In the Women's Division, First Place this year goes to Jeanie Barnett from Martinez. Jeanie is no stranger to the Stage Race: she competed in 1998 and this will be her Third Year finishing the California Triple Crown. Congratulations to Jeanie!!
In Second Place for the Women this year was Marilyn Laswell from Fresno. Marilyn rode these three extremely difficult Doubles on a tandem with Mike Shuemake. This was Marilyn's first year to complete in the California Triple Crown Stage Race ... and in fact, her first year to complete a California Triple Crown. Congratulations to Marilyn!!
In Third Place for the Women this year was Maureen Dwyer from Santa Cruz. This was Marilyn's first year to complete in the California Triple Crown Stage Race ... and in fact, her first year to complete a California Triple Crown. Congratulations to Maureen!!
An Honorable Mention goes to Cassie Lowe from Australia who used the California Triple Crown Doubles to test her strength in her preparation for the 2000 Race Across America. Cassie was the First Women Finisher on the 2000 Devil Mountain Double and the 2000 Central Coast Double where she set a new Women's record. Unfortunately, she was not able to compete in the Terrible Two this year because she was Racing Across America. Congratulations to Cassie!!
The Top 3 Men Finishers in the Stage Race, Tracy, Daryn, and Istvan as well as the Top 3 Women Finishers, Jeanie, Marilyn, and Maureen will receive a California Triple Crown Plaque, at no charge!! These will be presented at the California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast to be held July 23, the morning after the Eastern Sierra Double, at the Tri-County Fair Grounds in Bishop.
Everyone who completed the 2000 Stage Race is to be commended. Our hat is off to each of the 39 Finishers ... just to complete these three Extremely Difficult Rides is a major accomplishment!!
June 15, 2000
- On the Home Page, reformatted the top section by the California Triple Crown Logo, added a "What's New?" section near the top along with three links to the latest updates, and centered the Rainbow Separator lines.
- On the Schedule Page, announced the following:
"The 2000 California Triple Crown season started with the Heartbreak Double of 9/18/99 and will finish with the Route 66 Double of 11/11/00.
The Fall 2000 Doubles consisting of the Heartbreak Double of 9/16/00, Knoxville Fall Classic Double of 9/23/00, Fall Death Valley Double of 10/7/00, and the Route 66 Double of 11/11/00 can be counted towards the 2000 Season or the 2001 Season. To have any of these Fall Doubles count for the 2000 Season, indicate them on the 2000 Registration Form. To have any of these Fall Doubles count for the 2001 Season, indicate them on the 2001 Registration Form which will be out during the first part of 2001.
Starting with 2002, the California Triple Crown Season will be on a Calendar Year from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002."
Also added the Fall 2000 Doubles to the 2000 Schedule table.
- On the Schedule Page, announced the addition of the Knoxville Fall Classic Double:
"Mark your calendars now: the First Edition of this New Double will occur on September 23, 2000.
The course will start & end in Vacaville, at a local park, and be promoted as a friendly, social ride. No recorded times, no course records, just complete or DNF. The course is a big figure 8, heading out of town west & north, up the Napa valley, across the hills to the top of Berreyessa, then 40 miles out & over Knoxville Road to Lower Lake. It will be a reverse course of the Davis Double for a section in the middle, and then head down Vacaville's Pleasants Valley to the finish.
The current estimate is for under 12,000 Feet of Climbing using a Cateye computer. The other Doubles in the table show Feet of Climbing measured by a Avocet computer which may yield less than 11,000 Feet of Climbing for comparative purposes. Most of the climbing is in the morning and there is nothing even as much as 10%. The afternoon should be faster than the morning.
There will be a maximum of 125 riders on this First Edition of this ride.
Difficulty Rating: Medium"
- On the Schedule Page, added a direct link to the 2000 Central Coast Double Results Web Page and centered the Rainbow Separator lines.
On the Home Page, updated the 2000 California Triple Crown Registration form, both as a Downloadable Microsoft Word Document and as a Web Page, as follows:
1. Added the Fall 2000 Doubles both in the upper table and in the quality questionnaire sections along with the dates of all rides.
2. Added the verbage that the Fall 2000 Doubles can be counted for 2000 or 2001.
3. Noted that the Finishers List, Order Forms, and Patches will be sent in November.
On the Info Page, added the address for the Knoxville Fall Classic Double.
June 6, 2000
- On the Schedule Page, added a direct link to the 2000 Classic TOTF Results Web Page and another link to 2000 Classic TOTF Photos on PhotoCrazy.com.
Hugh Murphy had to reschedule the Eastern Sierra Double from July 15, 2000 to July 22, 2000 because of a livestock show schedule change at the Tri County Fairgrounds in Bishop. Hugh reports "we are sorry to have to make this change but glad we found out in time for people to adjust their plans."
The Fairgrounds in Bishop is the perfect setting for a Sunday Morning Breakfast after the Eastern Sierra Double the day before. BadwaterEvents.com will provide a good Breakfast with cold cereal, fruit, bagels and other great stuff. Last year at the Breakfast, Chuck Bramwell, the California Triple Crown Guy, announced the induction of the first two members into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame, Jim Von Tungeln and Paul Kopit. Who will be inducted this year? Come to the Breakfast to find out!!
The California Triple Crown Stage Race Winner's Plaques for top 3 Men's and top 3 Women's Finishers will also be awarded at the Breakfast. If you completed the Stage Race this year, you will also be awarded a CTC Water Bottle -- but only if you attend the Breakfast!!
This will be a great way to finish the 1999-2000 California Triple Crown season!!
May 25, 2000
On the Home Page, added the 2000 California Triple Crown Registration form, both as a Downloadable Microsoft Word Document and as a Web Page. Added the following description of the process:
1. Sign up for and complete the Double Centuries you're going to ride for the year. (Gee, that sounds so easy!!)
2. For each Double Century that you complete, be sure you are on the Finisher's List for the ride. These are linked to on the Schedule page.
3. If you're not listed on the Finisher's List, send an E-mail to the ride organizer giving them your Rider Number, Start Time, Finish Time, and other details of the ride.
4. Once you have completed all of the Doubles that you are going to for the year, print a Registration Form, fill it out, and mail it in.
5. I'll process your Registration Form and be sure you are on the California Triple Crown Finisher's List based on the rides you specify on it. This is all based on the spelling of your First and Last Name so be sure these are spelled the same way on all results.
On the Registration Forms, we are asking about which Doubles you have helped to support this year. These rides can only continue if volunteers (spelled Y-O-U) jump in and help. We will be tracking this on the Web Site. Support means that you and/or a family member or friend volunteered to help with a Double Century. In order to be in the "Gold Thousand Mile Club", you will need to complete at least five Doubles and support at least one Double in the series. If you complete at least five Doubles but don't support one, you'll still be in the Thousand Mile Club but not the Gold Group. It's not enough to just ride the rides because if that's all everyone does, these major adventures will go the way of the dinosaurs!! It's not easy running Rest Stops 200+ Miles from nowhere so each of these rides need YOUR help. Besides that, it's fun to help out your fellow cyclists and get a chance to talk to some really great people.
- On the Schedule Page, added a direct link to the 2000 Davis Double Photos on PhotoCrazy.com.
May 19, 2000
- On the Schedule Page, the following changes were made:
In the Year 2000 Table at the top of the page, changed "Death Valley Fall" to be "Fall Death Valley Double" and "Death Valley Spring" to be "Spring Death Valley Double." Increased the Feet of Climbing on Devil Mountain Double from 18,000 to 18,500. All Feet of Climbing on the Schedule Page are measured by Avocet 50 or Vertech Computers for consistency.
For the Heartbreak Double, removed the reference to the Apache Saddle climb. Moved the link to the 1999 Tour of Two Forests to a new section (see below).
For the Route 66 Double, added a direct link to the 1999 Route 66 Double Photos on PhotoCrazy.com.
For the Death Valley Double, corrected the link on Rich Smith's Ride Report from 2000 to 1999 and added a direct link to the 2000 Spring Death Valley Double Photos on PhotoCrazy.com.
For the Solvang Double, added a direct link to the 2000 Solvang Double Results web page and added a direct link to the 2000 Solvang Double Photos on PhotoCrazy.com.
For the Devil Mountain Double, added a direct link to the 2000 Devil Mountain Double Results web page and added a direct link to the 2000 Devil Mountain Double Photos on PhotoCrazy.com.
For the Butterfield Double, added a direct link to the 2000 Butterfield Double Results web page.
For the Classic TOTF - Tour of Two Forests, added a new section on the page describing this event including: "The Tour of Two Forests was first ran in 1980. In 1984, the legendary tandem team of Pete Penesyres and Rob Templin set a course record of 10:35!! In 1985, Rob Templin came back on his single bike and set a solo course record of 10:21!!" Added a link to Hugh Murphy's Classic TOTF web page and a direct link to the 1999 Classic TOTF Results web page.
For the Terrible Two, corrected the direct link to the 1999 Terrible Two Results. Corrected the paragraphs explaining the Time Limit requirements for this ride to be as follows:
Time Limit: This ride has a mass start at 5:30 A.M. and the course officially closes at 10:00 P.M. The Fort Ross rest stop at mile 161 closes at 8:00 PM. All riders who have not cleared the final rest stop in Monte Rio at mile 183 by 10:00 PM will be pulled. Riders between Monte Rio and the finish will be allowed to continue, provided they have adequate lights.
After 10:00 PM, support on the road and at the finish will be minimal. Riders completing this extremely hard Double Century after 10:00 PM will receive California Triple Crown credit for the Terrible Two. As an incentive to finish earlier, riders will receive a free "I DID IT!!" T-Shirt if they finish before 10:00 PM.
Also for the Terrible Two, added a direct link to 1999 Photos of Top 10 Finishers, Start, and Lunch on BikeCal.com and 1999 "A Not so Terrible Two" by Maury Cohen on BikeCal.com.
- On the Products Page, removed the 1999 California Triple Crown Order Form page and replaced it with the following note: "2000 California Triple Crown Order Form - Coming Soon". We are in the process of finalizing the Year 2000 Products and will place the Order Form back up on the web site after the new products are ready to go.
April 22, 2000
- On the Schedule Page, all links were reviewed for validity and numerous changes were made.
In the Year 2000 Table at the top of the page, changed Death Valley #1 to be Death Valley Fall and changed Death Valley #2 to be Death Valley Spring.
For the Heartbreak Double, added a direct link to the 1999 Results Web Page.
For the Route 66 Double, added a direct link to the 1999 Results Web Page.
For the Death Valley Double, added direct links to the 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000 Results Web Pages. Also, added a link to Rich Smith's 1999 Death Valley Double Ride Report with Photos.
For the Hemet Double, added a direct link to the 2000 Results Web Page.
For the Devil Mountain Double, removed the link to the 1997 Photos since none were available that year.
For the Butterfield Double, updated the Route Description with the new 2000 Route and added a direct link to the 2000 Butterfield Double Web Page.
For the Central Coast Double, updated the links for the 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999 Results Web Pages. Moved the paragraph describing the Time Limit up to the top so you can't miss it.
For the Davis Double, updated the link to the Davis Double Web Site and to the 1999 Results Web Page. Changed the description on the "Elevation Chart for the Davis Double from California Bike Rides Online Web Site by Lee Pfefferman".
For the Terrible Two, added a paragraph explaining the Time Limit requirements for this ride as follows: "This ride has a mass start at 5:30 A.M. The course will officially close at 10:00 P.M. and therefore, a cutoff time will be imposed at Rest Stop #5 at Fort Ross which is at the 160 mile point, 40 miles from the finish. All riders will be required to have left this rest stop by 8:00 P.M. or they will be sagged in at that time. All riders who complete the course by 10:00 p.m. will receive a free "I DID IT!" t-shirt."
This year, the Terrible Two will celebrate it's 25th Silver Anniversary. Bill Oetinger has announced that there will be a special, one-time-only Terrible Two T-Shirt just for Year 2000!!
For the Grand Tour, updated the link to the Los Angeles Wheelmen's Grand Tour Web Page.
For the Eastern Sierra Double, added direct links to the 1997 and 1998 Results.
The Year 2000 Season is off to an excellent start ... stay tuned for all the good news!!
December 28, 1999
- On the Schedule Page, updated all of the links to Hugh Murphy's web site.
Hugh had his former Web Master shut down the web site at www.badwater.com and also his e-mail at badwater.com.
Hugh's new web site is up at http://www.BadwaterEvents.com where Hugh is the Web Master. The HMP Ride Schedule is fully listed on the new web site.
All details for the new Death Valley Spring Double Century and Century are posted. Results of the Fall Heartbreak and Fall Route 66 Doubles are posted. Please change your bookmarks and links, and if you see other sites with the wrong link, e-mail Hugh at HughMurphy@BadWaterEvents.com.
December 21, 1999
- On the Home Page, removed the Potential Winner's List. Added the 1999 Winners Report Sorted by Name, 1999 Winners Report Sorted by Number of 1999 Doubles, 1999 Winners Report Sorted by Number of Doubles: 1990-1999, 1999 Winners Report Sorted by Club, 1999 Thousand Mile Club, and the 1999 Stage Race Winner's Report. All of these reports reflect the results of all of the 1999 Results that I know of at this time as well as a final check with the California Triple Crown Registration Forms. Updated the number of 1999 California Triple Crown Finishers in the Table to be 335.
- Special recognition goes out to Charles Griffice, Paul Kopit, John Robbins, and Michael Rose who completed all 11 Double Centuries in the California Triple Crown Series this year!! See the 1999 Winners Report Sorted By Number of 1999 Doubles to check out who completed 10, 9, 8, or even 3 of these hard rides.
- The 1999 Winners Report Sorted By Total Number of Doubles: 1990-1999 includes all Past and Present California Triple Crown Winners even if they didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year. If you see someone on this report who didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year, please encourage them to get back on the saddle and join us again next year!! Riding Double Centuries is a great way to have big goals helping you to stay in good shape!!
- The 1999 Winners Report Sorted By Club shows some interesting competition between the Clubs in California. Congratulations to the following California Clubs on the Leaderboard with the California Triple Crown:
--Fresno Cycling Club with 20 Finishers
--Davis Bike Club with 16 Finishers
--Orange County Wheelmen with 13 Finishers
--Almaden Cycle Touring Club with 10 Finishers
--Bicycle Club of Irvine with 10 Finishers
--Marin Cyclists with 7 Finishers
--Western Wheelers with 7 Finishers
- It's one thing to complete Three Double Centuries in a year -- it's a whole other matter to complete Five or More Doubles in a single year. The Thousand Mile Club report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 1999!! Congratulations to each of these 95 Cyclists!!
October 13, 1999
- On the Home Page, added a link in the Table of Contents to a new page for the California Triple Crown Products. I understand that you want to order some products.
Well, at long last, we're ready to ROCK AND ROLL!!
So why did it take so long? The bottom line is: I've been riding my bike!!
Paris-Brest-Paris in August was just the ride of my life … I'll be adding tons of photos to the Web Site this winter.
I'm also just completed a Furnace Creek 508 adventure with three other team-mates. Photos are forthcoming on that adventure also. But enough of that stuff.
On the Triple Crown, I've been working with Voler, Charlie Irwin, and Hugh Murphy on the new California Triple Crown Products … and then building the new web pages. So I've been buried!!
The 1999 California Triple Crown Winner's Letter and Patch will be in the mail to you in the next couple of weeks. I decided to work through the many product issues and get those web pages completed before finishing the letter. This will allow you to place your orders for your products so we can get them to you as soon as possible.
When you see the new 1999 California Triple Crown products, I hope you'll agree with me that they were worth the wait!!
There are tons of changes and new products this year. Here are some highlights:
--Voler Short Sleeve Jersey enhanced!!
--New Voler Long Sleeve Jersey added!! This will be a one time opportunity which won't be repeated in the future ... so place your order now for a Jersey that you're sure to always treasure!!
--Custom PACE Jersey has been redesigned with new Ribbons on the Back Pockets and CTC Logo on the Sleeves!!
--Price on the Specialized Water Bottles has been drastically reduced!!
--New Voler Gloves added!! These babies make your hands look really great as you fly by those other guys in the paceline!!
--Custom Plaque is looking better than ever this year!!
--New Custom Ceramic Mug added by popular demand!! This is just a beautiful thing and will be a major upgrade to your desk!!
--Plastic Coffee Mug and Mouse Pad enhanced with new Purple Text!!
--Also, I totally redesigned the Order Form to include a Check List so you can get your stuff as soon as possible.
--New for this year, we can also accept your Mastercard / Visa!!
--Last but not least, I also updated the Frequently Asked Questions page.
--The Order Form is on the Web Site and ready to go … so send me those orders!!
September 27, 1999
- On the Home Page, added a link in the Table of Contents to a new page for the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame. The California Triple Crown Hall of Fame was started in June of 1999 to recognize those who have accomplished a significant milestone in the Double Century Series by riding over 10,000 Miles of these rides!! These select few cyclists have completed over 50 Double Centuries!! These new web pages will contain Resumes for each of the people inducted in the Hall of Fame.
These select few who are in the Hall of Fame have demonstrated a huge commitment to long distance cycling ... indeed, they have shown a commitment to excellence that very few cyclists have demonstrated anywhere in the world. Future inductees into the Hall of Fame may also include Ride Organizers and Support Volunteers who have demonstrated a huge commitment to the California Triple Crown Double Century Series as well.
Jim Von Tungeln was the first cyclist to be inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame. He completed his 50th Double Century in the California Triple Crown Series with the 1998 Grand Tour. Jim's Cycling Achievements are most impressive and are spelled out on the web page along with a great photo of him and a graphic of the Hall of Fame Plaque which was awarded to Jim.
Paul Kopit was the second cyclist to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. He completed his 50th Double Century in the California Triple Crown Series with the 1999 Central Coast Double. As of the end of the 1999 season, Paul has completed 55 Double Centuries!! Paul's Cycling Achievements are also impressive and are spelled out on the web page along with a great photo of Paul hanging over Bryce Canyon and a graphic of the Hall of Fame Plaque which was awarded to Paul. Of particular interest is a prized and rare photo of "King Kopit's Throne" which you have to see to believe!!
September 23, 1999
- On the 1999 Potential Finisher's Page, posted the results of 1999 Davis Double. The number of Definite California Triple Crown Winner's increased from 240 to 326.
- I plan to complete the posting of the Registration Forms next week. After that, I'll be writing the Winner's Letter, finalizing last minute decisions regarding this year's products, and mailing out the Winner's Packet with the 1999 Patches.
September 15, 1999
- On the 2000 Schedule Page, removed the link to the 1998 Grand Tour Results since they have been removed from the Grand Tour Web Site. Added a link to the 1999 Grand Tour Results, Ride Story, and Volunteers Web Page.
- On the 1999 Potential Finisher's Page, posted the results of 1999 Grand Tour. The number of Potential California Triple Crown Winner's increased from 652 to 747. The number of Definite California Triple Crown Winner's increased from 204 to 240.
- Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the free patch, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!! The 1999 Potential Finisher's List does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms ... I will do that after I have posted the results of the Davis Double to this list.
- I plan to complete the posting of the Davis Double this coming week. Then I will be posting the Registration Forms -- keep them coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!! After that, I'll be writing the Winner's Letter, finalizing last minute decisions regarding this year's products, and mailing out the Winner's Packet with the 1999 Patches.
September 12, 1999
- On the 2000 Schedule Page, updated the link to the 1999 Terrible Two Results Web Page.
- On the 1999 Potential Finisher's Page, posted the results of 1999 Terrible Two. The number of Potential California Triple Crown Winner's increased from 572 to 652. The number of Definite California Triple Crown Winner's increased from 169 to 204.
- Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the free patch, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!! The 1999 Potential Finisher's List does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms ... I will do that after I have posted the results of the Grand Tour and the Davis Double to this list.
- I am just now getting caught up again after having an unbelievably great trip to France for the 1999 Paris-Brest-Paris. It was beautiful, glorious, breathtaking, overwhelming, and unreal. I took nearly 150 photos on the bike at PBP and plan to post all of them to this Web Site over the coming months along with tons of stories. It was like living Three Years of Life compressed into Three Days!!
- I plan to complete the posting of the Grand Tour and Davis Double this coming week. Then I will be posting the Registration Forms -- keep them coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!! After that, I'll be writing the Winner's Letter, finalizing last minute decisions regarding this year's products, and mailing out the Winner's Packet with the 1999 Patches.
August 3, 1999
- Added the 2000 California Triple Crown Ride Schedule Web Page to include:
-- The Year 2000 Schedule starts in September, 1999 and runs until July, 2000 ... like the School season. New this year are the three Doubles in the Fall which will help us keep in shape the year round ... one of the many advantages of the great weather we enjoy in California!! These Fall Doubles are the result of much discussion and preparation ... so please come out and support them!!
-- There are two Death Valley Doubles on this schedule because it was a huge event in 1999 and overloaded the Hotels ... so this will allow the area to handle the large number of cyclists. If you complete both the Death Valley Double in the Fall and Spring, you will get credit for two Doubles in the year 2000 season.
-- Link to new Route 66 Double Web Page
-- Link to new Death Valley Double Web Page
July 30, 1999
- Updated the 1999 Race Across America Photos and Hot Item Updates Web Page to include:
-- Link to Bill Peschka's Colorado RAAM Photos
-- Link to John Omohundro's Colorado RAAM Photos
-- Links to RAAMOnline.com Photos for each day
-- Hot Item Updates for each day in a Courier Font so the columns line up
Keep your eyes on the 1999 RAAM Photos and Hot Item Updates Page for all of the latest on RAAM.
July 23, 1999
- Added the 1999 Race Across America Photos and Hot Item Updates Web Page which includes:
-- A favorite photo of a huge Arizona sky on RAAM 94
-- Link to www.RAAMOnline.com
-- RAAM Book and Online Video Order Form updated with the 1998 Video
-- Link to Nick's Pre-Race Activities and Day 1 Photos
-- A new web page containing my RAAM Start Photos showing lots of the action
-- Hot Item Update from 7/22/99 8:50 P.M.
Keep your eyes on the 1999 RAAM Photos and Hot Item Updates Page for all of the latest on RAAM.
July 21, 1999
- Updated the 1999 Paris-Brest-Paris and Qualifying Brevets Web Page based on some excellent suggestions from Bill Bryant.
-- Changed the Feet of Climbing from 36,000 to 31,000 in the first paragraph.
-- Added "This photo of the start of PBP is courtesy of Audax Club Parisien who organizes it." in the first paragraph.
-- Clarified the 14th running of PBP with the details of which years PBP was ran as a Pro Race versus which years it was ran as a Randonneur event.
-- Changed the name of the Table of Contents on the page to be "PBP Table of Contents" to avoid possible confusion.
-- Added credit to Bill on the Historical Stats -- this was a huge amount of work mainly based on Bill's table from a couple of years ago.
I appreciated Bill's suggestions very much ... he's been writing a book on PBP which will hopefully be available soon!!
July 19, 1999
- On the Home Page, added a link in the Table of Contents to a new page for the 1999 Paris-Brest-Paris and Qualifying Brevets. These new web pages will contain my ride reports, analyses, and photos from the qualifying rides as well as the 750 Mile Paris-Brest-Paris event which is held once every 4 years in France. Highlights include:
-- A new introduction complete with a favorite quote from Eco-Challenge 1996:
A journey into nature -- Did you know that PBP originated in 1891 and inspired the start of the Tour de France?
Push yourself until the pain comes
Until you think you can not survive
And then go on
Here the ego will let go
Here you will be purified
Here is the moment of true prayer
Where you will feel the power of the universal language
-- Links for the Current Weather and 3-Day Forecast for Paris and Brest
-- Photo of Van Epps of Spartanburg, South Carolina, who is the first person riding an arm-powered cycle to qualify for PBP
-- Motivational Quotes
-- PBP Hot Items
-- Historical Stats for selected years from 1891 to 1995
-- Chuck's Favorite PBP Web Pages including links to:
--Randonneurs Info
--Audax Club Parisien
--History of PBP by Robert Lepertel
--Audax United Kingdom at the 14th PBP
--Harriett Fell's 1995 PBP Personal Memoir
--Matthew Chachere's 1995 PBP Personal Memoir
--Lightning Cycle's Web Page of Pete Penesyres smoking into Loudeac in 1995
--Kilgore's 1995 PBP
--John Wagner's Randonneuring Stories
--PBP 1999 General Info Page
--Journal of the 1999 Paris-Brest-Paris
--PBP 1995 Elevation Chart
--PBP 1995 Grade Chart
--Des Peres Travel
--Length Conversion
--Weather with a 3 Day Forecast for Paris
--Weather with a 3 Day Forecast for Brest
--Audax United Kingdom Randonneur Links
--Boston Brevet Series
--Seattle International Randonneurs Web Site
--Southern California Brevets
--Super Randonneur 5000 Rules
--Control Point Calculator
--Brevet Opening / Closing Time Calculator
--Checkpoint Times' Calculation Tables
My hope is that these links help you find what you're looking for in the many excellent PBP Web Pages available on the Internet!! Thanks to the many excellent Webmasters who have made such excellent contributions on these Web Sites.
July 12, 1999
- Updated the 1999 Tour de France TV Schedule Page with a new time for next Sunday's ABC coverage. Also, added a new link to the Frankie Andreu's Diary on Velo News which is loaded with Frankie's behind the scenes perspective of the tour. Every day, Frankie Andreu is filing really good stories from within the Peloton: he tells it like it is!! Just select the stage number from the top of the web page to read Frankie's Diary for any day.
July 9, 1999
- Updated the 1999 Tour de France TV Schedule Page to include times for ESPN, ESPN2, and ABC Wide World of Sports TV Coverage for the rest of the Tour de France. Lance Armstrong's amazing comeback victory in the Prologue was so impressive!! Enjoy the Tour de France!!
July 8, 1999
- On the Schedule Page, added links to the Results of the 1999 Heartbreak Double, Terrible Two, and Eastern Sierra Double. Also, updated the Results of the 1999 Devil Mountain Double to include the Worker's Ride held July 2, 1999.
- On the 1999 Potential Finisher's Page, posted the results of 1999 Death Valley Double, Central Coast Double, Heartbreak Double, and Eastern Sierra Double.
- Please fill out a Registration Form. This is an important final step for each rider so that the California Triple Crown has your latest Mailing Address for the free patch, so you'll be listed on the Club Report, so we can get your feedback on the rides, and so we can give you credit for supporting any of these rides that you volunteered on. It's easy: the form is on-line right here!! The 1999 Potential Finisher's List does not include the results of any changes indicated on your Registration Forms ... I will do that after I have posted the results of the Davis Double, Grand Tour, and Terrible Two to this list. Keep those Registration Forms coming in so I can be sure to get you the credit that you deserve!!
June 30, 1999
- On the Home Page, added a new link to a new page with the 1999 Tour de France TV Schedule including Links to Tour Coverage.
June 28, 1999
- On the 1999 Stage Race Results Page, added the results from the Terrible Two. The competition was indeed fierce this year. In his first year at competing in the California Triple Crown Stage Race, Tim Coleman from Fresno won the Stage Race. 37 Minutes back, Rich Boettner came in Second Place thanks to a most impressive time at the Devil Mountain Double where he set a new course record!! Only 1 Minute behind was Ray Plumhoff in 3rd Place. Ray was the Winner of the Stage Race last year and nearly pulled into 2nd Place by an incredible time on the Terrible Two where he came in First Place!! The Top 3 Finishers in the Stage Race, Tim, Rich, and Ray, will receive a Custom California Triple Crown Plaque, at no charge, a few weeks after the Terrible Two!! In order to help motivate the Women to tackle the Stage Race next year, the top 3 Women will also receive plaques!!
May 31, 1999
- On the 1999 Stage Race Results Page, corrected the report headings.
May 29, 1999
- On the Home Page, added a new link to a new page of results for the 1999 California Triple Crown Stage Race with a link to it from the Table of Contents. Results are in from the Devil Mountain Double held 4/17/99 and the Central Coast Double held 5/08/99. Results will be updated after the Terrible Two is held 6/26/99. The report shows the "LeaderBoard" of those riders who completed the first two Doubles, ranked by Total Overall Time. Also added to this report is a new column for "Time Back" as reported for the Tour de France and similar races. Announced that the Top 3 Finishers in the Stage Race will receive a Custom California Triple Crown Plaque, at no charge, a few weeks after the Terrible Two is over!! Congratulations to everyone who has completed the first two stages of this brutally tough series of Double Centuries!!
- On the Schedule Page, added a link to the 1999 Central Coast Double Results.
May 25, 1999
On the Home Page, under "How to Register for the California Triple Crown", added the following Top Ten Reasons to Register with the California Triple Crown:
10. It's easy ... just print the form, fill it out, and mail it in!!
9. We need to make sure you get credit for all of the rides you did. It's all based on the correct spelling of your name and the Registration Form insures we get it right.
8. The Davis Double frequently has over 1300 Finishers. Without a Registration Form, you may not get credit for completing the Davis Double.
7. Similary, the Grand Tour has lots of Finishers. The Registration Form insures that you get credit for the rides you did.
6. We need your Club affiliation for the Club Report Web Page. The Registration Form is where we pick up the Club you're with.
5. We need your feedback on the rides so the organizers know where they can make improvements for next year.
4. We need to know what rides you volunteered on and supported this year. This is important for us to recognize your help to insure that these rides will continue.
3. If you have an E-mail address, we like to know it so we can communicate easily with you about any problems with the rides you did, etc.
2. We need your current address in order to send you the California Triple Crown patch and Finisher's Letter. If we don't have your current address, your patch may go into the U.S. Post Office's Twilight Zone never to be seen again.
1. Where else can you write memories of your rides on the margins of a form?
On the 1999 Potential Finishers Page, added the results from the Butterfield Double as well as a link to "How to Register for the California Triple Crown." Also, made some corrections for the Hemet and Devil Mountain Double results.
On the 1999 Ride Schedule Page, updated the link to the 1999 Death Valley Double Results. Updated the 1999 Devil Mountain Results with some corrections based on E-Mails I received. Also updated all of the links to the Terrible Two to reflect new addresses based on the new Santa Rosa Cycling Club Server.
May 18, 1999
On the Home Page, added a new page for 1999 Potential Finishers which is a preliminary report showing those Cyclists who have completed the 1999 Solvang Double, Hemet Double, or Devil Mountain Double. The Death Valley Double results are still being finalized. It is important to understand that only those Cyclists who complete 3 or More of the Double Centuries in the series will be Finishers in the California Triple Crown when that determination is made later this summer.
It was amazing to see that of the 278 Solvang Double Finishers, 70 were Cyclists who had never ridden a Double Century before in the California Triple Crown since it was started in 1990!! We welcome these new Cyclists and hope they'll "go the distance" in completing their first California Triple Crown!!
May 5, 1999
On the Home Page, added the ability to download a Microsoft Word version of the Registration Form as well as a new Registration Form Web page.
On the Registration Forms, we are asking about which Doubles you have helped to support this year. These rides can only continue if volunteers (spelled Y-O-U) jump in and help. We will be tracking this on the Web Site. Be aware: we are considering changing the rules next year so that you will have to support at least one Double in order to be a member of the Thousand Mile Club. It's not enough to just ride the rides because if that's all everyone does, these major adventures will go the way of the dinosaurs!! It's not easy running Rest Stops 200+ Miles from nowhere so each of these rides need YOUR help. Besides that, it's fun to help out your fellow cyclists and get a chance to talk to some really great people.
On the Schedule and Info Pages, updated George Pinney's Address and Phone Number.
On the Order Form Page, changed the instructions for downloading the Microsoft Word version of the Order Form to be like that of the Registration Form.
April 29, 1999
On the Home Page, Product Page, and Order Form Page, changed my E-Mail Address from CBrams@aol.com to CBrams@CalTripleCrown
April 26, 1999
On the Schedule Page, added a link to the 1999 Death Valley Double Results, added a link to the 1999 Hemet Double Results, added a link to the 1999 Devil Mountain Double Results, and added a link to the 1999 Butterfield Double Results. The Devil Mountain Double is the first of Three Double Centuries in the 1999 California Triple Crown Stage Race. Richard Boettner set a New Course Record on the Devil Mountain Double of 12:53 -- he never got off the bike!!
On the 1998 Devil Mountain Double Results Page, corrected the results to show the Tandem Team of Richard Boettner and Chuck Doyle as being Co-Winners with the Solo Rider Niles Guthrie. Also acknowledged the Tandem Team of Richard Boettner and Chuck Doyle as holders of the Tandem Record with a time of 14:09.
April 14, 1999
On the Schedule Page, added a link to the 1999 Solvang Double Results, added a link to the new Devil Mountain Double Web Site, and updated the link to the 1999 Davis Double Web Page.
March 23, 1999
On the Schedule Page, changed the link to Jim Watrous's Hemet Double Web Page to the new 1999 Web Pages on Jim Watrous's Web Site.
January 29, 1999
- On the Home Page, added a link in the Table of Contents to a new page for the 1999 Paris-Brest-Paris Brevets. These new web pages will contain my ride reports, analyses, and photos from these qualifying rides to prepare for the 750 Mile Paris-Brest-Paris event which is held once every 4 years in France. Highlights of the new 200 Kilometer Brevet Web Page include:
-- A complete super detailed engineering analysis of the event
(They don't call me Mr. Nit Picker for nothing you know!!)
-- Heart Rate Analysis complete with a Graph
-- Food Spreadsheet showing Calories and Sodium Intake
-- Memorable Quotes from the Ride
-- Things That Worked and Didn't Work on the Ride
-- A photo of a Dog House on Jack Rabbit Trail
-- Shots of the world famous Agua Mansa Cemetery and Industrial Park
-- Many other fun photos from a pretty good day of cycling
- On the Home Page, removed the links in the Table of Contents for the 1997 Furnace Creek 508 and 1998 Race Across America Web Site because these links can be found on the Favorites Web Site page.
January 12, 1999
- On the Home Page, updated the following reports with over 100 updates as a result of E-Mails and Letters from 1998 Finishers and Organizers:
1. 1998 Winners Report Sorted By Name
2. 1998 Winners Report Sorted By Number of 1998 Doubles
3. 1998 Winners Report Sorted By Number of Doubles: 1990-1998
4. 1998 Thousand Mile Club
5. 1998 Winners Report Sorted By Club
Here is the Club Leaderboard:
The Davis Bike Club continues in First Place with 19 Finishers.
Fresno is in Second Place with 17 Finishers.
Orange County Wheelmen is in Third Place with 13 Finishers.
Santa Rosa follows in Fourth Place with 12 Finishers.
The Bicycle Club of Irvine moved up to Fifth Place with 11 Finishers.
Almaden dropped down to Sixth Place with 10 Finishers.
The Los Angeles Wheelmen is in Seventh Place with 8 Finishers.
- The new Voler Jerseys continue to sell like hotcakes!! I initially ordered 100 of them which were all sold in November. In December, I placed another order with Voler for 25 which were sold by the end of December. If you ordered a Voler Jersey before 12/1/98 and haven't received it, you should receive it in the next week or so. I will be placing another order with Voler for another batch of Jerseys which should arrive in March. Thanks for your support on this new project.
- Here's the status on the T-Shirts: We've had a hard time getting the transfers built for the T-Shirts this year due to some new artwork that has held them up. The transfers should be available in the next week or so -- and once we receive the transfers, the T-Shirts will be built and shipped in the order we received the orders. We hope to have all of them out by the end of the month -- if we receive the transfers soon.
- We are still taking orders for the California Triple Crown products even though the order form had a deadline of December 1, 1998 on it. So send in those orders!! If you don't have an order form, go to the Products Page then to Order Form page, print it, fill it out and send it in!! We'll do our best to fill your order as soon as possible.
November 17, 1998
- On the Home Page, changed the link from 1998 to 1999 California Triple Crown Rides with links to their Web Sites.
- On the 1999 California Triple Crown Rides page, added all of the 1999 Double Century rides dates. Changed some of the Ride Descriptions in the table at the top of the page. On the Death Valley Double, added "Good beginner's course per Bicyclist Magazine" but I have to wonder: Have they ever seen the wind blow out there? Increased the Feet of Climbing on the Central Coast Double from 13,000 to 13,200 Feet. Added new addresses for Hugh Murphy and George Pinney.
- On the What is the California Triple Crown, Thousand Mile Club, and Stage Race page, added new addresses for Hugh Murphy and George Pinney. Updated the Stage Race information to include: In 1999, the California Triple Crown Stage Race will consist of the following Three Most Difficult Doubles in the California Triple Crown: Devil Mountain Double, Central Coast, and Terrible Two. The Total Elapsed Time from each of these grueling Doubles is then added together and the rider with the fastest overall time for all Three Doubles wins the Stage Race. Also, added the Stage Race Tandem Rule: If you ride any Stage on a tandem, you must ride all three Stages on a tandem with the same partner.
November 14, 1998
- On the Home Page, moved the link to the 1998 Race Across America Start Line Photos to the Hot Item Updates Page. Added a new page of photos of Michael Shermer which can be found by selecting the following:
1. 1998 Race Across America Photos and Hot Item Updates
2. Chuck Bramwell's 1998 Start Line Photos
3. At the bottom of that page, 1998 Race Across America Photos of Michael Shermer
- The new Voler Jerseys are selling like hotcakes!! I ordered 100 of them. As of today, we have sold over 70 of them!! Thanks for your support on this new project.
October 20, 1998
- 288 Finisher's packets left Irvine on Monday October, 19, 1998. These contained a Finisher's letter, a Finisher's report, an Order Form, a Customization Form, and a 1999 Schedule. If you are listed as a 1998 Finisher but have not received your Finisher's packet by October 26, 1998, please send me an E-Mail with your current mailing address so I can look into the problem.
- On the Home Page, changed the link to the Awards page to link to a new California Triple Crown Products page. Added a new Products Page complete with photos and detailed descriptions of each of the following brand new products:
--Voler Jersey
--Custom Jersey
--Custom T-Shirt
--Specialized Water Bottle
--Custom Plaque
--Custom Mug
--Custom Mouse Pad
--Custom Bandana
--California Triple Crown Patch
Added a new Order Form Page which includes the Customization form. Added the option of downloading the Order Form and Customization Form as Microsoft Word Document files. Added a new Frequently Asked Questions Page for these products. Let me know if you have any other questions and I'll add the good ones to this page. We're excited about these new products and hope you will be as well!!
October 9, 1998
- On the Home Page, removed the Potential Winner's List. Added the 1998 Winners Report Sorted by Name, 1998 Winners Report Sorted by Number of Doubles, 1998 Winners Report Sorted by Number of Doubles: 1990-1998, and 1998 Winners Report Sorted by Club. All of these reports reflect the results of all of the 1998 Results that I know of at this time as well as a final check with the California Triple Crown Registration Forms. Updated the number of 1998 California Triple Crown Finishers in the Table to be 288. The Final 1998 Thousand Mile Club Web Page was posted as well. Now, I just need to write the Winner's Letter and finalize last minute decisions regarding this year's products. By the way, I have received 500 Specialized Water Bottles with our California Triple Crown Logo silk screened beautifully in 6 brilliant colors (just like on the home page). You won't believe how nice they came out!! Ordering info will be in the Winner's Letters.
- Special recognition goes out to David Nakai, Robert Pelzar, John Robbins, and Jonathon Woo who completed all 11 Double Centuries in the California Triple Crown Series this year!! See the 1998 Winners Report Sorted By Number of 1998 Doubles to check out who completed 10, 9, 8, or even 3 of these hard rides.
- The 1998 Winners Report Sorted By Total Number of Doubles: 1990-1998 includes all Past and Present California Triple Crown Winners even if they didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year. Congratulations to Jim Von Tungeln who was the first person to ride 50 Double Centuries for a total of 10,000 Miles!! If you see someone on this report who didn't complete the California Triple Crown this year, please encourage them to get back on the saddle and join us again next year!! Riding Double Centuries is a great way to have big goals helping you to stay in good shape!!
- The 1998 Winners Report Sorted By Club shows some interesting competition between the Clubs in California. Congratulations to the following California Clubs on the Leaderboard with the California Triple Crown:
--Davis Bike Club with 15 Finishers
--Fresno Cycling Club with 14 Finishers
--Orange County Wheelmen with 11 Finishers
--Santa Rosa Cycling Club with 10 Finishers
--Almaden Cycle Touring Club with 10 Finishers
--Bicycle Club of Irvine with 9 Finishers
--Los Angeles Wheelmen with 8 Finishers
- It's one thing to complete Three Double Centuries in a year -- it's a whole other matter to complete Five or More Doubles in a single year. The Thousand Mile Club report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 1998!! Congratulations to each of these 96 Cyclists!!
On the Schedule Page, removed the reference to the Death Valley Make Up ride since it's already been held. Moved Hemet back into it's April position in the table to prepare for the 1999 Schedule which will be coming soon. Added links to Hemet results for 1986 to 1998. Added links to the Central Coast Double to reflect the new Web Site structure including results for 1995 to 1998. Revised the link to the Davis Double and Elevation Chart. Removed the description to the Terrible Two since it was too long and is available at the Terrible Two Web Site which is linked here anyway. Added a link to the 1998 Terrible Two results, 1998 Team Bikeaholics Terrible Two Report, Terrible Two Course Records, and Terrible Two Finishers Sorted by Name. Added a link to 1998 Grand Tour results.
October 3, 1998
- On the Home Page, updated the Page for the 1998 Potential Winners to include the final results from the Davis Double. Now, I just need to double check all results with the CTC Registration Forms, write the Winner's Letter and finalize last minute decisions regarding this year's products.
September 25, 1998
- On the Home Page, updated the Page for the 1998 Potential Winners to include the results from the Grand Tour. The number of Potential Finishers increased from 604 to 729. This report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least one Double Century in 1998. This preliminary report will be removed from the Web Site on or about October 1, 1998 and replaced with the final Winners report showing only those who completed at least 3 Double Centuries this year. Please report any problems as soon as possible. Also, added the Grand Tour to the 1998 California Triple Crown Thousand Mile Club Web Page. The number of cyclists riding at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries increased from 71 to 96. These reports include the Death Valley Double and Make Up Rides, Solvang Double, Hemet Double, Devil Mountain Double, Butterfield Double, Central Coast Double, Davis Double, Heartbreak Double, Terrible Two, Grand Tour and Eastern Sierra Doubles.
Status of the Winner's Letters, Order Forms for Products, and Patches: I have been busy working with Voler on a new Jersey option for the California Triple Crown. The design process has taken well over 100 hours since June of 1998. I hope to have a Graphic and detailed product description ready soon for www.CalTripleCrown.com so you will be able to see what the Voler Jersey will look like. The White PACE Jersey with your Customized Rides around the California Triple Crown Logo will also be available as an option to the fully sublimated Voler Jersey.
I have also been busy working with Specialized on a California Triple Crown Water Bottle. This new product should be nothing but first class. Again, I hope to have a Graphic and detailed product description ready soon for www.CalTripleCrown.com so you will be able to see what this new California Triple Crown Water Bottle will look like.
In terms of the California Triple Crown Database, I need to to repost the results from the Davis Double because initially we thought it would be fine to just post those riders who checked a box on the ride application -- I have now received many requests for California Triple Crown credit for the Davis Double even though they didn't check the box on the application. Then I need to double check all results with the CTC Registration Forms. All of this posting should take a week or two.
Last year, I mailed the Winner's Letter, Patch, and Order Form for Products out 9/15/97 with an Order Deadline of 10/15/98. This year, I am now shooting for the mailing out the first week of October with an Order Deadline of 11/1/98. Sorry for the delay -- I think it will definitely be worth it with some major upgrades to our 1998 California Triple Crown Products.
September 8, 1998
- On the Home Page, updated the Page for the 1998 Potential Winners to include the results from the Hemet Double. The number of Potential Finishers increased from 598 to 604. This report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least one Double Century in 1998. Also, added the Hemet Double to the 1998 California Triple Crown Thousand Mile Club Web Page. The number of cyclists riding at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries increased from 63 to 71. These reports include the Death Valley Double and Make Up Rides, Solvang Double, Hemet Double, Devil Mountain Double, Butterfield Double, Central Coast Double, Davis Double, Heartbreak Double, Terrible Two, and Eastern Sierra Doubles. These reports will be updated soon to include the results from the Grand Tour.
August 21, 1998
- On the Home Page, updated the Page for the 1998 Potential Winners to include the results from the Terrible Two. The number of Potential Finishers increased from 534 to 598. This report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least one Double Century in 1998. Also, added the Terrible Two to the 1998 California Triple Crown Thousand Mile Club Web Page. The number of cyclists riding at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries increased from 56 to 63. These reports include the Death Valley Double and Make Up Rides, Solvang Double, Devil Mountain Double, Butterfield Double, Central Coast Double, Davis Double, Heartbreak Double, Terrible Two, and Eastern Sierra Doubles. These reports will be updated soon to include the results from the Hemet Double and Grand Tour.
August 18, 1998
- On the Home Page, updated the Page for the 1998 Potential Winners to include the results from the Davis Double and the Terrible Two Finishers who did the California Triple Crown Stage Race. The number of Potential Finishers increased from 450 to 534. This report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least one Double Century in 1998. Also, added the Eastern Sierra Double to the 1998 California Triple Crown Thousand Mile Club Web Page. The number of cyclists riding at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries increased from 38 to 56. These reports include the Death Valley Double and Make Up Rides, Solvang Double, Devil Mountain Double, Butterfield Double, Central Coast Double, Davis Double, Heartbreak Double and Eastern Sierra Doubles. These reports will be updated soon to include the results from the Hemet, Terrible Two, and Grand Tour Doubles.
August 14, 1998
- On the Home Page, updated the Page for the 1998 Potential Winners to include the results from the Heartbreak Double and the Eastern Sierra Double. This report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least one Double Century in 1998. Also, added the Eastern Sierra Double to the 1998 California Triple Crown Thousand Mile Club Web Page. These reports include the Death Valley Double and Make Up Rides, Solvang Double, Devil Mountain Double, Butterfield Double, Central Coast Double, Heartbreak Double and Eastern Sierra Doubles. These reports will be updated soon to include the results from the Hemet, Davis, Terrible Two, and Grand Tour Doubles.
August 13, 1998
On the 1998 Race Across America Hot Items Update Page, added links in chronological order to each www.RAAMOnline.com photo page as well as new Hot Item Update Pages. Included the interview with Team Tyler on Good Morning America, a comparison of Gerry Tatrai vs. Wolfgang Fasching, and a Final Analysis of the Race. This completes all of my reports for the 1998 Race Across America.
July 30, 1998
On the 1998 Race Across America Hot Items Update Page, added links in chronological order to each www.RAAMOnline.com photo page as well as new Hot Item Update Pages. Also, added a new Web Page for the RAAM Book and Video Order Form -- I've recently been watching those good old Videos and am struck all over again at how great they are. Catch RAAM Fever!! Stay tuned for more to follow!!
July 28, 1998
On the Home Page, added a link to the 1998 Race Across America Hot Item Updates which consists of a series of Race Status Reports which I sent out to the Ultra Cycling E-Mail Forum. Also included are some analysis reports: How Fast Do RAAM Riders Ride a Century?, Double Century?, Pete Penseyre's Average Speed Record, and tons of RAAM Hot Items!! Stay tuned for more to follow!!
July 25, 1998
On the Home Page, added a link to the 1998 Race Across America Start Line Photos and added this new Web Page with my first 6 Photos. Stay tuned for more to follow!!
July 22, 1998
On the Home Page, added a link to the 1998 Race Across America Web Site which includes Daily Updates, Excellent Bios with photos of the riders, the entire Route in detail, as well as lots of great RAAM Stuff!! Also added this link to Chuck Bramwell's Favorite Web Sites Page, under Cycling - Really Big Goals and Adventures.
On the Schedule Page, added links to 1997 Rainbow Double Results Page, 1998 Heartbreak Double Results Page, 1996 Terrible Two Results Page, 1998 Eastern Sierra Double Results Page, Jim Watrous's Hemet Double Web Page, 1997 Hemet Double Results Page, and 1996 Hemet Double Results Page.
On this What's New Page, removed all of the 1997 What's New Items to a new page. Added a link to that new page at the bottom of this What's New Page. This Web Page was just getting too big!!
July 21, 1998
- On the 1998 Tour de France TV Schedule Page, made the following changes:
- Updated the TV Schedule with some new changes.
- Added a link to Bicycling Magazine's coverage.
- Updated the description on Bicyclist Magazine.
- Added a link to CNN / Sports Illustrated's coverage.
- Added a link to ESPN Sportszone's coverage.
- Updated the description on Great Outdoors.com.
- Added a link to le Tour de France, the Official Web Site of the Tour de France.
- Removed the link to Outside Magazine since they aren't covering the Tour this year.
- Added a link to the U.S. Postal Cycling Team's Web Page.
- Added a link to Yahoo! Tour de France's coverage.
July 3, 1998
- On the Home Page, added a new link to a new page with the 1998 Tour de France TV Schedule with Links to Tour Coverage.
June 29, 1998
- On the Home Page, updated the page for the 1998 California Triple Crown Stage Race with the following changes:
- Added Robert Pelzar in 11th Place who was missed on the initial results.
- Changed the Home Town for Jeanie Barnett to Martinez.
June 26, 1998
- On the Home Page, updated the page for the 1998 California Triple Crown Stage Race with the following changes:
- Updated the description of these Three of the Hardest, Most Grueling Double Centuries on this planet.
- Added the Total Feet of Climbing (42,000!!) to the Description.
- Added the Total Miles (600) to the Description.
- Added the Statistics to the 1998 Terrible Two paragraph.
- Added the Age of each Rider to the Stage Race Report.
- Added the Home Town of each Rider to the Stage Race Report.
- Added the times from the Terrible Two and recomputed the Times Back for each Rider.
- Added the Tandem Rule to the description of the 1999 Stage Race.
- Added a special paragraph for the Three Top Riders on the Podium this year: Ray Plumhoff in First Place, Paul McKenzie in Second Place, and Mike Chester in Third Place.
- Added a special paragraph for the Never-Say-Die Determination of Rich Boettner and Chuck Doyle who ran into a major mechanical breakdown on the Terrible Two.
June 17, 1998
- On the Home Page, updated the page for the 1998 California Triple Crown Stage Race with the following changes:
- Totally rewrote the description of these Three of the Hardest, Most Grueling Double Centuries on this planet. Included links to the Elevation Charts for the Central Coast and Terrible Two Doubles. Added statistics for each of the rides to this page.
- Removed the Tandem Indicator from Jennie Phillips and Karl Schilling.
- Changed Tom Harriman's Central Coast Time from 17:36 to 17:38.
- Changed John Robbin's Central Coast Time from 19:19 to 19:16.
- Added Mike Erwin since he has finished the Central Coast and Heartbreak Doubles.
- On the Home Page, updated the pages for the 1996 and 1997 California Triple Crown Stage Race with a Total Time column that does not have a Days column but instead displays the Total Hours for the three Double Centuries. Also, added a Time Back column to these reports.
- On the Home Page, added a link to a new Page for the 1998 Thousand Mile Club. This report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least One Thousand Miles in Double Centuries in 1998!! The additional challenge here is that completing at least five of these events requires the cyclist to complete at least two of the more difficult Double Centuries.
- On the Home Page, added a link to a new Page for the 1998 Potential Winners. This report shows those Cyclists who have ridden at least Double Century in 1998.
- On the Schedule Page, added a link to the 1998 Central Coast Double Results, updated the link to the 1997 Central Coast Double Results, and added a link to the Terrble Two Map and Elevation Chart.
- On Chuck Bramwell's Favorite Web Sites Page, updated the links to the Orange County Wheelmen Web Site and to the Santa Rosa Bike Club Web Site.
June 7, 1998
- On the Home Page, added a new link to a new page of results for the 1998 California Triple Crown Stage Race with a link to it from the Table of Contents. Results are in from the Central Coast Double held 5/09/98 and the Heartbreak Double held 5/30/98. Results will be updated after the Terrible Two is held 6/20/98. The report shows the "LeaderBoard" of those riders who completed the first two Doubles, ranked by Total Overall Time. Also added to this report is a new column for "Time Back" as reported for the Tour de France and similar races. Congratulations to everyone who has completed the first two stages of this brutally tough series of Double Centuries!!
- On the Schedule Page, updated links to the Death Valley Web Site, the 1998 Death Valley Results, the Solvang Web Site, and the Butterfield Web Site. Please send me an E-Mail if you encounter any bad links on any of the pages in this Web Site!!
May 23, 1998
- On the Schedule Page, changed the date on the Hemet Double from 6/13/98 to 8/01/98 according to the final decision by ride director Jim Watrous. Course description remains the same with 5000 feet of climbing.
May 15, 1998
- On the Home Page, updated "How to Register for the California Triple Crown" to reflect where to find the Registration Forms in 1998 -- they are available at all of the Doubles from the Central Coast Double to the end of the Double Schedule.
- On the Schedule Page, made the following changes:
- Under the Death Valley Double, added a link to the 1998 Death Valley Double by Team Bikeaholics.
- Under the Devil Mountain Double, added a new link to a new page of results for the 1998 Devil Mountain Double, showing the Elapsed Time for each 60 Finishers. This EXTREMELY DIFFICULT RIDE was held April 18, 1998 and there were 79 Riders Registered, 75 Started, and 60 Finished. 15 Did Not Finish this tough ride with over 18,000 Feet of Climbing. Also, added a link to the 1998 Devil Mountain Double by Team Bikeaholics.
- Under the Davis Double, added a new link to an Elevation Chart for the Davis Double.
- Under the Eastern Sierra Double, added a link to the 1998 Eastern Sierra Double by Team Bikeaholics.
May 7, 1998
- On the Schedule Page, made the following changes:
- Under the Death Valley Double, changed the links to the 1997 and 1996 Death Valley Double Results.
- Under the Solvang Double, changed the link to the 1998 Results.
- Under the Butterfield Double, added a link to the 1998 Results.
- Under the Heartbreak Double, changed the link to the Heartbreak Double Web Page and changed the link to the 1997 Results.
- Under the Eastern Sierra Double, changed the link to the Eastern Sierra Web Page and changed the link to the 1997 Results.
April 17, 1998
- On the Information Page, clarified the Doubles included in the 1998 California Triple Crown Stage Race: In 1998, riders have to complete the following Three Difficult Doubles in the California Triple Crown: Central Coast, Heart Break, and the Terrible Two.
In 1999, the California Triple Crown Stage Race will consist of the following Three Most Difficult Doubles in the California Triple Crown: Devil Mountain Double, Central Coast, and Terrible Two.
- On the Schedule Page, made the following changes:
- Under the Solvang Double, changed the link to Hugh Murphy's Solvang Double.
- Under the Davis Double, changed the link to the Davis Bike Club's Web Site which was moved to a new Computer.
- Under the Grand Tour, added a link to the Los Angeles Wheelmen Club Web Site with good info on the Grand Tour.
- On Chuck Bramwell's Favorite Web Sites Page, made the following changes:
- Under Cycling - Bike Clubs and Teams, changed the link to the Davis Bike Club's Web Site which was moved to a new Computer.
- Added a link to the Los Angeles Wheelmen Club Web Site who organize the Los Angeles Wheelmen Grand Tour consisting of 200, 300, and 400 Mile Options. Nice Features: Full Grand Tour registration form is online and nice jersey image.
April 9, 1998
- On the Home Page, under the Table of Contents, changed the link from "What is the California Triple Crown?" to "What is the California Triple Crown, Thousand Mile Club, and Stage Race?" Removed the prior link to "What is the California Triple Crown Stage Race?" since this is now explained under the first link.
- Under the Table of Past Winners, added a line for the 1990 Winners of which there were just 32 Cyclists and added a line for the 1991 Winners of which there were just 75 Cyclists.
- Under Rides to Start With, changed the Rainbow Double to the Butterfield Double.
- On the Information Page, changed the title to be "The California Triple Crown, Thousand Mile Club, and Stage Race." Changed the Rainbow Double to the Butterfield Double.
- Added a new section for the Thousand Mile Club:The Thousand Mile Club includes only those select cyclists who complete at least five of the Doubles -- thereby, riding ONE THOUSAND MILES IN DOUBLE CENTURIES in that year!! The additional challenge here is that completing at least five of these events requires the cyclist to complete at least two of the more difficult Double Centuries.
These select riders will then have an additional banner added to their California Triple Crown Jersey / T-Shirt specifying "Thousand Mile Club". In addition, these folks will be listed on a Thousand Mile Report on this Web Site.
No additional forms are needed to be filled out -- all you have to do (as though this part is supposed to be easy) is register for and complete at least five of the Doubles on the schedule.
- Added a new section for the Stage Race: Riders have to complete the Three Most Difficult Doubles in the California Triple Crown: Central Coast, Heart Break, and the Terrible Two. The Total Elapsed Time from each of these grueling Doubles is then added together and the rider with the fastest overall time for all Three Doubles wins the Stage Race.
Results of those select Riders who complete these Three Tough Events are posted on this Web Site. These finishers are then able to purchase a California Triple Crown Stage Race Jersey / T-Shirt.
No additional forms are needed to be filled out -- all you have to do (as though this part is supposed to be easy) is register for and complete the toughest of the tough, EXTREMELY DIFFICULT Double Centuries.
- On the Schedule Page, made the following changes:
- Under the Death Valley Double, moved the 1998 links to be above the 1997 links so the most recent event is first.
- Under the Solvang Double, added a link to the 1998 Solvang Double Results on the new Badwater Adventure Sports Web Site.
- Under the Escondido Double, changed all references to the Butterfield Double. Changed the Description in the Schedule Table to be: "Ride the Butterfield Stage Route of the 1890's". Added a link to Hugh Murphy's Butterfield Double Web Site. Totally rewrote the Ride Description for the Butterfield Double:
An easier route has been designed for 1998!! Starting at the Best Western Anaheim Hills, you will travel through Santa Ana Canyon, Corona and Temescal Canyon, before heading for Lake Elsinore. You will ride around the south side of the lake before arriving at Murrietta. You will then ride to Warner Hot Springs and return through Lake Henshaw and Pala then the north side of Lake Elsinore en route to Tom's Farms and the finish at Anaheim Hills.
The total elevation gain on the course is about 7300 feet and there are no steep climbs. The only major climb is between Pala and Temecula and it is about 5.5 miles. This course does not include the climb to the top of Palomar Mountain.
Throughout the ride you will notice many streets and landmarks with Butterfield in the title in memory of the old Butterfield Stage Coach route from a Century Past!!
- Jim Watrous has decided to change the date on the Hemet Double from 4/11/98 to 6/13/98. Changed the Feet of Climbing in the Table to be 5000 Feet. Changed the Description in the Schedule Table to be: Both 100 mile loops are super fast. Wine country and Lake Skinner added.
Changed the Ride Description to be: two 100 mile loops which are fast and good beginning type loops for first timers. The first loop includes Lake Perris, Lake Mathews, Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lakes. The second loop includes the wine country of Temecula and Lake Skinner. Either loop can be done as a single century.- Added a link to the new Central Coast Double Web Site which has tons of information on this ride with many nice features including a very impressive 3-D Elevation Chart and a cool map of Paso Robles!! Changed the link for the Elevation Chart to point to the much enhanced 3-Dimensional Chart housed on the Central Coast Double Web Site. Changed the link for the 1997 Central Coast Double Results to point to the Results Page on the Central Coast Double Web Site.
- Under the Heartbreak Double, moved the 1996 report by Muffy Ritz and Steve Born to be below the 1997 results so that the most recent event links are first.
- On Chuck Bramwell's Favorite Web Sites Page, made the following changes:
- Under Cycling - Bike Clubs and Teams, changed the Hugh Murphy Productions link to Badwater Adventure Sports and changed the link to point to the new Badwater Web Site.
- Changed the reference to the Escondido Double to be the Butterfield Double.
- Added a link to BMS Cycling who organizes the Central Coast Double and this Web Site has tons of information including a very impressive 3-D Elevation Chart as well as a cool map of Paso Robles!!
- Under Cycling - Really Big Goals and Adventures, removed the link to the 1996 Race Across America Web Site which is no longer available.
- Under Cycling - Magazines on the Internet, added a link to Bicyling Magazine which is the World's Largest Cycling Publication and has a Web Site here that is growing fast and strong by leaps and bounds!! Nice features: Daily Race Results, Product Reviews, and Training Tips. Skill Center has 16 excellent full length articles on topics such as "Training for a Century". Go to "Gear" then "New Products" then "Products - Lights" and check out a good review of Lighting Systems from the Jan/Feb 1998 Issue!!
- Under Cycling - Magazines on the Internet, changed the link to Bicycle Guide to Bicyclist Road Bike Magazine with a very complete Web Site including road tests and the latest cycling news!! Tons of articles are on-line here and are searchable via the search button!!
March 13, 1998
- On the Information Page, changed the address for the Grand Tour based on E-Mail from ride organizer Lisa Shelley:
Los Angeles Wheelmen
322 Culver Boulevard, #245
Playa del Rey, CA 90293
- On the Schedule Page, made the following changes:
- Jim Watrous has decided to change the date on the Hemet Double from 4/11/98 to 6/13/98. Jim is looking at a new route for the Hemet Double so the Feet of Climbing and Ride Description will "Be Announced".
- Added a Death Valley Double Make Up Ride on 5/02/98 due to the El Nino winter. Added the following to the Ride Description: Due to the El Nino's attack this winter, a make up Death Valley Double ride has been added for 5/02/98. Any riders who completed the February Death Valley Double are welcome to participate in this Make Up Ride. However, no matter how crazy El Nino has made life, only one California Triple Crown Credit for Death Valley will be given in 1998.
- Added a link to the 1998 Death Valley Double Results. I missed this ride in February because I was at the PAC Tour Training Camp in Arizona learning tons about cycling from Lon Haldeman, Susan Notorangelo, Pete Penesyres, John Hughes and the other chief wizards of the sport (By the way, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this Training Camp to anyone!!). However, I heard the wildflowers were the best ever in Death Valley and there was so much water in the Valley that someone was kayaking down near Badwater???!!!
- On Chuck Bramwell's Favorite Web Sites Page, under Cycling - Really Big Goals and Adventures, added a link to Breaking Away Vacations. Have you ever dreamed of riding the same route as the Tour de France or the Giro D'Italia? Breaking Away describes how they can make your dream a reality on this Web Site!! Other famous European Routes are available as well as Tours of Napa and the California Sierras.
February 19, 1998
- On the Schedule Page, updated the links to the Outstanding Team Bikeaholics Pages for the Death Valley Double, Heartbreak Double, and the Terrible Two Double. The more I look at these Team Bikeaholics Pages, the more I like them!! In fact, I've applied to be a member of Team Bikeaholics and if I pass the initiation tests, I might just be an official Bikeaholic one of these days!!
- On Chuck Bramwell's Favorite Web Sites Page, under Cycling - Bike Clubs and Teams, updated the link to Team Bikeaholics. Added the critical words "Precision Racing" to the link. On Hugh Murphy's 200KM Brevet in early February, I saw the new 1998 Team Bikeaholics Jersey worn by Craig Robertson: one VERY HOT LOOKING JERSEY!!
The 34 Early Warning Signs of Bikeaholism are absolutely required reading -- great stuff. For example, Warning Sign #28: You pull your car into the driveway and subconsciously twist your heel to clip out of the accelerator!! Is that perfect or what?
February 14, 1998
- On the Schedule Page, changed the Escondido Double Feet of Climbing to be 7300 Feet and changed the link on the Heartbreak Double to the new 1998 Web Pages on Hugh Murphy's Web Site.
- On the Training Tips Page, added John's PAC Tours to his Biography.
- On Chuck Bramwell's Favorite Web Sites Page, updated the following links:
- Under Cycling - Bike Clubs and Teams, updated the link to "Links to Every Bike Club in California" to go to the new Web Site Location. Also updated the link to "All Mailing Lists" on that Web Site.
- Under Nutrition - Bars, had to remove the link to Stoker Bars since it was no longer operational. Updated the link to MLO Hard Body Energy Bars to go to the MLO Products Web Site which handles all of their excellent products. Updated the link to Clif Bars to go to the new Clif Bar Web Site which describes this company's great tasting products: Clif Bars and Clif Shots. These folks were bakers by trade and use real tasty ingredients. This web site also features some cool Clif Bar products like Clif Bar Hats, Clif Shot Hats, Clif Bar Water Bottles, and Clif Bar Cycling Jerseys under Clif Gear!! Nice Feature: Ed Burke's Training Tips under Clif Notes.
- Under Cycling - Other Web Sites, updated the link to "Eric Norris, California Triple Crown Winner's Web Site" to go to his new Web Site location. Also, had to remove "Failures - Bike Part Failures Web Sites" since it was no longer operational.
- Under Schoolwork, changed the name of Schoolwork.ugh to Schoolwork.org
January 19, 1998
- On the Home Page, under Prior California Triple Crown Winners, updated the following reports with numerous changes:
- 1997 Winners Report Sorted By Name
- 1997 Winners Report Sorted By Number of 1997 Doubles
- 1997 Winners Report Sorted By Number of Doubles: 1990-1997
- 1997 Winners Report Sorted By Club
- 1997 Number of Winners in the Table -- updated from 372 to 377 Winners in 1997.
- All of the above reports are complete with all known updates as of today.
- Added a new Web Page for Training Tips including a Short Biography of John Hughes and two of his articles of Training Tips for Double Centuries. Added a link to this new page from the Home Page.
There were a lot more things accomplished in 1997 -- take a look!!
Stayed tuned for many more enhancements to this Web Site!!