California Triple Crown Order Form
The next order of Voler Products will arrive in November and December with an order deadline in September. On the Inventory Page, negative numbers "In Stock" are the numbers of that product that are on Backorder and will be shipped after they arrive from Voler in November and December. We always order many extras, but sizes and quantities cannot be guaranteed unless you enter your order before the Voler deadline in September. When you select a product, it will display the current inventory we have in stock. If we have them in stock, you’ll be able to "BUY NOW" -- otherwise, you’ll be able to "PREORDER" and your items will be delivered in November and December with the next Voler shipment. We are sorry for the delay but the California Triple Crown can only afford to place one large order to Voler per year. Orders for any products that are in stock or Custom will be sent as soon as possible after we receive your order.