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Originating in 1891, the 1,200 Kilometer non-stop Paris-Brest-Paris ride has endured to become cycling's oldest. Encouraged by the success and notoriety of the 1891 "PBP", a Frenchmen started the modern Olympics. The Tour de France was started in 1903, also inspired by Paris-Brest-Paris. PBP was ran as a Pro-Race in 1891, 1901, 1911, 1921, 1931, and 1951. A "Randonneurs" class was added in 1931 when the Audax Club Parisien started that class and was then continued in 1948, 1951, 1956, 1961, 1966, 1971, 1975, 1979, 1983, 1987, 1991, and 1995. The 1999 PBP will be 14th running of the PBP "Randonneurs" by the Audax Club Parisien. Thanks to Bill Bryant for this history. In order to qualify for "PBP", the rider must complete 4 timed qualifying rides known as Brevets. Overall time limits vary for each Brevet according to the distance -- 13:30 for the 200 KM, 20 Hours for the 300 KM, 27 Hours for the 400 KM, and 40 Hours for the 600 Kilometer Brevet. These are non-stop, unsupported events where the clock doesn't stop. Regardless of what the rider is having to deal with, if the rider is Off the Bike, the clock keeps on ticking -- just like Paris-Brest-Paris!! |
Calories Being Burned | 600 Calories Burned / Hour * 70 Hours on Bike = 42,000 Calories Being Burned or about 14,000 Calories Per Day We need to be eating all the time on the bike!! |
Number of U.S. Riders -- 1999 |
As of 7/15/99, the RUSA Organization reports that slightly over 400 applications for PBP have been processed. |
Sunrise / Sunset Times | Sunrise will be at 6:54 am in France Sunset will be at 8:52pm in France There will be a full moon on August 26th Courtesy of Jennifer Wise |
1891 | 300 Cyclists Signed Up -- 293 Men & 7 Women 209 Cyclists Started 106 Cyclists turned around at Brest 100 Cyclists Finished Charles Terront won in 71:35 Average Time: 10 Days |
1931 | Sir Hubert Opperman won overall in 49:21 Jules Tranchant won Randonneur Class in 68:30 |
1951 | 442 Cyclists Started 388 Cyclists Finished = 88% 54 Cyclists Did Not Finish = 12% |
1971 | 325 Cyclists Started 263 Cyclists Finished = 81% 62 Cyclists Did Not Finish = 19% 2 U.S. Cyclists Started 0 U.S. Cyclists Finished 2 U.S. Cyclists Did Not Finish |
1975 | 666 Cyclists Started -- 647 Men & 19 Women 554 Cyclists Finished = 83% 112 Cyclists Did Not Finish = 17% 8 U.S. Cyclists Started 4 U.S. Cyclists Finished = 50% 4 U.S. Cyclists Did Not Finish = 50% |
1979 | 1,766 Cyclists Started 1,572 Cyclists Finished = 89% 194 Cyclists Did Not Finish = 11% 35 U.S. Cyclists Started 24 U.S. Cyclists Finished = 68% 11 U.S. Cyclists Did Not Finish = 32% de Munck & Piguet were lead Men at 43:24 Susan Notorangelo was lead Solo Woman in 54:40 = Women's Record |
1983 | 2,106 Cyclists Started 1,895 Cyclists Finished = 90% 211 Cyclists Did Not Finish = 10% 107 U.S. Cyclists Started 72 U.S. Cyclists Finished = 54% 35 U.S. Cyclists Did Not Finish = 33% de Munck & Piguet were lead Men at 43:24 Susan Notorangelo was lead Solo Woman in 54:40 = Women's Record |
1987 | 2,597 Cyclists Started 2,104 Cyclists Finished = 81% 493 Cyclists Did Not Finish = 19% 230 U.S. Cyclists Started 124 U.S. Cyclists Finished = 54% 106 U.S. Cyclists Did Not Finish = 46% Rainy & Cold Conditions Scott Dickson was lead Solo Man at 44:05 Kay Ryschon was lead Solo Woman at 61 Hours |
1991 | 3,281 Cyclists Started 2,618 Cyclists Finished = 80% 663 Cyclists Did Not Finish = 20% 398 U.S. Cyclists Started -- 352 Men & 46 Women 340 U.S. Cyclists Finished = 85% 58 U.S. Cyclists Did Not Finish = 15% Scott Dickson was lead Solo Man at 43:42 Nicole Chabirand was lead Solo Woman at 59:43 |
1995 | 2,976 Cyclists Signed Up 2,860 Cyclists Started -- 2694 Men & 166 Women 2,380 Cyclists Finished = 83% 480 Cyclists Did Not Finish = 17% 283 U.S. Cyclists Started 241 U.S. Cyclists Finished = 85% 42 U.S. Cyclists Did Not Finish = 15% Scott Dickson & 8 Riders won in 43:20 = New Course Record Brigitte Kerhouet was lead Solo Woman at 44:14 = Women's Record |
Main PBP Web Sites
Randonneurs Info -- This main Web Site contains a wealth of information about the qualifying Brevets and PBP along with the forms and rules. Another most impressive Web Site by Webmaster Johnny Bertrand. Audax Club Parisien -- This is the Web Site of the club in Paris that does a fantastic job in organizing the Paris-Brest-Paris event for cyclists from around the world. Unless you are fluent in reading French, click on the Paris-Brest-Paris link on the Home Page in order to be able to read the English version. |
History of PBP Web Pages
Audax United Kingdom at the 14th Paris-Brest-Paris -- Includes some great photos in the PBP Pix Gallery include those from 1931, 1979, 1983, 1987, 1991, and 1995. Notice the Trike in the 1991 photo. Also contains a great PBP History page. Harriett Fells' 1975 PBP Personal Memoir -- An excellent journal of Harriet's ground breaking experience complete with great old Black and White photos. Harriett was one of only 8 Americans starting PBP that year ... and she was only 4 Americans finishing it!! Fantastique!! Matthew Chachère's 1995 PBP Personal Memoir -- An excellent journal of Matthew's adventure. It's well worth the time it takes to download the photos and text. Warning: it takes 21 pages if you print this Web Page out. Matthew talks about each Day of the event in great detail and includes sections on "Body and Soul", "The Bike" and "A Bit of PBP History". Highly recommended reading!! Lightning Leads at Paris-Brest-Paris 1995 -- Great photos of Pete Penesyres in a Lightning F40 on PBP 1995. Pete smoked into Loudeac in 10 Hours and 27 Minutes which is an incredible average of 26.3 Miles Per Hour over the 275 Miles!! This is so amazing to me ... but Pete is an incredible cyclist. Kilgore's 1995 PBP -- A fun page with a few photos from PBP 1995 including a recumbent tandem bike!! Great photo of the early start group and the late start group. John Wagner's Randonneuring Stories -- A fun and varied collection of accounts of PBP 1991 and 1995 by John and various other authors. |
PBP Tools
Journal of the 1999 Paris-Brest-Paris -- Like a "What's New" Page from the Audax Club Parisien Web Site with all the latest updates on the event. PBP 1995 Elevation Change -- Shows Peter Moore's Elevation Change Graph for Checkpoint to Checkpoint. Peter found that the 1995 course had a total of over 9,400 Meters of Elevation Change which is over 31,000 Feet of Climbing. For those of us in California, Paris-Brest-Paris will have about as much climbing as 7.5 back-to-back Wildflower Centuries. PBP 1995 Grade Change -- Shows Peter Moore's Grade Change Graph for Checkpoint to Checkpoint. Des Peres Travel -- Claus Claussen is a wizard on all travel aspects of Paris-Brest-Paris. Claus works at this Travel Company in St. Louis and is very helpful. Length Conversion -- This slick web page quickly converts Centimeters, Inches, Feet, Yards, Meters, Chains, Kilometers, and Miles to and from each other!! |
Brevet Information
Boston Brevet Series -- Dave Jordan and team does a great job on the Boston Brevets with all of the info here. Boston-Montreal-Boston -- All about the American version of Paris-Brest-Paris including tons of information and results from the 1997 and 1998 BMB's. Seattle International Randonneurs Web Site -- Includes all the info on the Brevets in the Seattle area. Southern California Brevets -- Information about the Brevets organized by Hugh Murphy Productions in Southern California. Super Randonneur 5000 Rules -- Contains the rules for this special award if you complete 5,000 Kilometers in Brevets. As of 1998, only 3 Americans have received this award. Control Point Calculator -- Mike DeLong from Atlanta programmed this to calculate the Open and Close Times for any Control Point on a Brevet using either Kilometers or Miles. Brevet Opening / Closing Time Calculator -- From the Randonneurs Info Web Site, this also calculates the Open and Close Times. Checkpoint Times' Calculation Tables -- These tables on the Randonneurs Info Web Site can also be used to calculate the Open and Close Times for any Control Point. |